
在某个线程中调用其他线程的join()方法,就会使当前线程进入阻塞状态,直到被join线程执行完为止。join方法类似于wait, 通常会在主线程中调用别的线程的join方法,这样可以保证在所有的子线程执行结束之后在主线程中完成一些统一的步骤。

  1. package threads;
  3. public class JoinThread extends Thread {
  4. public JoinThread(String name) {
  5. super(name);
  6. }
  8. public void run() {
  9. for(int i=0; i<20; i++) {
  10. System.out.println(getName()+" "+i);
  11. }
  12. }
  14. public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
  15. new JoinThread("new Thread-1").start();
  16. for (int i=0; i<50; i++) {
  17. if(i==20){
  18. JoinThread jt = new JoinThread("new thread-2");
  19. jt.start();
  20. //main线程调用了jt线程的join方法,main线程
  21. //必须等jt执行完之后才能继续执行
  22. jt.join();
  23. }
  24. System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" "+i);
  25. }
  26. }
  28. }


  1. main 0
  2. new Thread-1 0
  3. main 1
  4. new Thread-1 1
  5. main 2
  6. new Thread-1 2
  7. main 3
  8. new Thread-1 3
  9. main 4
  10. new Thread-1 4
  11. main 5
  12. new Thread-1 5
  13. main 6
  14. new Thread-1 6
  15. main 7
  16. new Thread-1 7
  17. main 8
  18. new Thread-1 8
  19. main 9
  20. new Thread-1 9
  21. main 10
  22. new Thread-1 10
  23. main 11
  24. new Thread-1 11
  25. main 12
  26. new Thread-1 12
  27. main 13
  28. new Thread-1 13
  29. main 14
  30. new Thread-1 14
  31. main 15
  32. new Thread-1 15
  33. main 16
  34. new Thread-1 16
  35. main 17
  36. new Thread-1 17
  37. main 18
  38. new Thread-1 18
  39. main 19
  40. new Thread-1 19
  41. new thread-2 0
  42. new thread-2 1
  43. new thread-2 2
  44. new thread-2 3
  45. new thread-2 4
  46. new thread-2 5
  47. new thread-2 6
  48. new thread-2 7
  49. new thread-2 8
  50. new thread-2 9
  51. new thread-2 10
  52. new thread-2 11
  53. new thread-2 12
  54. new thread-2 13
  55. new thread-2 14
  56. new thread-2 15
  57. new thread-2 16
  58. new thread-2 17
  59. new thread-2 18
  60. new thread-2 19
  61. main 20
  62. main 21
  63. main 22
  64. main 23
  65. main 24
  66. main 25
  67. main 26
  68. main 27
  69. main 28
  70. main 29
  71. main 30
  72. main 31
  73. main 32
  74. main 33
  75. main 34
  76. main 35
  77. main 36
  78. main 37
  79. main 38
  80. main 39
  81. main 40
  82. main 41
  83. main 42
  84. main 43
  85. main 44
  86. main 45
  87. main 46
  88. main 47
  89. main 48
  90. main 49




  1. package threads;
  3. public class DaemonThread extends Thread {
  4. public void run() {
  5. for(int i=0; i<1000; i++) {
  6. System.out.println(getName()+" "+i);
  7. }
  8. }
  10. public static void main(String[] args) {
  11. DaemonThread t = new DaemonThread();
  12. //必须在start之前设置成后台线程
  13. t.setDaemon(true);
  14. t.start();
  15. for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
  16. System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" "+i);
  17. }
  18. //main进程运行到此处时结束,后台进程也会随之结束
  19. }
  20. }


  1. main 0
  2. Thread-5 0
  3. main 1
  4. Thread-5 1
  5. main 2
  6. Thread-5 2
  7. Thread-5 3
  8. Thread-5 4
  9. ...
  10. Thread-5 199
  11. Thread-5 200
  12. Thread-5 201
  13. Thread-5 202






  1. package threads;
  3. import java.util.Date;
  5. public class SleepThread {
  6. public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
  7. for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
  8. System.out.println("time:" + new Date());
  9. Thread.sleep(1000);
  10. }
  11. }
  12. }


  1. time:Wed Nov 16 12:00:58 CST 2016
  2. time:Wed Nov 16 12:00:59 CST 2016
  3. time:Wed Nov 16 12:01:00 CST 2016
  4. time:Wed Nov 16 12:01:01 CST 2016
  5. time:Wed Nov 16 12:01:02 CST 2016
  6. time:Wed Nov 16 12:01:03 CST 2016
  7. time:Wed Nov 16 12:01:04 CST 2016
  8. time:Wed Nov 16 12:01:05 CST 2016
  9. time:Wed Nov 16 12:01:06 CST 2016
  10. time:Wed Nov 16 12:01:07 CST 2016

线程优先级 及 线程让步:yield


JAVA 使用setPriority改变线程优先级。JVM提供了三个常量可在不同平台使用,分别是MAX_PRIORITY, MIN_PRIORITY, NORM_PRIORITY,当然也可以使用1。。10之类的数字,但是不同平台定义的数字不同,所以还是推荐用常量。




  1. package threads;
  3. public class YieldThread extends Thread{
  4. public YieldThread(String name) {
  5. super(name);
  6. }
  8. public void run() {
  9. for ( int i = 0; i<50; i++) {
  10. System.out.println(getName()+" "+i);
  11. if (i == 20) {
  12. Thread.yield();
  13. }
  14. }
  15. }
  17. public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
  18. YieldThread yt1 = new YieldThread("thread-1");
  19. yt1.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY);
  20. //yt1.setPriority(7);
  21. yt1.start();
  22. Thread.sleep(1);
  24. YieldThread yt2 = new YieldThread("thead-2 ");
  25. yt2.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY);
  26. //yt2.setPriority(1);
  28. yt2.start();
  29. }
  30. }


  1. thread-1 0
  2. thread-1 1
  3. thread-1 2
  4. thread-1 3
  5. thread-1 4
  6. thread-1 5
  7. thread-1 6
  8. thread-1 7
  9. thread-1 8
  10. thread-1 9
  11. thread-1 10
  12. thread-1 11
  13. thread-1 12
  14. thread-1 13
  15. thread-1 14
  16. thread-1 15
  17. thread-1 16
  18. thread-1 17
  19. thread-1 18
  20. thread-1 19
  21. thread-1 20
  22. thread-1 21
  23. thread-1 22
  24. thread-1 23
  25. thead-2 0
  26. thread-1 24
  27. thead-2 1
  28. thread-1 25
  29. thead-2 2
  30. thread-1 26
  31. thead-2 3
  32. thread-1 27
  33. thead-2 4
  34. thread-1 28
  35. thead-2 5
  36. thread-1 29
  37. thead-2 6
  38. thread-1 30
  39. thead-2 7
  40. thread-1 31
  41. thead-2 8
  42. thread-1 32
  43. thead-2 9
  44. thread-1 33
  45. thead-2 10
  46. thread-1 34
  47. thead-2 11
  48. thread-1 35
  49. thead-2 12
  50. thread-1 36
  51. thead-2 13
  52. thread-1 37
  53. thead-2 14
  54. thread-1 38
  55. thead-2 15
  56. thread-1 39
  57. thead-2 16
  58. thread-1 40
  59. thead-2 17
  60. thread-1 41
  61. thead-2 18
  62. thread-1 42
  63. thead-2 19
  64. thread-1 43
  65. thead-2 20
  66. thread-1 44
  67. thead-2 21
  68. thead-2 22
  69. thread-1 45
  70. thead-2 23
  71. thread-1 46
  72. thead-2 24
  73. thead-2 25
  74. thread-1 47
  75. thead-2 26
  76. thread-1 48
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  78. thread-1 49
  79. thead-2 28
  80. thead-2 29
  81. thead-2 30
  82. thead-2 31
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  97. thead-2 46
  98. thead-2 47
  99. thead-2 48
  100. thead-2 49




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