



# Definition for a  binary tree node
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.left = None
# self.right = None class Solution:
# @param inorder, a list of integers
# @param postorder, a list of integers
# @return a tree node
def buildTree(self, inorder, postorder):
if len(inorder) == 0:
return None
if len(inorder) == 1:
return TreeNode(inorder[0])
root = TreeNode(postorder[len(postorder) - 1])
index = inorder.index(postorder[len(postorder) - 1])
root.left = self.buildTree(inorder[ 0 : index ], postorder[ 0 : index ])
root.right = self.buildTree(inorder[ index + 1 : len(inorder) ], postorder[ index : len(postorder) - 1 ])
return root

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