Hans: Hi Good morning everyone!

Let me introduce a new colleague for you, Berry

Berry: Hi Good morning everyone! I am Berry, I’m glad to see you

Hans: Berry, then I will introduce my team members for you

Berry: ok, thank you very much

Hans: This is Eva

Berry: Nice to meet you

Eva: Nice to meet you, too

Berry: hi Eva, what is your job?

Eva: I’m an assistant manager clerk

If you have any work progress problems and need to get help with the other department, i can assist you in my great effort

Berry: Ok, I will, thank you

Hans: And this is Jennie

Berry: How do you do

Jennie: Fine, thank you

Berry: hi Jennie, what is your job?

Jennie: I’m an engineering department clerk

And my main job is sorting the engineering files and other things about the engineering department daily work, such as , attendance , file record ,need the company’s car and so on

Berry: Oh, I think you are very busy every day, thank you

Hans: This is Lee

Berry: Nice to meet you

Lee: Nice to meet you too

Hans: Lee, Would you please introduce yourself to Berry?

Lee: yes, of course, I’m Lee, a electronic engineer of this department, I ‘m mainly responsible for follow up the products of the PAX customer, and maybe we will have something cooperate in daily work, and if you have some questions wanna ask me in the future, come on, pls feel free, do it, I’m glad to help you.

Hans: This is Pursure

Berry: Nice to meet you

Pursure: Nice to meet you too and welcome to join our team.

I heard that you are also an electronics engineer. I think we can have the opportunity to learn from each other. You know, Our department is a very harmonious family, Whether we have problems at work or encounter problems in life, we can help each other.  of course, if you want to Play basketball, Lee and I can know how to make you stronger.

Berry: I ‘m eager to join the team, and I think it is very happy to work with you

Hans,Eva,Jennie,Lee,Pusure: welcome

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