




  则可以得到,WholeDays = PastYearsDays + PresentYearDays。

  参考日期到指定日期经过的闰年数为:LeapYearsNum = [(Year - 1) / 4] - [(Year - 1) / 100] + [(Year - 1) / 400]。

  由上可得到,PastYearsDays =  (Year - 1) * 365 + LeapYearsNum。

  又因为(Year - 1) * 365 = (Year - 1) * ( 7 * 52 + 1) ≡ Year - 1 (mod 7),故可得到,PastYearsDays ≡Year - 1 + LeapYearsNum。

  因此,可得到WholeDays = PastYearsDays + PresentYearDays ≡ Year - 1 + LeapYearsNum + PresentYearDays  (mod 7)。



Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Fri. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep Oct. Nov. Dec.
Days 31 28(29) 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31

  又因为离28、29、30、31最近的7的倍数是28 = 4 * 7。故,当每个月的天数都减去28后可得如下表格:

Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Fri. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep Oct. Nov. Dec.
LeftDays 3 0(1) 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3
CommonYearAcc 3 3 6 8 11 13 16 19 21 24 26 29
LeapYearAcc 3 4 7 9 12 14 17 20 22 25 27 30


  当Month = 1时,PresentYearDays = Day;

  当Month = 2时,PresentYearDays = 31 + Day;

  当Month ≥ 3时,[13 * (Month  + 1) / 5] - 7 + (Month  - 1) * 28 + Day + i,其中,当闰年时i = 1,当平年时i = 0.



  PresentYearDays  = [13 * (Month + 1) / 5] - 7 + (Month - 1) * 28 + Day         (3 ≤ Month ≤ 14)


  WholeDays ≡ (Year - 1) + [(Year - 1) / 4] - [(Year - 1) / 100] + [(Year - 1) / 400] + [13 * (Month +1) / 5 ] - 7 + (Month-1) * 28 + Day     (mod 7)

        ≡  (Year - 1) + [(Year - 1) / 4] - [(Year - 1) / 100] + [(Year - 1) / 400] + [13 * (Month +1) / 5 ] + Day                                     (mod 7)




  PastYearsDays‘ ≡ (4 - (Century - 1) mod 4) * 2 - 4            (mod 7)



  WholeDays’ ≡  (4 - (Century - 1)  mod 4) * 2 - 1 + [13 * (Month + 1) / 5] + Day


  WholeDays ≡ (4 - (Century - 1) mod 4) * 2 - 1 + (Year - 1) + [Year / 4] + [13 * (Month + 1) / 5] + Day

  假设C = Century - 1,根据数论知识,我们又可以得到如下公式:
  4q + r = C,其中q为商,r为余数。

  ⇒      r = C - 4 * [C / 4]

  ⇒      (4 - C mod 4) * 2 = (4 - C + 4 * [C / 4]) * 2 
                                            = 8 - 2C + 8 * [C / 4] 
                                            ≡ [C / 4] - 2C + 1         (mod 7)


  WholeDay ≡ [C/4] - 2C + Year + [Year / 4] + [13 * (Month + 1) / 5] + Day - 1   (mod 7) 


 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text; namespace TestOne
/// <summary>
/// Used to record Date.
/// </summary>
class LocalDate
public int m_nYear;
public int m_nMonth;
public int m_nDay; public LocalDate(int year, int month, int day)
m_nYear = year;
m_nMonth = month;
m_nDay = day;
} public LocalDate()
m_nYear = ;
m_nMonth = ;
m_nDay = ;
} /// <summary>
/// Used to calculate what day it is.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="localDate"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static int CalWhatDay(ref LocalDate localDate)
int year = localDate.m_nYear;
int month = localDate.m_nMonth;
int day = localDate.m_nDay;
if (month < )
year -= ;
month += ;
} int c = year / , y = year - * c;
int w = (c / ) - * c + y + (y / ) + ( * (month + ) / ) + day - ;
w = (w % + ) % ;
return w;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
LocalDate localDate = new LocalDate(, , );
int whatDay = LocalDate.CalWhatDay(ref localDate);
Console.WriteLine("Date: {0}-{1}-{2} is {3}", localDate.m_nYear, localDate.m_nMonth, localDate.m_nDay, PrintWahtDay(whatDay));
} private static string PrintWahtDay(int whatDay)
case : return "Sunday";
case : return "Monday";
case : return "Tuesday";
case : return "Wednesday";
case : return "Thursday";
case : return "Friday";
case : return "Saturday";
default: return "Invalid number";

Code Here


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