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  • Requests :每一个Http请求都包含了一个URL,一个请求方式(像GET或POST),一系列的请求头。Requests中同样也可能包含了一个请求体:一个特定内容类型的数据流。
  • Responses:每一个应答请求的响应包含了一个响应状态码,一些响应头,以及可选的响应体。

Rewriting Requests 重写请求

When you provide OkHttp with an HTTP request, you’re describing the request at a high-level: “fetch me this URL with these headers.” For correctness and efficiency, OkHttp rewrites your request before transmitting it.


OkHttp may add headers that are absent from the original request, including Content-Length, Transfer-Encoding, User-Agent, Host, Connection, and Content-Type. It will add an Accept-Encoding header for transparent response compression unless the header is already present. If you’ve got cookies, OkHttp will add a Cookie header with them.


Some requests will have a cached response. When this cached response isn’t fresh, OkHttp can do a conditional GET to download an updated response if it’s newer than what’s cached. This requires headers like If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match to be added.


Rewriting Responses 重写响应

If transparent compression was used, OkHttp will drop the corresponding response headers Content-Encoding and Content-Length because they don’t apply to the decompressed response body.


If a conditional GET was successful, responses from the network and cache are merged as directed by the spec.


Follow-up Requests 后续请求

When your requested URL has moved, the webserver will return a response code like 302 to indicate the document’s new URL. OkHttp will follow the redirect to retrieve a final response.

当您请求的URL已经移除时,网络服务器将返回一个响应代码(如302)以指示文档的新URL。 OkHttp将遵循重定向以获取最终响应。

If the response issues an authorization challenge, OkHttp will ask the Authenticator (if one is configured) to satisfy the challenge. If the authenticator supplies a credential, the request is retried with that credential included.

如果响应发出授权挑战,OkHttp将要求Authenticator(如果已配置)来满足挑战。 如果身份验证者提供证书,那么请求将重新包含该凭证


Retrying Requests 重发请求

Sometimes connections fail: either a pooled connection was stale and disconnected, or the webserver itself couldn’t be reached. OkHttp will retry the request with a different route if one is available.

有时连接失败:池连接过时并断开连接,或者无法访问网络服务器本身。 OkHttp将使用不同的可用路由重试该请求。



With rewrites, redirects, follow-ups and retries, your simple request may yield many requests and responses. OkHttp uses Call to model the task of satisfying your request through however many intermediate requests and responses are necessary. Typically this isn’t many! But it’s comforting to know that your code will continue to work if your URLs are redirected or if you failover to an alternate IP address.

通过重写,重定向,后续请求和重试,您的简单请求可能会产生许多请求和响应。 OkHttp使用Call来建立满足您的请求的任务,通过可能需要许多中间请求和响应。通常这不是很多! 但是这是令人安慰的事,如果您知道您的代码将继续工作,假如您的URL被重定向或者如果您的失效备援转移到备用IP地址。


  • Synchronous 同步 :发起请求的线程会阻塞直到读取到响应内容
  • Asynchronous 异步:您在任何线程上排队请求,并在响应可读时回调到另一个线程。

Calls can be canceled from any thread. This will fail the call if it hasn’t yet completed! Code that is writing the request body or reading the response body will suffer an IOException when its call is canceled.


Dispatch 调度

For synchronous calls, you bring your own thread and are responsible for managing how many simultaneous requests you make. Too many simultaneous connections wastes resources; too few harms latency.

对于同步调用,您自带线程,并负责管理您进行的多个 同时的/并发 请求。 同时连接太多浪费资源; 太少的危害延迟。

For asynchronous calls, Dispatcher implements policy for maximum simultaneous requests. You can set maximums per-webserver (default is 5), and overall (default is 64).

对于异步调用,Dispatcher实现最大同时请求的策略。 您可以设置每个网络服务器的最大值(默认值为5),或者全部(默认值为64)。



Although you provide only the URL, OkHttp plans its connection to your webserver using three types: URL, Address, and Route.


URLs 网址

URLs are fundamental to HTTP and the Internet. In addition to being a universal, decentralized naming scheme for everything on the web, they also specify how to access web resources.



They specify that the call may be plaintext (http) or encrypted (https), but not which cryptographic algorithms should be used. Nor do they specify how to verify the peer's certificates (the HostnameVerifier) or which certificates can be trusted (the SSLSocketFactory).


They don't specify whether a specific proxy server should be used or how to authenticate with that proxy server.


They're also concrete: each URL identifies a specific path (like /square/okhttp) and query (like ?q=sharks&lang=en). Each webserver hosts many URLs.


Addresses 地址

Addresses specify a webserver (like and all of the static configuration necessary to connect to that server: the port number, HTTPS settings, and preferred network protocols (like HTTP/2 or SPDY).


URLs that share the same address may also share the same underlying TCP socket connection. Sharing a connection has substantial performance benefits: lower latency, higher throughput (due to TCP slow start) and conserved battery. OkHttp uses a ConnectionPool that automatically reuses HTTP/1.x connections and multiplexes HTTP/2 and SPDY connections.

共享相同地址的URL也可以共享相同的底层TCP套接字连接。共享连接具有显著的性能优势: 更低的延迟,更高的吞吐量(得益于TCP慢启动)和保护电池。OKHttp使用连接池来自动复用 HTTP/1.X 连接和多路的 HTTP/2 和 SPDY 连接。

In OkHttp some fields of the address come from the URL (scheme, hostname, port) and the rest come from the OkHttpClient.


Routes 路由

Routes supply the dynamic information necessary to actually connect to a webserver. This is the specific IP address to attempt (as discovered by a DNS query), the exact proxy server to use (if a ProxySelector is in use), and which version of TLS to negotiate (for HTTPS connections).


There may be many routes for a single address. For example, a webserver that is hosted in multiple datacenters may yield multiple IP addresses in its DNS response.



When you request a URL with OkHttp, here's what it does:

  • It uses the URL and configured OkHttpClient to create an address. This address specifies how we'll connect to the webserver.
  • It attempts to retrieve a connection with that address from the connection pool.
  • If it doesn't find a connection in the pool, it selects a route to attempt. This usually means making a DNS request to get the server's IP addresses. It then selects a TLS version and proxy server if necessary.
  • If it's a new route, it connects by building either a direct socket connection, a TLS tunnel (for HTTPS over an HTTP proxy), or a direct TLS connection. It does TLS handshakes as necessary.
  • It sends the HTTP request and reads the response.


  • 它使用URL和已经配置的OkHttpClient来创建一个地址。这个地址指定了我们如何连接到Web服务器。
  • 它尝试从连接池中检索该地址的连接。
  • 如果没有在池中找到连接,它会尝试选择一个路由。这通常意味着要求DNS服务器的IP地址。然后,如果需要,可以选择TLS版本和代理服务器。
  • 如果这是一条新的路由,则通过构建直接套接字连接,一个TLS隧道(通过HTTP代理的HTTPS),或者一个直接的TLS连接进行连接。根据需要,OkHttp会进行TLS握手。
  • 会发送HTTP请求并读取响应。

If there's a problem with the connection, OkHttp will select another route and try again. This allows OkHttp to recover when a subset of a server's addresses are unreachable. It's also useful when a pooled connection is stale or if the attempted TLS version is unsupported.

如果连接有问题,OkHttp将选择另一个路由,然后重试。 这允许OkHttp在服务器地址的一个子集不可达时恢复。 当池连接过时或者尝试的TLS版本不受支持时也很有用。

Once the response has been received, the connection will be returned to the pool so it can be reused for a future request. Connections are evicted from the pool after a period of inactivity.

一旦接收到响应,此次连接将被返回到连接池中,以便在将来的请求中可以重用它。 连接在一段时间不活动之后 被逐出/被赶出 池。



Interceptors are a powerful mechanism that can monitor, rewrite, and retry calls. Here's a simple interceptor that logs the outgoing request and the incoming response.


class LoggingInterceptor implements Interceptor {
public Response intercept(Interceptor.Chain chain) throws IOException {
String time = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss SSS", Locale.getDefault()).format(new Date());
System.out.println("-------------------------------- " + time + " --------------------------------");
Request request = chain.request();//发出的请求
System.out.println("【url】" + request.url() + "\n【con】" + chain.connection() + "\n【headers】" + request.headers()); Response response = chain.proceed(request);//生成与请求对应的响应。这里是所有HTTP工作发生的地方
System.out.println("\n【url】" + response.request().url() + "\n【headers】" + response.headers()); System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------------");
return response;

A call to chain.proceed(request) is a critical part of each interceptor’s implementation. This simple-looking method is where all the HTTP work happens, producing a response to satisfy the request.


Interceptors can be chained. Suppose you have both a compressing interceptor and a checksumming interceptor: you'll need to decide whether data is compressed and then checksummed, or checksummed and then compressed. OkHttp uses lists to track interceptors, and interceptors are called in order.



Interceptors are registered as either application or network interceptors. We'll use the LoggingInterceptor defined above to show the difference.


private static void loggingInterceptor(boolean isApplicationInterceptor) throws IOException {
OkHttpClient client;
if (isApplicationInterceptor) client = new OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(new LoggingInterceptor()).build();
else client = new OkHttpClient.Builder().addNetworkInterceptor(new LoggingInterceptor()).build(); Request request = new Request.Builder().url("").header("User-Agent", "OkHttp Example").build(); Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
if (!response.isSuccessful()) throw new IOException("异常码:" + response); System.out.println("【响应url】" + response.request().url());


Register an application interceptor by calling addInterceptor() on OkHttpClient.Builder:


The URL http:// to https://, and OkHttp follows this redirect automatically. Our application interceptor is called once and the response returned from chain.proceed() has the redirected response:

上文中的URL http:// 重定向到 https:// ,OkHttp会自动跟踪这个重定向。应用程序拦截器只被调用一次,从chain.proceed()方法返回的响应结果,具有重定向的响应结果。结果输出如下:

--------------------------------  2017.09.11 16:34:56 596  --------------------------------
【url】 //只有一次请求,即原始的请求
【headers】User-Agent: OkHttp Example 【url】
【headers】Server: nginx/1.10.0 (Ubuntu)
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2017 08:35:55 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 1759
Last-Modified: Tue, 27 May 2014 02:35:47 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
ETag: "5383fa03-6df"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
【响应url】 //返回的响应结果具有重定向的响应结果

We can see that we were redirected because response.request().url() is different from request.url(). The two log statements log two different URLs.



Registering a network interceptor is quite similar. Call addNetworkInterceptor() instead of addInterceptor():


When we run this code, the interceptor runs twice. Once for the initial request to http:// , and another for the redirect to https://.


--------------------------------  2017.09.11 16:41:37 244  --------------------------------
【url】 //第一次是最初的请求
【con】Connection{, proxy=DIRECT cipherSuite=none protocol=http/1.1}
【headers】User-Agent: OkHttp Example
Connection: Keep-Alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip 【url】
【headers】Server: nginx/1.10.0 (Ubuntu)
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2017 08:42:35 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 194
Connection: keep-alive
-------------------------------- 2017.09.11 16:41:38 319 --------------------------------
【url】 //第二次是重定向后的请求
【con】Connection{, proxy=DIRECT cipherSuite=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 protocol=http/1.1}
【headers】User-Agent: OkHttp Example
Connection: Keep-Alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip 【url】
【headers】Server: nginx/1.10.0 (Ubuntu)
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2017 08:42:36 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 1759
Last-Modified: Tue, 27 May 2014 02:35:47 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
ETag: "5383fa03-6df"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
【响应url】 //返回的响应结果具有重定向的响应结果

The network requests also contain more data, such as the Accept-Encoding: gzip header added by OkHttp to advertise support for response compression. The network interceptor's Chain has a non-null Connection that can be used to interrogate the IP address and TLS configuration that were used to connect to the webserver.

上面的网络请求同时还包含更多的数据,例如由OkHttp添加的gzip头部字段,用于支持压缩响应结果。网络拦截器的 Chain 具有一个非空的 Connection,其可用于查询连接到Web服务器的IP地址和TLS配置。



Application interceptors

  • Don't need to worry about intermediate responses like redirects and retries.
  • Are always invoked once, even if the HTTP response is served from the cache.
  • Observe the application's original intent. Unconcerned with OkHttp-injected headers like If-None-Match.
  • Permitted to short-circuit and not call Chain.proceed().
  • Permitted to retry and make multiple calls to Chain.proceed().


  • 不需要担心比如重定向和重试的中间响应。
  • 总是被调用一次,即使HTTP响应结果是从缓存中获取的。
  • 监控应用程序的原始意图。不关心OkHttp注入的头部字段,例如If-None-Match。
  • 允许短路,并不调用Chain.proceed()。
  • 允许重试,并多次调用Chain.proceed()。

Network Interceptors

  • Able to operate on intermediate responses like redirects and retries.
  • Not invoked for cached responses that short-circuit the network.
  • Observe the data just as it will be transmitted over the network.
  • Access to the Connection that carries the request.


  • 能够对中间的响应进行操作,比如重定向和重试。
  • 当发生网络短路时,不调用缓存的响应结果。
  • 就像数据在网络上传输一样监控数据。
  • 访问承载请求的连接。

Rewriting Requests 重写请求

Interceptors can add, remove, or replace request headers. They can also transform the body of those requests that have one. For example, you can use an application interceptor to add request body compression if you're connecting to a webserver known to support it.


public class Test {
public static final String TEXT = "This interceptor compresses the HTTP request body. Many webservers can't handle this!" //
+ "此拦截器压缩HTTP请求体。 许多Web服务器无法处理这个!";
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(new GzipRequestInterceptor()).build();//addNetworkInterceptor
RequestBody requestBody = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("text/plain; charset=UTF-8"), TEXT);//请求数据
Request request = new Request.Builder().url("").post(requestBody).build(); System.out.println("【原始数据长度】" + TEXT.getBytes().length + "【请求body长度】" + request.body().contentLength());//159
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute(); //响应
System.out.println("【响应body长度】" + response.body().contentLength());//-1
System.out.println("【响应中的请求body长度】" + response.request().body().contentLength());//-1
* This interceptor compresses the HTTP request body. Many webservers can't handle this!
* 此拦截器压缩HTTP请求体。 许多Web服务器无法处理这个!
class GzipRequestInterceptor implements Interceptor {
public Response intercept(Interceptor.Chain chain) throws IOException {
final Request originalReq = chain.request();
if (originalReq.body() == null || originalReq.header("Content-Encoding") != null) return chain.proceed(originalReq);
RequestBody compressedRequestBody = new RequestBody() {
public MediaType contentType() {
return originalReq.body().contentType();
public long contentLength() {//我草泥马,这里的长度到底要怎么搞?
return -1; // We don't know the compressed length in advance提前!
public void writeTo(BufferedSink sink) throws IOException {
BufferedSink gzipSink = Okio.buffer(new GzipSink(sink));
Request compressedRequest = originalReq.newBuilder()//
.header("content-encoding", "gzip")//添加、删除或者替换请求头
.method(originalReq.method(), compressedRequestBody)//改变请求体
.build(); //我草泥马,我怎么拿到请求体中的内容?
Response response = chain.proceed(compressedRequest);//重新生成与请求对应的响应
return response;

Rewriting Responses 重写响应

Symmetrically, interceptors can rewrite response headers and transform the response body. This is generally more dangerous than rewriting request headers because it may violate the webserver's expectations!


If you're in a tricky situation and prepared to deal with the consequences, rewriting response headers is a powerful way to work around problems. For example, you can fix a server's misconfigured Cache-Control response header to enable better response caching:


// Dangerous interceptor that rewrites the server's cache-control header.
class ReWriteCacheControlInterceptor implements Interceptor {
public Response intercept(Interceptor.Chain chain) throws IOException {
Response originalResponse = chain.proceed(chain.request());
return originalResponse.newBuilder()
.header("Cache-Control", "max-age=60")//重写响应头部并改变响应体

Typically this approach works best when it complements a corresponding fix on the webserver!


Availability 可用性

OkHttp's interceptors require OkHttp 2.2 or better. Unfortunately, interceptors do not work with OkUrlFactory, or the libraries that build on it, including Retrofit ≤ 1.8 and Picasso ≤ 2.4.





  • Connectivity to as many hosts as possible. That includes advanced hosts that run the latest versions of boringssl and less out of date hosts running older versions of OpenSSL.


  • Security of the connection. This includes verification of the remote webserver with certificates and the privacy of data exchanged with strong ciphers.


When negotiating谈判、交涉 a connection to an HTTPS server, OkHttp needs to know which TLS versions and cipher suites to offer. A client that wants to maximize connectivity would include obsolete TLS versions and weak-by-design cipher suites. A strict client that wants to maximize security would be limited to only the latest TLS version and strongest cipher suites.


Specific security vs. connectivity decisions are implemented by ConnectionSpec. OkHttp includes three built-in connection specs:


  • MODERN_TLS is a secure configuration that connects to modern HTTPS servers. MODERN_TLS 是一个连接到现代HTTPS服务器的安全配置。
  • COMPATIBLE_TLS is a secure configuration that connects to secure–but not current–HTTPS servers. COMPATIBLE_TLS 是一个连接到安全但非最新的HTTPS服务器的安全配置。
  • CLEARTEXT is an insecure configuration that is used for http:// URLs. CLEARTEXT 是一个用于http:// URL的不安全配置。

By default, OkHttp will attempt a MODERN_TLS connection, and fall back to COMPATIBLE_TLS connection if the modern configuration fails.


The TLS versions and cipher suites in each spec can change with each release. For example, in OkHttp 2.2 we dropped support for SSL 3.0 in response to the POODLE attack. And in OkHttp 2.3 we dropped support for RC4. As with your desktop web browser, staying up-to-date with OkHttp is the best way to stay secure.


You can build your own connection spec with a custom set of TLS versions and cipher suites. For example, this configuration is limited to three highly-regarded cipher suites. Its drawback is that it requires Android 5.0+ and a similarly current webserver.


ConnectionSpec spec = new ConnectionSpec.Builder(ConnectionSpec.MODERN_TLS)//MODERN_TLS 是一个连接到现代HTTPS服务器的安全配置
.cipherSuites(CipherSuite.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,//limited to three highly-regarded cipher suites
.build(); OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()

Certificate Pinning 证书固定

By default, OkHttp trusts the certificate authorities of the host platform. This strategy maximizes connectivity, but it is subject to容易遭受、受…管制 certificate authority attacks such as the 2011 DigiNotar attack. It also assumes your HTTPS servers' certificates are signed by a certificate authority.


Use CertificatePinner to restrict which certificates and certificate authorities are trusted. CertificatePinner increases security, but limits your server team's abilities to update their TLS certificates. Do not use certificate pinning without the blessing of your server's TLS administrator!


CertificatePinner certificatePinner = new CertificatePinner.Builder()//使用CertificatePinner来限制哪些证书和证书颁发机构是受信任的
.add("", "sha256/afwiKY3RxoMmLkuRW1l7QsPZTJPwDS2pdDROQjXw8ig=")
.build(); OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.build(); Request request = new Request.Builder().url("").build();
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
if (!response.isSuccessful()) throw new IOException("Unexpected code " + response); for ( certificate : response.handshake().peerCertificates()) {//受信任的证书和证书颁发机构
System.out.println("【证书固定】" +;

omizing Trusted Certificates 定制受信任的证书

The full code sample shows how to replace the host platform’s certificate authorities with your own set. As above, do not use custom certificates without the blessing of your server’s TLS administrator!


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.sslSocketFactory(sslSocketFactory, trustManager)//使用自己的设置来替换主机平台的证书颁发机构


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    一.创建查询 二.将 alter table `表名` change id id int not null auto_increment UNIQUE;复制进去(以id为例) 三.运行ok 注意:手动 ...

  3. 自定义JSP标签示例

    我们以一个例子来讲解如何自定义JSP标签,假如我们需要在页面中输出当前的时间,按照最简单的JSP脚本,需要在JSP里面写很多Java代码,那么如何来使用自定义标签实现这个功能呢? 首先,我们要先创建一 ...

  4. liniux Crontab 的重启和设置

    重启crontab,service cron restart 05 01 * * * /usr/local/php/bin/php FILE 10,30,50 * * * * /usr/local/p ...

  5. PHP反序列漏洞学习

    0x00 序列化和反序列化 在PHP中,序列化和反序列化对应的函数分别为serialize()和unserialize(). 序列化:serialize()将对象转换为字符串以便存储传输的一种方式. ...

  6. MVC 设计模式与三层架构

    一.JavaEE开发模式 什么是开发模式 模式是在开发过程中总结出的"套路",总结出的一套约定俗成的设计模式 JavaEE模式 model1模式 技术组成 :jsp+javaBea ...

  7. BZOJ.3110.[ZJOI2013]K大数查询(整体二分 树状数组/线段树)

    题目链接 BZOJ 洛谷 整体二分求的是第K小(利用树状数组).求第K大可以转为求第\(n-K+1\)小,但是这样好像得求一个\(n\). 注意到所有数的绝对值\(\leq N\),将所有数的大小关系 ...

  8. Codeforces Round #257 (Div. 2) A. Jzzhu and Children

    A. Jzzhu and Children time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standar ...

  9. AbstractAction

    package; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDa ...

  10. LNMP 1.2升级Nginx、MySQL/MariaDB、PHP教程

    一般情况下不建议对生产环境进行升级,升级开始后会停止LNMP相关服务.本文仅适用于LNMP1.2及以后版本! 在LNMP目前LNMP v1.2中已经包含了Nginx.MySQL/MariaDB.PHP ...