BMP Image Sequences for Elliptical Head Tracking

The BMP image sequences used in the head tracking demos are available as a single file: (64 MB). Alternatively, to download an individual sequence, click on one of the links below.

BMP image sequence,
as .zip file

15.2 MB
An extended sequence showing pan, tilt, and zoom control; occlusion; 360-degree rotation; and head tilting.

15.5 MB
Another extended sequence similar to the previous one, also showing the overlapping of two faces. Notice the flesh-colored board in the background.

1.1 MB
Simultaneous occlusion, rotation, and translation.

2.9 MB
Severe occlusion of subject by another person.

1.5 MB
An attempt to distract the tracker with elliptical hands. On the fourth try, the tracker was distracted.

4.1 MB
Tilting, rotation, and zooming.

5.8 MB
Three villains unsuccessfully trying to steal the ellipse. Notice the relatively large search range.

0.9 MB
Jerky, back-and-forth head motion. Since the file plays in real time, it gives some indication of the tracker's actual speed.

1.5 MB
The subject walking behind a cubicle.

0.9 MB
Because the histogram model had little hair, the tracker failed when the subject rotated.

5.9 MB
This time the villains were more successful.

2.9 MB
More rotation and occlusion.

1.5 MB
More rotation and distraction.

1.4 MB
More rotation and distraction.

1.5 MB
More rotation.

1.4 MB
More rotation.

Unfortunately, the original sequences without the ellipse overlaid were never saved, so the sequences above were obtained by removing the ellipse using a median filter. Some artifacts around the perimeter of the head are visible.

Last updated by Stan Birchfield on August 7, A. D. 1998


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