DZ!NT论坛 3.6.711删除用户各种错解决方案
对象名 'dnt_spaceposts' 无效。
对象名 'dnt_spaceconfigs' 无效。
对象名 'dnt_photocomments' 无效。
对象名 'dnt_photos' 无效。
对象名 'dnt_albums' 无效。
各种错误!!!我是利用向导安装的居然还来这么一出!!!!fuck !shit!
CREATE TABLE [dnt_spaceposts] ( [postid] [ int ] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [author] [nvarchar] (40) NOT NULL , [uid] [ int ] NOT NULL , [postdatetime] [datetime] NOT NULL , [content] [ntext] NOT NULL , [title] [nvarchar] (120) NOT NULL , [category] [ varchar ] (255) NOT NULL , [poststatus] [tinyint] NOT NULL , [commentstatus] [tinyint] NOT NULL , [postupdatetime] [datetime] NOT NULL , [commentcount] [ int ] NOT NULL , [views] [ int ] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceposts_views] DEFAULT (0), CONSTRAINT [PK_dnt_spaceposts] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [postid] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] TEXTIMAGE_ON [ PRIMARY ] GO CREATE TABLE [dnt_spaceconfigs] ( [spaceid] [ int ] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [userid] [ int ] NOT NULL , [spacetitle] [ nchar ] (100) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfig_spacetitle] DEFAULT ( '' ), [description] [ nchar ] (200) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfig_description] DEFAULT ( '' ), [blogdispmode] [tinyint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfig_blogdispmode] DEFAULT (0), [bpp] [ int ] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfig_bpp] DEFAULT (16), [commentpref] [tinyint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfig_commentpref] DEFAULT (0), [messagepref] [tinyint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfig_messagepref] DEFAULT (0), [rewritename] [ char ] (100) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfig_rewritename] DEFAULT ( '' ), [themeid] [ int ] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfig_theme] DEFAULT (0), [themepath] [ nchar ] (50) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfig_template] DEFAULT ( '' ), [postcount] [ int ] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfigs_postcount] DEFAULT (0), [commentcount] [ int ] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfigs_commentcount] DEFAULT (0), [visitedtimes] [ int ] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfigs_visitedtimes] DEFAULT (0), [createdatetime] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfigs_createdatetime] DEFAULT (getdate()), [updatedatetime] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfigs_updatedatetime] DEFAULT (getdate()), [defaulttab] [ int ] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfigs_defaulttab] DEFAULT (0), [status] [ int ] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spaceconfigs_status] DEFAULT (0), CONSTRAINT [PK_dnt_spaceconfig] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [spaceid] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] GO CREATE TABLE [dnt_photocomments] ( [commentid] [ int ] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [photoid] [ int ] NOT NULL , [username] [nvarchar] (20) NOT NULL , [userid] [ int ] NOT NULL , [ip] [ varchar ] (100) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_photocomments_ip] DEFAULT ( '' ), [postdatetime] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL , [content] [nvarchar] (2000) NOT NULL ) ON [ PRIMARY ] GO CREATE TABLE [dnt_photos] ( [photoid] [ int ] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [filename] [ char ] (255) NOT NULL , [attachment] [ nchar ] (255) NOT NULL , [filesize] [ int ] NOT NULL , [title] [ nchar ] (20) NOT NULL , [description] [ nchar ] (200) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spacephoto_description] DEFAULT ( '' ), [postdate] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spacephoto_postdate] DEFAULT (getdate()), [albumid] [ int ] NOT NULL , [userid] [ int ] NOT NULL , [username] [ nchar ] (20) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_photos_username] DEFAULT ( '' ), [views] [ int ] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_photos_viewcount] DEFAULT (0), [commentstatus] [tinyint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_photos_commentstatus] DEFAULT (0), [tagstatus] [tinyint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_photos_tagstatus] DEFAULT (0), [comments] [ int ] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_photos_comments] DEFAULT (0), [isattachment] [ int ] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_photos_isattachment] DEFAULT (0), [width] [ int ] NULL , [height] [ int ] NULL , CONSTRAINT [PK_dnt_spacephoto] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [photoid] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] GO CREATE TABLE [dnt_albums] ( [albumid] [ int ] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [albumcateid] [ int ] NOT NULL , [userid] [ int ] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spacealbums_userid] DEFAULT ((-1)), [username] [ nchar ] (20) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_albums_username] DEFAULT ( '' ), [title] [ nchar ] (50) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spacealbums_title] DEFAULT ( '' ), [description] [ nchar ] (200) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spacealbums_description] DEFAULT ( '' ), [logo] [ nchar ] (255) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spacealbums_logo] DEFAULT ( '' ), [ password ] [ nchar ] (50) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spacealbums_password] DEFAULT ( '' ), [imgcount] [ int ] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spacealbums_imgcount] DEFAULT (0), [views] [ int ] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spacealbums_views] DEFAULT (0), [type] [ int ] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spacealbums_type] DEFAULT (0), [createdatetime] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_spacealbums_createdatetime] DEFAULT (getdate()), CONSTRAINT [PK_dnt_spacealbums] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [albumid] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] GO CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [userid] ON [dnt_spaceconfigs]([userid]) ON [ PRIMARY ] GO CREATE INDEX [postiduid] ON [dnt_spaceposts]([postid], [uid]) ON [ PRIMARY ] GO CREATE INDEX [postidcommentcount] ON [dnt_spaceposts]([postid], [commentcount]) ON [ PRIMARY ] GO CREATE INDEX [albumid] ON [dnt_photos]([albumid]) ON [ PRIMARY ] GO CREATE INDEX [photoiduserid] ON [dnt_photos]([photoid], [userid]) ON [ PRIMARY ] GO CREATE INDEX [userid] ON [dnt_photos]([userid]) ON [ PRIMARY ] GO CREATE INDEX [list_albumcateid] ON [dnt_albums]([imgcount], [albumcateid], [albumid]) ON [ PRIMARY ] GO CREATE INDEX [list_userid] ON [dnt_albums]([type], [imgcount], [userid], [albumid]) ON [ PRIMARY ] |
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