Given an integer array (index from 0 to n-1, where n is the size of this array), and an query list. Each query has two integers [start, end]. For each query, calculate the minimum number between index start and end in the given array, return the result list.


For array [1,2,7,8,5], and queries [(1,2),(0,4),(2,4)], return [2,1,5]


Use Segment tree to maintain the minimun value from index i to j.

* Definition of Interval:
* public classs Interval {
* int start, end;
* Interval(int start, int end) {
* this.start = start;
* this.end = end;
* }
public class Solution {
*@param A, queries: Given an integer array and an query list
*@return: The result list
SegmentTreeNode root; public ArrayList<Integer> intervalMinNumber(int[] A,
ArrayList<Interval> queries) {
// write your code here
ArrayList<Integer> res = new ArrayList<Integer>();
root = buildTree(A, , A.length-);
query(res, queries);
return res;
} public void query(ArrayList<Integer> res, ArrayList<Interval> queries) {
for (Interval interval : queries) {
int result = queryTree(root, interval.start, interval.end);
} public int queryTree(SegmentTreeNode cur, int start, int end) {
if (start==cur.start && end==cur.end) {
return cur.min;
int mid = (cur.start + cur.end)/;
if (end <= mid) return queryTree(cur.left, start, end);
else if (start > mid) return queryTree(cur.right, start, end);
else return Math.min(queryTree(cur.left, start, mid), queryTree(cur.right, mid+, end));
} public SegmentTreeNode buildTree(int[] A, int start, int end) {
SegmentTreeNode cur = new SegmentTreeNode(start, end);
if (start == end) {
cur.min = A[start];
else {
int mid = (start+end)/;
cur.left = buildTree(A, start, mid);
cur.right = buildTree(A, mid+, end);
cur.min = Math.min(cur.left.min, cur.right.min);
return cur;
} class SegmentTreeNode {
int min;
int start;
int end;
SegmentTreeNode left;
SegmentTreeNode right;
public SegmentTreeNode(int start, int end) {
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;

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