


destination: file
path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
logAppend: true
quiet: false #进程管理
fork: true
pidFilePath: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.pid #网络配置
port: 27017
#监听网卡 多个使用英文逗号隔开
#最大并发连接数 默认65535
maxIncomingConnections: 65535
wireObjectCheck: true
ipv6: false
#是否启用socket监听 默认true
enabled: true
pathPrefix: /var/log/mongodb
filePermissions: 0700
enabled: false
#是否启用http jsonp,默认false,即使http.enabled为false,只要此项为true,一样可以访问,安全考虑线上环境要关闭
JSONPEnabled: false
#是否启用rest api接口,默认false,安全考虑线上环境要关闭
RESTInterfaceEnabled: false
#可选值1 disabled:禁用
#可选值2 allowSSL:优先使用非加密,但是服务器支持加密
#可选值3 preferSSL:优先使用加密,但是服务器也支持非加密
#可选值4 requireSSL:只支持加密 mode: disabled #type:string
#包含TLS/SSL certificate and key的文件路径
#包含公钥和私钥 PEMKeyFile: /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.pem #type:string
#私钥加密时的密码 PEMKeyPassword: password #type:string
#The .pem file that contains the x.509 certificate-key file for membership authentication for the cluster or replica set.
#不存在会使用PEMKeyFile clusterFile: /var/log/mongodb/cluster.pem #type:string
#The password to de-crypt the x.509 certificate-key file specified with --sslClusterFile clusterPassword: password #type:string
#The .pem file that contains the root certificate chain from the Certificate Authority. CAFile: #type:string
#The the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List. CRLFile: #type:boolean
#Enable or disable the requirement for TLS/SSL certificate validation that CAFile enables allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates: true #type:boolean
#Enable or disable the validation checks for TLS/SSL certificates on other servers in the cluster and allows the use of invalid certificates. allowInvalidCertificates: false #type:boolean
#是否允许无效的域名,当为true时,mongod不检查证书里面域名的有效性,即使域名不匹配,mongod同样允许连接mongodb实例 allowInvalidHostnames: false #type:string
#可设置的值TLS1_0, TLS1_1, and TLS1_2 disabledProtocols: #type:string
#Enable or disable the use of the FIPS mode of the installed OpenSSL library for the mongos or mongod. FIPSMode: false
compressors: snappy #安全配置
keyFile: #type:string
clusterAuthMode: keyFile #type:string
authorization: enabled #type:boolean
#Allows the mongod or mongos to accept and create authenticated and non-authenticated connections to and from other mongod and mongos instances in the deployment.
transitionToAuth: false #type:boolean
javascriptEnabled: true #type:boolean
redactClientLogData: true #key管理配置
enableEncryption: false #type:string
encryptionCipherMode: AES256-CBC #type:string
encryptionKeyFile: /var/log/mongodb/encKeyFile #kmip key server,仅企业版支持
#Unique KMIP identifier for an existing key within the KMIP server.
keyIdentifier: #type:boolean
#If true, rotate the master key and re-encrypt the internal keystore
rotateMasterKey: false #type:string
#Hostname or IP address of key management solution running a KMIP server.
serverName: #type:int
#Port number the KMIP server is listening on
port: 5696 #type:string
#String containing the path to the client certificate used for authenticating MongoDB to the KMIP server.
clientCertificateFile: #type:string
#The password to decrypt the client certificate, used to authenticate MongoDB to the KMIP server.
clientCertificatePassword: #type:string
#Path to CA File. Used for validating secure client connection to KMIP server.
serverCAFile: #sasal配置
hostName: "" #A fully qualified server domain name for the purpose of configuring SASL and Kerberos authentication.
serviceName: "" #Registered name of the service using SASL.
saslauthdSocketPath: "" #The path to the UNIX domain socket file for saslauthd #setParameter配置
enableLocalhostAuthBypass: false #存储配置
dbPath: #type:boolean
indexBuildRetry: true #type:string
#修复数据时使用的目录,默认是:A _tmp_repairDatabase_<num> directory under the dbPath
repairPath: #journal日志
#Enable or disable the durability journal to ensure data files remain valid and recoverable. Default: true on 64-bit systems, false on 32-bit systems
enabled: true #type:int
#日志同步间隔,Values can range from 1 to 500 milliseconds.
commitIntervalMs: 100 #type:boolean
directoryPerDB: false #type:int
syncPeriodSecs: 60 #type:string
##存储引擎,默认wiredTiger,可选值 mmapv1,wiredTiger,inMemory
engine: wiredTiger #mmapv1存储引擎配置
#默认true,Enables or disables the preallocation of data files.
preallocDataFiles: true #type:int
#默认16M The default size for namespace files, which are files that end in .ns.
nsSize: 16 #配额
enforced: false #type:int
maxFilesPerDB: 8 #type:boolean
smallFiles: false
debugFlags: 0 #type:int
#version >= 3.2版本不建议使用
commitIntervalMs: 60 #wiredTiger存储引擎配置
#单个实例可用的数据缓存内存大小,version >= 3.4默认:50% of RAM minus 1 GB, or 256 MB. Values can range from 256MB to 10TB and can be a float.
cacheSizeGB: 0.25 #type:string
#WiredTiger journal数据压缩格式,默认snappy,可用的压缩类型: none, snappy, zlib
journalCompressor: snappy #type:boolean
#索引文件分目录存储,默认false,version >= 3.0后版本可用
directoryForIndexes: false
#块数据压缩格式,默认snappy,可用的压缩类型:none, snappy, zlib
blockCompressor: snappy
#是否开启索引prefix compression,默认true
prefixCompression: true #是否开启索引prefix compression,默认true #operationProfiling操作性能分析
slowOpThresholdMs: 100 #type:string
#可选值1:off: Off. No profiling.
#可选值2: slowOp:On. Only includes slow operations.
#可选值3: all:On. Includes all operations.
mode: off #replication复制配置
#数字类型(单位M) replication op log 大小,64位系统默认为可用磁盘的5%
oplogSizeMB: 512 #type:string
#所属replica set集群名称
replSetName: #type:string
#The indexes that secondary members of a replica set load into memory before applying operations from the oplog. 默认all
#可选值1 none:Secondaries do not load indexes into memory.
#可选值2 all:Secondaries load all indexes related to an operation.
#可选值3 _id_only:Secondaries load no additional indexes into memory beyond the already existing _id index.
secondaryIndexPrefetch: all #type:boolean
#默认false version >= 3.2版本可用 Enables read concern level of "majority".
enableMajorityReadConcern:false #分片配置
#可选值1 configsvr:配置svr
#可选值2 shardsvr: 数据svr
clusterRole: shardsvr
#During chunk migration, a shard does not save documents migrated from the shard.
archiveMovedChunks: false #auditLog配置
#可选值1 syslog:Output the audit events to syslog in JSON format.
#可选值2 console:Output the audit events to stdout in JSON format.
#可选值3 file:Output the audit events to the file specified in --auditPath in the format specified in --auditFormat.
destination: syslog
format: JSON
path: path/audit.log
#type:string representation of a document
#The filter to limit the types of operations the audit system records.
#内容格式:{ <field1>: <expression1>, ... }
filter: {} #snmp(简单网络管理协议)配置
#When snmp.subagent is true, SNMP runs as a subagent. For more information, see Monitor MongoDB With SNMP on Linux.
#When snmp.master is true, SNMP runs as a master. For more information, see Monitor MongoDB With SNMP on Linux.
master:false #Text Search配置
#Specify the path to the root directory of the Basis Technology Rosette Linguistics Platform installation to support additional languages for text search operations.
rootDirectory:/path/ #mongos-only Options
#The ping time, in milliseconds, that mongos uses to determine which secondary replica set members to pass read operations from clients.
#The configuration servers for the sharded cluster.
#建议使用replica set
#值格式:<configReplSetName>/cfg1.example.net:27017, cfg2.example.net:27017,...








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