In all of the previous examples, there's a close connection between the task being done by a new thread, as defined by its Runnable
object, and the thread itself, as defined by aThread
object. This works well for small applications, but in large-scale applications, it makes sense to separate thread management and creation from the rest of the application. Objects that encapsulate these functions are known as executors. The following subsections describe executors in detail.
- Executor Interfaces define the three executor object types.
- Thread Pools are the most common kind of executor implementation.
- Fork/Join is a framework (new in JDK 7) for taking advantage of multiple processors.
- 执行接口 定义了三种执行对象类型
- 线程池 是最常见的执行实现。
- 分开与合并是一个框架(在JDK7新加的)对于多处理器非常有用。
Executor Interfaces
The java.util.concurrent
package defines three executor interfaces:
, a simple interface that supports launching new tasks.ExecutorService
, a subinterface ofExecutor
, which adds features that help manage the lifecycle, both of the individual tasks and of the executor itself.ScheduledExecutorService
, a subinterface ofExecutorService
, supports future and/or periodic execution of tasks.
Typically, variables that refer to executor objects are declared as one of these three interface types, not with an executor class type.
The Executor
The Executor
interface provides a single method, execute
, designed to be a drop-in replacement for a common thread-creation idiom. If r
is a Runnable
object, and e
is an Executor
object you can replace
(new Thread(r)).start();
However, the definition of execute
is less specific. The low-level idiom creates a new thread and launches it immediately. Depending on the Executor
implementation, execute
may do the same thing, but is more likely to use an existing worker thread to run r
, or to place r
in a queue to wait for a worker thread to become available. (We'll describe worker threads in the section on Thread Pools.)
The executor implementations in java.util.concurrent
are designed to make full use of the more advanced ExecutorService
interfaces, although they also work with the base Executor
The ExecutorService
The ExecutorService
interface supplements execute
with a similar, but more versatile submit
method. Like execute
, submit
accepts Runnable
objects, but also accepts Callable
objects, which allow the task to return a value. The submit
method returns a Future
object, which is used to retrieve the Callable
return value and to manage the status of both Callable
also provides methods for submitting large collections of Callable
objects. Finally, ExecutorService
provides a number of methods for managing the shutdown of the executor. To support immediate shutdown, tasks should handleinterrupts correctly.
The ScheduledExecutorService
The ScheduledExecutorService
interface supplements the methods of its parent ExecutorService
with schedule
, which executes aRunnable
or Callable
task after a specified delay. In addition, the interface defines scheduleAtFixedRate
, which executes specified tasks repeatedly, at defined intervals.
- 执行器,一种简单的接口支持载入新任务。
- 执行服务,执行器的一个子接口,它增加了管理生命周期的特性,包括私有的任务和执行器本身。
- 调度执行服务,执行服务的一个子接口,支持将来或者周期执行的任务。
(new Thread(r)).start();
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