

#include <stdlib.h>
size_t totalMemoryAllocated;
int totalAllocationFuncCalled;
int totalFreeFuncCalled;

void initProfiler() {
totalMemoryAllocated = 0;
totalAllocationFuncCalled = 0;
totalFreeFuncCalled = 0;

void printProfiler() {
printf("total memory allocated = %d bytes\n", totalMemoryAllocated );
printf("total memory allocation function called = %d \n", totalAllocationFuncCalled);
printf("total memory free function called = %d\n", totalFreeFuncCalled);

before(): execution(int main()) {
after(): execution(int main()) {

before(size_t s): call($ malloc(...)) && args(s) {
totalMemoryAllocated += s;
totalAllocationFuncCalled ++;
before(size_t n, size_t s): call($ calloc(...)) && args(n, s) {
totalMemoryAllocated += n * s;
totalAllocationFuncCalled ++;

before(size_t s): call($ realloc(...)) && args(void *, s) {
totalMemoryAllocated += s;
totalAllocationFuncCalled ++;

before() : call(void free(void *)) {


#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
void t1()
int *x ;
printf(" core code:hehe ! \n");
x = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 4);
printf(" core code:hehe ! ! \n");
int main()
int *x ;
printf(" core code:hehe ! ! \n");
x = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 4);
printf(" core code:hehe ! ! \n");
return 0;

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