precondition: set hlsearch

" Show all tabs:

" Show trailing whitespace:

" Show trailing whitespace only after some text (ignores blank lines):

" Show spaces before a tab:
/ \+\ze\t

vim - Highlight unwanted spaces的更多相关文章

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    install Vundle.vim mkdir ~/.vim/bundle git clone ~/.vim/bun ...

  2. [转]The Best Plugins for Sublime Text

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  3. 最好的Sublime Text插件集合

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  4. astyle代码格式化

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  5. vim - Simple commands to remove unwanted whitespace 1. manual commandremove trailing whitespace::%s/\s\ ...

  6. vim自定义语法高亮(syntax highlight)设置流程

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  7. VIM配置

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  8. Vim优化

    写python代码时,希望缩进是4个空格,而不是制表符tab, 在vim中,我们只需要简单配置一下就ok了,打开~/.vimrc加上下面的几行(如果已经有了,修改一下数值就行了). set tabst ...

  9. Vimrc配置以及Vim的常用操作

    """"""""""""""""&quo ...


  1. word多级编号,如何让第一级为大写“一”,其他级别均为小写1.


  2. [转]expect的安装

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  3. js 生成m位随机数入门实例

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  5. Codeforces Round #228 (Div. 2) B. Fox and Cross

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  6. ACM:a^b%p-数论-快速幂-快速乘

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