Jessica pulled on my arm.


"Hello? Bella? What do you want?"I looked down; my ears were hot. I had no reason to feel self-conscious,I reminded myself. I hadn't done anything wrong.


"What's with Bella?" Mike asked Jessica.


"Nothing," I answered. "I'll just get a soda today." I caught up to the end of the line.


"Aren't you hungry?" Jessica asked.


"Actually, I feel a little sick," I said, my eyes still on the floor.


I waited for them to get their food, and then followed them to a table,my eyes on my feet.


I sipped my soda slowly, my stomach churning. Twice Mike asked, with unnecessary concern, how I was feeling.


I told him it was nothing, but I was wondering if I should play it up and escape to the nurse's office for the next hour.


Ridiculous. I shouldn't have to run away.


I decided to permit myself one glance at the Cullen family's table. If he was glaring at me, I would skip Biology, like the coward I was.


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