1.the fsm coding style should be easily modifiable to change state encoding and FSM styles.

FSM 的的 状态编码和风格易于改变

2.the coding style should be compact.


3.the coding style should facilitate debugging.


4.the coding style should yield efficient synthesis results.


Important common guidelines :

  Guideline:Make each FSM design a separate Verilog moulde.

           一个module中只有一个FSM 。

 Guideline:Use parameters to define state encoding instead of the Verilog `define macro definition construct.

    能用parameter 就不用define ,当定义状态编码时。

 Guideline:When creating verilog constants,think parameters first,then find good justification before changing to use a global `define macro.


  most verilog constants should be coded using parameters.

parameter 定义的是模块局部的,define 定义的是全局的,整个project都可以看到。

Guideline: make state and next(next state) declarations right before the parameter assignments


Guideline:Code all sequential always block using nonblocking assignments(<=).

Guideline : Code al combinational always block using blocking assignments(=).

    防止race conditions

paper:synthesizable finite state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements 之 FSM Coding Goals的更多相关文章

  1. paper:synthesizable finite state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements 之 standard verilog FSM conding styles(二段式)

    1.Two always block style with combinational outputs(Good Style) 对应的代码如下: 2段式总结: (1)the combinational ...

  2. paper:synthesizable finite state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements 之 standard verilog FSM conding styles(三段式)

    Three always block style with registered outputs(Good style)

  3. paper:synthesizable finit state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements之onehot coding styles(index-parameter style with registered outputs)

    case语句中,对于state/next 矢量仅仅做了1-bit比较. parameter 值不是表示FSM的状态编码,而是表示state/next变量的索引.

  4. paper:synthesizable finit state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements之fsm summary

    主要是1.不要用1段式写FSM 2.不要用状态编码写one-hot FSM ,要用索引编码写one-hot FSM.

  5. paper:synthesizable finit state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements之enhanced coding styles

    1.ANSI style 的代码比较紧凑. 下面规范推荐,比较好. 下面是带有parameter的module header的完整规范 一般1bit ,大家都是wire signal1 = gen_s ...

  6. paper:synthesizable finit state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements之onehot coding styles(encoded-parameter style with registered outputs不推荐但是经常有人写这样的代码)


  7. paper:synthesizable finit state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements之全0/1/z/x的SV写法

  8. paper:synthesizable finit state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements之fsm1各种style的timing/area比较

    整体说,一般还是用2段式,再加上output encodecd/default -X技巧.

  9. paper:synthesizable finit state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements之output encoded style with registered outputs(Good style)



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