新建一个test.py文件,右键选择“Edit with IDLE”,编辑完成后,Ctrl+S保存,然后按下F5就可以执行代码了。





  1. #This is a comment
  1. print"This will run."#comment
  1. 多行注释使用三个单引号(''')或三个双引号(""")。


  1. print 25 + 30 / 6
  1. print"Is it true that 3+2 < 5-7?"
  1. print 3+2<5-7


  1. 30 Is it true that 3+2<5-7? False


  1. cars =100
  1. print"There are", cars,"cars available."


  1. There are 100 cars available.
  1. my_name ="Lei Jun" your_name ="Jobs"
  1. print"Let's talk about", my_name print"Let's talk about %s and %s." % (my_name, your_name)


  1. Let's talk about Lei Jun Let's talk about Lei Jun and Jobs.


  1. print"How old are you?" age =raw_input()
  1. print"You're %s old."% age


  1. How old are you? 27 You're 27 old.

  1. age =raw_input("How old are you?")
  1. print"You're %s old."% age


  1. How old are you?38 You're 38 old.


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