POJ - 1266 -
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define N 100000
#define LL long long
#define INF 0xfffffff
const double eps = 1e-;
const double pi = acos(-1.0);
const double inf = ~0u>>;
struct Point
double x,y;
Point(double x=,double y=):x(x),y(y) {}
typedef Point pointt;
pointt operator + (Point a,Point b)
return Point(a.x+b.x,a.y+b.y);
pointt operator - (Point a,Point b)
return Point(a.x-b.x,a.y-b.y);
int dcmp(double x)
if(fabs(x)<eps) return ;
else return x<?-:;
struct Circle
Point center;
double r;
double cross(Point a,Point b)
return a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x;
double mul(Point p0,Point p1,Point p2)
return cross(p1-p0,p2-p0);
double dis(Point a)
return a.x*a.x+a.y*a.y;
double area()
return fabs(cross(p[]-p[],p[]-p[]))/;
bool seginter(pointt a1,pointt a2,pointt b1,pointt b2)
double c1 = cross(a2-a1,b1-a1),c2 = cross(a2-a1,b2-a1),
c3 = cross(b2-b1,a1-b1),c4 = cross(b2-b1,a2-b1);
return dcmp(c1)*dcmp(c2)<&&dcmp(c3)*dcmp(c4)<;
struct Circle Circumcircle()
Circle tmp;
double a,b,c,c1,c2;
double xa,ya,xb,yb,xc,yc;
a = sqrt(dis(p[]-p[]));
b = sqrt(dis(p[]-p[]));
c = sqrt(dis(p[]-p[]));
tmp.r = (a*b*c)/(area()*4.0);
xa = p[].x;
ya = p[].y;
xb = p[].x;
yb = p[].y;
xc = p[].x;
yc = p[].y;
c1 = (dis(p[])-dis(p[]))/;
c2 = (dis(p[])-dis(p[]))/;
tmp.center.x = (c1*(ya-yc)-c2*(ya-yb))/((xa-xb)*(ya-yc)-(xa-xc)*(ya-yb));
tmp.center.y = (c1*(xa-xc)-c2*(xa-xb))/((ya-yb)*(xa-xc)-(ya-yc)*(xa-xb));
return tmp;
int main()
int i;
double r;
int w0,w1,h0,h1;
for(i = ; i <= ; i++)
Circle cc = Circumcircle();
r = cc.r; Point q[];
for(i = ;i < ;i++)
q[i] = cc.center;
q[].x-=r,q[].x+=r,q[].y-=r,q[].y+=r; if(!seginter(q[],p[],p[],p[])) w0 = floor(q[].x+eps);
else w0 = floor(min(p[].x,p[].x)+eps); if(!seginter(q[],p[],p[],p[])) w1 = ceil(q[].x-eps);
else w1 = ceil(max(p[].x,p[].x)-eps); if(!seginter(q[],p[],p[],p[])) h0 = floor(q[].y+eps);
else h0 = floor(min(p[].y,p[].y)+eps); if(!seginter(q[],p[],p[],p[])) h1 = ceil(q[].y-eps);
else h1 = ceil(max(p[].y,p[].y)-eps); printf("%d\n",(h1-h0)*(w1-w0));
return ;
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