This list gives you suggestions helpful in preparing to defend your thesis:

I know my thesis thoroughly
    I have written a one-page summary of each chapter
    I have continued to work with my thesis after submission or have begun to prepare a conference paper or publication
    I am able to explain how my thesis fits into the big picture
    I have kept up to date with relevant literature
    I know what the implications of my research are to both theory and practice
    I have had a mock viva with my main supervisor
    I have asked my peers to quiz and challenge me about my thesis
    I have explained my thesis to friends and family who are not familiar with it
    I have investigated the backgrounds and publications of my examiners
    I have looked at my institution's guidelines for vivas
    I have produced a list of likely questions
    I have identified areas of my thesis that are likely to be challenged
    I have marked up my thesis to help me refer to it in the viva
    I know how I will be informed of the outcome of my viva.

For more advice, have a look at How to survive your viva by Rowena Murray (ISBN 0-335-21284-0) or The Doctoral Examination Process: A handbook for students, examiners and supervisors by Penny Tinkler and Carolyn Jackson (ISBN 978-0-335-21305-4).

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