Unit 15 Youth Issues
Young people who are still at school often feel just as much stress as working adults. What are some of the causes of this stress, and how does it affect individual students?
Model 1
Stress is an unavoidable factor in life today. Many factors can cause stress for students and these can lead to several negative effects. The following essay will describe the reasons for student stress and the consequences of it.
There are many reasons for young people experiencing stress nowadays. To begin with, most students are under pressure to do well in their exams. They not only have to study hard at school, but also attend institutes in the evening, which means their days are very full and stressful. Because they have such a high workload, they may not have time for physical activity, or sport, and as a result, they have increased feelings of stress. In addition to being busy at school and at institutes, they usually get homework. If they have no time to do the homework that their teachers gave them they may get into trouble, and this can lead to even more pressure and difficulty.
There are some serious consequences of stress that is caused by being under pressure from schools, institutes and exams. If a student has worked at school all day and then attended another institute at night, this could lead to insomnia, because it is difficult to stop thinking and worrying about future tests or exams. This might become even worse if a student has not done any physical activity to make his or her body tired. Worrying and lack of sleep can lead to failure in tests or exams, which is a big problem for many students.
In some countries of the world, youths commonly commit crimes such as theft or even violence. What are some of the causes of youth crime, and how does this affect the youths themselves and society as a whole?
Model 2
Teenage crime is becoming increasingly common in the world today. There are several causes for teenage crime, which creates negative effects for both youths and society. The following essay will describe some reasons for teenage crime and its consequences.
There are many reasons for teenagers turning to a life of crime. To begin with, some of them have a poor family life because their parents are often not at home, or they do not care for their children properly. This can cause feelings of depression and loneliness, and often lead to crime as well. Another reason for teenage crime is pressure from school work, which can lead to stress, and eventually to crime, especially if the students do not have a good family life. As a result of these two factors, some teenagers become addicted to drugs like P, which can cause a great deal of harm to themselves and others.
There are some serious consequences of teenage crime, for the teenagers, their families and society. If teenagers become addicted to drugs, they often join gangs, which can lead to real problems. If they commit serious crimes, they can end up in prison, which is very serious for them and also for their families. It is also bad for society, as people become frightened of teenage gangs, and consequently demand more police to make them feel safe in the streets.
5. 课后练习讲解
The table below shows some words we can use to show cause and effect.
Cause |
Effect |
reason for + noun because + clause be caused by + noun |
lead to (v) + noun cause (v) + noun As a result, + clause consequence (of + noun) |
Fill in the gaps in the following sentences. Use words or phrases from the table above. Check if the word(s) that go AFTER the gap are nouns or clauses. This will help you to decide which expression to use.
a. Student stress is often __________ workload (n). Students have too much to do in an unrealistic timeframe. This can __________ failure (n) to finish tasks, or sleeping (n) in class.
b. The ____________ the problem is lack of time to finish tasks. This can ____________depression, insomnia, and sometimes even suicide.
c. Some students get stressed ____________ they don't understand the content of the lessons. They stop paying attention and doing their homework and ______________, they fail the class.
d. ______________ I don't have enough time, I can't finish this project.
e. The ________________ the financial problems is poor budgeting.
f. ______________, there will be extra expenses for the project.
g. The ______________ stress can be depression or insomnia.
现在完成时has/have done
1. 过去的动作持续到现在,还没有结束
The economy has developed greatly.
2. 时间逻辑词
I have studied writing since last week.
I have studied writing for one week.
Yet: we haven’t met him yet
Already: I have already read the book
3. 过去的动作对现在产生影响了: I have been on diet.
4. 动作的完成:I have read the book.
5. 一种经历:I have seen the movie three times.
Now fill in the gaps in these sentences. Use the negative where appropriate.
a. They ________ (finish) their homework because it was too hard.
b. We _________ (read) the book because the library is closed.
c. ____________ (attend) an institute this year?
d. He ___________ (forget) the word, so he needs his dictionary.
e. The teacher _____________ (grade) my test because she is sick.
f. I ____________ (be) stressed this week because I am too busy.
g. I can't get into my house because I _______________ (lose) my key!
h. Mary is feeling tired because she ______________ (have) a lot of extra work lately.
i. We need to finish this project today because the manager___________ (extend) our deadline.
j. We ____________ (have) much rain lately, so the soil is very dry.
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