English trip M1 - PC7 Can I Borrow Your Ping-Pong? Teacher:Patrick
In this lesson you will learn to desribe abilities. 这节课你将学习到描述你的能力
can aux. 能; 能够; 可以; 可能
should aux. 应该;就;可能;将要
must = have to aux. 必须,一定;可以,应当;很可能
PS: aux. = 助动词
What do you do every day? 你每天都做什么?
I eat three meal every day
What are you doing? 你正在做什么?
I am learning English now
Do you like reading books?
I like reading books
三种表示运动 sports 的方式
exercise 运动
do sports 做运动
work out 锻炼
skill 的2种情况
hard skill
1) degree n. 程度,等级;度;学位;阶层
2) certificate n. 证书;执照,文凭
soft skill
1)time manage 时间管理
2)persuasion n. 说服;说服力;信念;派别
3)team working 团队合作
词汇(Key Word )
# 可以用于 Play 的词(大部分的球类)
basketball 篮球
football 足球
tennis 网球
Ping-pong 乒乓球
baseball 棒球
# 可以用于Do 的词(需要助动词)
yoga 瑜伽
Kung fu 功夫
# 直接可以用的词(直接就有动词效果)
cook 烹饪
drive 驾驶
swim 游泳
sing 唱歌
run 跑;经营 e.g. run company 经营公司
take photo 拍照
strong suit 特长;强项;长处 # I don't strong suit sports 我不擅长运动
be good at v.擅长;健;精通;熟谙
personality n. 个性;品格;名人
honest adj. 诚实的,实在的;可靠的;坦率的 # 注意honest 的h没有发音
confident adj. 自信的;确信的
kind adj. 和蔼的;宽容的;令人感激的
rice cooker 电饭煲
go fishing 去钓鱼
go skiing 去滑雪
appearance n. 外貌,外观;出现,露面
What's your ablility? 你的能力是什么?
I can ...
play computer is strong suit.
A: How are you today?
B: Great,thanks. Can you play Ping-Pong?
A: Not really. I can't play Ping-Pong.And you?
B: Yes. I play every day.
A: Well. I like sports.
B: Can you play basketball?
A: No,I can't. I can't dance. But I like singing.
B: Great!
A: Let's play Ping-Pong together.
B: Okay. I don't have a paddle.
A: Sure. I can lend you my paddle. Oh, where is it?
B: Is it on the bench?
paddle 这里指乒乓拍,一般情况下指船桨
bench 长凳;长椅
Can you play basketball?你会玩篮球吗?
Yes ,I can.
Can you cook noodles? 你会煮面吗?
I can cook noodles.
What can all of us do? 我们都能做什么? What can all of they do? 他们都能做什么?
We can speak English and Chinese.
be able to do... 能够做……
can cell me... 能叫我
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