





  1. 修改一个位置的字母
  2. 查询一段区间中,字符串$s$作为子串出现的次数

Solution 1 Bitset



  bitset的count似乎很慢,可以用__builtin_popcount来数中间的位数,然后暴力数两端的位数会快很多。感觉手写倍增法数位数最快。但有人说前面那个内联函数比手写的$O(\log \log n)$的速度要快。


  1. /**
  2. * Codeforces
  3. * Problem#914F
  4. * Accepted
  5. * Time: 2760ms
  6. * Memory: 4300k
  7. */
  8. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  9. using namespace std;
  10. typedef bool boolean;
  12. const int N = 1e5 + , alpha = ;
  14. int n, m;
  15. char str[N], buf[N];
  16. bitset<N> ch[alpha], ans;
  18. inline void init() {
  19. scanf("%s", str + );
  20. n = strlen(str + );
  21. for (int i = ; i <= n; i++)
  22. ch[str[i] - 'a'][i] = ;
  23. scanf("%d", &m);
  24. }
  26. inline void solve() {
  27. int opt, x, y, len;
  28. while (m--) {
  29. scanf("%d%d", &opt, &x);
  30. if (opt == ) {
  31. scanf("%s", buf);
  32. ch[str[x] - 'a'][x] = , ch[buf[] - 'a'][x] = ;
  33. str[x] = buf[];
  34. } else {
  35. scanf("%d%s", &y, buf + );
  36. len = strlen(buf + );
  37. if (y - x + < len) {
  38. puts("");
  39. continue;
  40. }
  41. ans.set();
  42. for (int i = ; i <= len; i++)
  43. ans &= (ch[buf[i] - 'a'] >> (i - ));
  44. // for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
  45. // cerr << ans[i] << " ";
  46. // cerr << endl;
  47. // for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
  48. // cerr << (ans >> (x - 1))[i];
  49. // cerr << endl;
  50. int res = (ans >> x).count() - (ans >> (y - len + )).count();
  51. printf("%d\n", res);
  52. }
  53. }
  54. }
  56. int main() {
  57. init();
  58. solve();
  59. return ;
  60. }


Solution 2 Suffix Automaton , Block Division & KMP





  暂且钦定块大小为$C = \sqrt{n}$。

  • 如果询问的串长大于$C$,由于询问总串长和$n$同阶,所以这一部分的询问数不会超过$\sqrt{n}$个,所以直接暴力KMP,时间复杂度$O(n^{1.5})$
  • 如果询问的串长小于等于$C$,两端涉及到的位置暴力KMP,块间暴力KMP,块内在SAM中查询。这一部分的时间复杂度也是$O(n^{1.5})$




  1. /**
  2. * Codeforces
  3. * Problem#917F
  4. * Accepted
  5. * Time: 2995ms
  6. * Memory: 28428k
  7. */
  8. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  9. using namespace std;
  10. typedef bool boolean;
  12. typedef class TrieNode {
  13. public:
  14. int len, cnt;
  15. TrieNode* ch[];
  16. // map<char, TrieNode*> ch;
  17. TrieNode* fail;
  18. }TrieNode;
  20. const int cs = , N = 1e5 + ;
  22. typedef class SuffixAutomaton {
  23. public:
  24. int maxlen;
  25. TrieNode* pool;
  26. int *cnt;
  27. TrieNode** sp;
  28. TrieNode *top;
  29. TrieNode *rt, *last;
  31. SuffixAutomaton(int maxlen = cs + ):maxlen(maxlen) {
  32. pool = new TrieNode[(maxlen * + )];
  33. sp = new TrieNode*[(maxlen * + )];
  34. cnt = new int[(maxlen + )];
  35. }
  37. TrieNode* newnode(int len) {
  38. // top->ch.clear();
  39. // cerr << top - pool << " " << maxlen << endl;
  40. memset(top->ch, , sizeof(top->ch));
  41. top->len = len, top->cnt = ;
  42. top->fail = NULL;
  43. return top++;
  44. }
  46. void reset() {
  47. top = pool;
  48. rt = newnode();
  49. last = rt;
  50. }
  52. void extend(char c) {
  53. int x = c - 'a';
  54. TrieNode* p = newnode(last->len + );
  55. while (last && !last->ch[x])
  56. last->ch[x] = p, last = last->fail;
  57. if (!last)
  58. p->fail = rt;
  59. else {
  60. TrieNode *q = last->ch[x];
  61. if (q->len == last->len + )
  62. p->fail = q;
  63. else {
  64. TrieNode* nq = newnode(last->len + );
  65. nq->fail = q->fail, p->fail = nq, q->fail = nq;
  66. // nq->ch = map<char, TrieNode*>(q->ch);
  67. memcpy(nq->ch, q->ch, sizeof(nq->ch));
  68. while (last && last->ch[x] == q)
  69. last->ch[x] = nq, last = last->fail;
  70. }
  71. }
  72. p->cnt++, last = p;
  73. }
  75. void rebuild(char* str, int l, int r) {
  76. reset();
  77. for (int i = l; i < r; i++)
  78. extend(str[i]);
  79. memset(cnt, , sizeof(int) * (r - l + ));
  80. for (int i = ; pool + i < top; i++) cnt[pool[i].len]++;
  81. for (int i = ; i <= r - l + ; i++) cnt[i] += cnt[i - ];
  82. for (int i = ; pool + i < top; i++)
  83. sp[(cnt[pool[i].len]--) - ] = pool + i;
  84. for (int i = top - pool - ; i > ; i--) sp[i]->fail->cnt += sp[i]->cnt;
  85. }
  87. int query(char *str) {
  88. TrieNode* p = rt;
  89. for (int i = ; str[i] && p; i++)
  90. p = p->ch[str[i] - 'a'];
  91. return (p) ? (p->cnt) : ();
  92. }
  93. }SuffixAutomaton;
  95. int n, m, cc = ;
  96. int f[N];
  97. char str[N], buf[N];
  98. SuffixAutomaton sam[N / cs + ];
  100. inline void init() {
  101. scanf("%s", str);
  102. n = strlen(str);
  103. for (int i = cs; i < n; i += cs, cc++)
  104. sam[cc].reset(), sam[cc].rebuild(str, i - cs, i);
  105. scanf("%d", &m);
  106. }
  108. #define pick(p) ((l <= p && r >= p) ? (S[p]) : (0))
  110. int brute(char* S, char* T, int l, int r, int lenT) {
  111. r += ;
  112. if (r - l < lenT) return ;
  113. f[] = f[] = ;
  114. for (int i = , j; i < lenT; i++) {
  115. j = f[i];
  116. while (j && T[i] != T[j]) j = f[j];
  117. f[i + ] = ((T[i] == T[j]) ? (j + ) : ());
  118. }
  119. // for (int i = 0; i <= lenT; i++)
  120. // cerr << f[i] << " ";
  121. // cerr << endl;
  122. int rt = ;
  123. for (int i = l, j = ; i < r; i++) {
  124. while (j && T[j] != S[i]) j = f[j];
  125. if (T[j] == S[i]) j++;
  126. if (j == lenT) rt++, j = f[j];
  127. }
  128. return rt;
  129. }
  131. inline void solve() {
  132. int opt, x, y, len, xi, yi;
  133. while (m--) {
  134. scanf("%d%d", &opt, &x);
  135. x--;
  136. if (opt == ) {
  137. scanf("%s", buf);
  138. xi = x / cs;
  139. str[x] = buf[];
  140. if (xi < cc)
  141. sam[xi].rebuild(str, xi * cs, (xi + ) * cs);
  142. } else {
  143. scanf("%d%s", &y, buf);
  144. y -= , len = strlen(buf);
  145. if (y - x + < len) {
  146. puts("");
  147. continue;
  148. }
  149. xi = x / cs, yi = y / cs;
  150. int res = ;
  151. if (len >= cs || xi == yi || xi == yi - )
  152. res = brute(str, buf, x, y, len);
  153. else {
  154. res = brute(str, buf, x, xi * cs + cs + len - , len);
  155. res += brute(str, buf, yi * cs - len + , y, len);
  156. for (int i = xi + ; i < yi; i++)
  157. res += sam[i].query(buf);
  158. for (int i = xi + ; i < yi; i++)
  159. res += brute(str, buf, i * cs - len + , i * cs + len - , len);
  160. }
  161. printf("%d\n", res);
  162. }
  163. }
  164. }
  166. int main() {
  167. init();
  168. solve();
  169. return ;
  170. }

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