class MinHeap{
private ArrayList<Integer> arr;
private int DEFAULT_LEN = 10;
public MinHeap(){
arr = new ArrayList<Integer>(DEFAULT_LEN);
} //Use an existing array to build min heap
public MinHeap(ArrayList<Integer> input){
this.arr = input;
} public MinHeap(int[] input){
arr = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i = 0; i < input.length; i ++){
} //由于需要维持完全二叉树的形态,需要先将要插入的结点x放在最底层的最右边,插入后满 足完全二叉树的特点;
//时间:O(logn)。 “结点上浮”
public void insert(int val){//bot - top
botupModifyHeap(arr.size() - 1);
} //当删除顶点的数值时,原来的位置就会出现一个孔,填充这个孔的方法就是,
public int deleteTop(){//top - bot
int result = arr.get(0);
arr.set(0, arr.get(arr.size() - 1));
arr.remove(arr.size() - 1);
return result;
} public int swapTop(int val){
int result = arr.get(0);
arr.set(0, val);
return result;
} @Override
public String toString(){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i ++){
sb.append(arr.get(i) + " ");
return sb.toString();
} private void buildMinHeap(){
for(int i = arr.size() / 2 - 1; i > -1; i --){//bottom-up build min heap
} private void upbotModifyHeap(int curIndex){//top-bot modify min heap
int left = curIndex * 2 + 1;
int right = curIndex * 2 + 2;
int smallest = curIndex;
if(left < arr.size() && arr.get(left) < arr.get(smallest))
smallest = left;
if(right < arr.size() && arr.get(right) < arr.get(smallest))
smallest = right;
if(smallest != curIndex){
swap( smallest, curIndex);
} private void botupModifyHeap(int curIndex){//bottom-up modify min heap
if(curIndex == 0) return;
int parentIndex = curIndex / 2;
if(arr.get(parentIndex) > arr.get(curIndex)){
} private void swap(int aa, int bb){
int tmp = arr.get(aa);
arr.set(aa, arr.get(bb));
arr.set(bb, tmp);

Test case:

int[] input = new int[]{7,8,9,10,11,12};

MinHeap minHeap = new MinHeap(input);
// System.out.println(minHeap);
for(int i = 0; i < input.length; i ++){
minHeap.insert(i + 1);
System.out.print(minHeap.deleteTop() + " ");
for(int i = 0; i < input.length; i ++){
System.out.print(minHeap.deleteTop() + " ");
} Output:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
        MinHeap m2 = new MinHeap();
int[] i2 = new int[]{4,7,9,3,6,5,1,2,8};
for(int i = 0; i < i2.length; i ++)
for(int i = 0; i < i2.length; i ++)
System.out.print(m2.deleteTop() + " "); Output:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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