Hihocoder 1333 (splay)
Problem 平衡树 splay2
- #include <bits/stdc++.h>
- using namespace std;
- int tag=;
- struct node{
- int id,num;
- long long lazy,val,sum;
- node *left,*right,*father;
- node(int id_=,long long val_=,int num_=,long long lazy_=,long long sum_=,node* father_=NULL,node* left_=NULL,node* right_=NULL)
- {
- id=id_; val=val_; num=num_; lazy=lazy_; sum=sum_;
- father=father_; left=left_; right=right_;
- }
- }*rt,*t1,*t2;
- void search(node *now)
- {
- cout<<now->id; cout<<" val= "<<now->val<<" sum= "<<now->sum<<" num= "<<now->num<<" lazy= "<<now->lazy;
- if (now->left) cout<<" lson: "<<now->left->id;
- if (now->right) cout<<" rson: "<<now->right->id;
- cout<<endl;
- if (now->left) search(now->left);
- if (now->right) search(now->right);
- }
- void pushup(node* x)
- {
- x->sum=x->val; x->num=;
- if (x->left) x->sum+=x->left->sum,x->num+=x->left->num;
- if (x->right) x->sum+=x->right->sum,x->num+=x->right->num;
- }
- void pushdown(node* x)
- {
- if (x->lazy)
- {
- node *l = x->left,*r = x->right;
- if (l)
- {
- l->lazy += x->lazy;
- l->val += x->lazy;
- l->sum += x->lazy * l->num;
- }
- if (r)
- {
- r->lazy += x->lazy;
- r->val += x->lazy;
- r->sum += x->lazy * r->num;
- }
- x->lazy = ;
- }
- }
- void right(node* x,node* &rt)
- {
- node *y=x->father,*z=y->father;
- if (y==rt) rt=x;
- else if (z->left==y) z->left=x; else z->right=x; //需要判断是左右孩子
- x->father=z; y->father=x; if (x->right) x->right->father=y; //防止对空指针进行操作
- y->left=x->right; x->right=y;
- pushup(y); pushup(x);
- }
- void left(node* x,node* &rt)
- {
- node *y=x->father,*z=y->father;
- if (y==rt) rt=x;
- else if (z->left==y) z->left=x; else z->right=x;
- x->father=z; y->father=x; if (x->left) x->left->father=y;
- y->right=x->left; x->left=y;
- pushup(y); pushup(x);
- }
- void splay(node* x,node* &rt)
- {
- while (x!=rt)
- {
- node *y=x->father, *z=y->father;
- if (y==rt)
- {
- if (x==y->left) right(x,rt);
- else left(x,rt);
- }
- else
- {
- if (y==z->left)
- if (x==y->left) { right(y,rt); right(x,rt); }
- else { left(x,rt); right(x,rt); }
- else
- if (x==y->right) { left(y,rt); left(x,rt); }
- else { right(x,rt); left(x,rt); }
- }
- }
- }
- void insert(int id,int val,node* &now,node *last)
- {
- if (now==NULL)
- {
- now=new node(id,val,,,val,last);
- splay(now,rt);
- return;
- }
- pushdown(now);
- if (id < now->id) insert(id,val,now->left,now); else insert(id,val,now->right,now);
- //else还是要加的 返回的时候树的形态已经改变了
- }
- void find_1(int id,node *x)
- {
- if (x==NULL) return;
- pushdown(x);
- if (x->id>=id) find_1(id,x->left);
- else {t1=x; find_1(id,x->right);}
- }
- void find_2(int id,node *x)
- {
- if (x==NULL) return;
- pushdown(x);
- if (x->id<=id) find_2(id,x->right);
- else {t2=x; find_2(id,x->left);}
- }
- void del(int l,int r)
- {
- t1=t2=NULL;
- find_1(l,rt); splay(t1,rt);
- find_2(r,rt->right); splay(t2,rt->right);
- rt->right->left=NULL;
- pushup(rt->right); pushup(rt);
- }
- void add(int l,int r,int val)
- {
- t1=t2=NULL;
- find_1(l,rt); splay(t1,rt);
- find_2(r,rt->right); splay(t2,rt->right);
- if (rt->right->left)
- {
- rt->right->left->lazy += val;
- rt->right->left->sum += 1ll* val * rt->right->left->num;
- rt->right->left->val += val;
- }
- pushup(rt->right); pushup(rt);
- }
- long long query(int l,int r)
- {
- t1=t2=NULL;
- find_1(l,rt); splay(t1,rt);
- find_2(r,rt->right); splay(t2,rt->right);
- if (rt->right->left)
- return rt->right->left->sum;
- else return ;
- }
- int main()
- {
- int n;
- rt=NULL;
- scanf("%d",&n);
- insert(<<,,rt,NULL); insert(-<<,,rt,NULL);
- for (int i=;i<=n;i++)
- {
- char s[]; int x,y,z;
- scanf("%s%d%d",s,&x,&y);
- if (s[]=='I') insert(x,y,rt,NULL);
- if (s[]=='D') del(x,y);
- if (s[]=='M')
- {
- scanf("%d",&z);
- add(x,y,z);
- }
- if (s[]=='Q') cout<<query(x,y)<<endl;
- }
- }
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