1. 一个数的从右起第p1位和第p2位swap n位

  1. unsigned int swapBits(unsigned int x, unsigned int p1, unsigned int p2, unsigned int n) {
  2. unsigned int set1 = (x >> p1) & (( << n) - );
  3. unsigned int set2 = (x >> p2) & (( << n) - );
  4. unsigned int xored = set1 ^ set2; //same is 0, different is 1
  5. xored = (xored << p1) | (xored << p2);
  6. return x ^ xored; //anybit ^ 0 = anybit, anybit ^ 1 = !anybit, so same no need to change, different need to be changed
  7. }
  9. int main()
  10. {
  11. cout << swapBits(, , , ) << endl;
  12. return ;
  13. }

2. Add two integer

  1. int Add(int x, int y) {
  2. while (y) {
  3. int carry = x & y;
  4. x = x ^ y;
  5. y = carry << ;
  6. // cout << carry << " " << x << " " << y << endl;
  7. }
  8. return x;
  9. }

3. min函数

  1. int minnum(int x, int y) {
  2. return y + ((x - y) & ((x - y) >> (sizeof(int) * - )));
  3. }

also can use division

4. count bit set in an integer

  1. int countsetbits(int x) {
  2. int ans = ;
  3. while(x) {
  4. x &= (x-);
  5. ans++;
  6. }
  7. return ans;
  8. }

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