


using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text; // A general pool object for reusable game objects.
// It supports spawning and unspawning game objects that are
// instantiated from a common prefab. Can be used preallocate
// objects to avoid calls to Instantiate during gameplay. Can
// also create objects on demand (which it does if no objects
// are available in the pool).
public class GameObjectPoolManager { public GameObject parent; // The prefab that the game objects will be instantiated from.
private GameObject prefab;

// The list of available game objects (initially empty by default).
private Stack<GameObject> available; // The list of all game objects created thus far (used for efficiently
// unspawning all of them at once, see UnspawnAll).
private List<GameObject> all; // An optional function that will be called whenever a new object is instantiated.
// The newly instantiated object is passed to it, which allows users of the pool
// to do custom initialization.
private Callback<GameObject> initializeFunction; private Callback<GameObject> destroyFunction; //// Indicates whether the pool's game objects should be activated/deactivated
//// recursively (i.e. the game object and all its children) or non-recursively (just the
//// game object).
//private var setActiveRecursively : boolean; // Creates a pool.
// The initialCapacity is used to initialize the .NET collections, and determines
// how much space they pre-allocate behind the scenes. It does not pre-populate the
// collection with game objects. For that, see the PrePopulate function.
// If an initialCapacity that is <= to zero is provided, the pool uses the default
// initial capacities of its internal .NET collections.
public GameObjectPoolManager(GameObject prefab, Callback<GameObject> initializeFunction, Callback<GameObject> destroyFunction)
this.prefab = prefab; this.parent = new GameObject(prefab.name + "Pool"); this.available = new Stack<GameObject>();
this.all = new List<GameObject>(); this.initializeFunction = initializeFunction;
this.destroyFunction = destroyFunction;
} // Spawn a game object with the specified position/rotation.
public GameObject Spawn(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
GameObject result = null; if (available.Count == 0)
// Create an object and initialize it.
result = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab, position, rotation) as GameObject;
result.transform.parent = parent.transform; // Keep track of it.
result = available.Pop() as GameObject; // Get the result's transform and reuse for efficiency.
//Calling gameObject.transform is expensive.
var resultTrans = result.transform;
resultTrans.position = position;
resultTrans.rotation = rotation; result.SetActive(true);
} if (initializeFunction != null) initializeFunction(result); return result;
} // Unspawn the provided game object.
// The function is idempotent. Calling it more than once for the same game object is
// safe, since it first checks to see if the provided object is already unspawned.
// Returns true if the unspawn succeeded, false if the object was already unspawned.
public bool Unspawn(GameObject obj)
{ if (!available.Contains(obj))
// Make sure we don't insert it twice.
obj.SetActive(false); if (destroyFunction != null) destroyFunction(obj); return true; // Object inserted back in stack.
return false; // Object already in stack.
} // Pre-populates the pool with the provided number of game objects.
void PrePopulate(int count){
GameObject[] array = new GameObject[count];
for(var i = 0; i < count; i++){
array[i] = Spawn(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
//this.SetActive(array[i], false);
for(var j = 0; j < count; j++){

// Unspawns all the game objects created by the pool.
void UnspawnAll()
foreach (var item in available)
// Returns the number of active objects.
int GetActiveCount()
return all.Count - available.Count;
} // Returns the number of available objects.
int GetAvailableCount(){
return available.Count;



    void Start()
arrowPool = new GameObjectPoolManager(arrowPrefab, null, null); //controlPoints = ControlPoints(transform, right);
#endregion void Test(bool fireRight)
Transform end = fireRight ? right : left; ///在中心点生成弓箭
GameObject curArrow = arrowPool.Spawn(transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.zero)); ///计算LookTarget的点 与 贝塞尔曲线的第三个控制点
Vector3[] points = Re_LookTarget_MiddlePerpendicularPoint(curArrow.transform, end); ///初始化发射
ArrowControl arrowControl = curArrow.GetComponent<ArrowControl>();


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