
Today, the math teacher taught Alice Hui Yang’s triangle. However, the teacher came up with a new one, called Sama’s triangle (some of you may be familiar with this name).

       In this triangle, there is only 30 row, and the ith row has i-1 number, f[i][1] , f[i][2], …, f[i][i-1] (1strow has no number). And initially, f[i][0] = a, f[i][i] = b, (0<a, b) then f[i][j] = f[i-1][j-1] + f[i-1][j] (for all i from 1 to 30 , for all j in 1 to i-1, inclusive).
       2ndrow    f[2][1]
       3rdrow     f[3][1]     f[3][2]
       4throw     f[4][1]     f[4][2]     f[4][3]
       30throw   f[30][1]   f[30][2]   f[30][3]   …    f[30][29]
       Now the teacher asked, ‘how many M are in the triangles among all pairs of (a, b).


The input consists of several test cases.
The first line consists of one integer T (T <= 500), meaning the number of test cases.
For each test cases, there is one integer M (M<= 1e9), which is asked from the teacher.
Here, 1eX means 1000…0000 (x 0s).


For each test case, output the times number M shows up in all positions of all triangles.

Sample Input


Sample Output



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