1. 配置应用程序Log文件大小

  1. Set-SPAccessServiceApplication Identity "Access Services"
  2. ApplicationLogSize 5

2. 配置缓存超时时间

  1. Set-SPAccessServiceApplication Identity "Access Services"
  2. CacheTimeout 600

3. 设置查询中的最大栏数

  1. Set-SPAccessServiceApplication Identity "Access Services"
  2. ColumnsMax 20

4. 设置查询中的最大计算栏数

  1. Set-SPAccessServiceApplication Identity "Access Services"
  2. OutputCalculatedColumnsMax 5

5. 设置子句中Order By的最大数

  1. Set-SPAccessServiceApplication Identity "Access Services"
  2. OrderByMax 2

6. 配置查询中的最大行数

  1. Set-SPAccessServiceApplication Identity "Access Services"
  2. RowsMax 10

7. 配置Access表中的最大记录数

  1. Set-SPAccessServiceApplication Identity "Access Services"
  2. RecordsInTableMax 100

8. 配置查询中的最大源数

  1. Set-SPAccessServiceApplication Identity "Access Services"
  2. SourcesMax 8

9. 配置是否启用外连接

  1. Set-SPAccessServiceApplication Identity "Access Services"
  2. OuterJoinsAllowed:$false

10. 允许或限制非远程查询

  1. Set-SPAccessServiceApplication Identity "Access Services"
  2. NonRemotableQueriesAllowed:$true

11. 限制Access Service内存利用率

  1. Set-SPAccessServiceApplication Identity "Access Services"
  2. PrivateBytesMax 1024

12. 限制会话内存利用率

  1. Set-SPAccessServiceApplication Identity "Access Services"
  2. SessionMemoryMax 50

13. 配置用户会话

  1. Set-SPAccessServiceApplication Identity "Access Services"
  2. SessionsPerUserMax 5 SessionsPerAnonymousUserMax 5

14. 限制模板大小

  1. Set-SPAccessServiceApplication Identity "Access Services"
  2. TemplateSizeMax 20

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