undefined763cff06-f7fc-4a01-b5f8-c78a2f0110ae.mp3 Can I help you, Sir?


undefined95cb59fa-f4d2-4745-a4e7-60b9a39f2291.mp3 What?


undefinedc4578026-2b08-43d1-967f-635cb3ce990c.mp3 Can I help you?


undefined6c4c3e18-297e-4381-aca2-d8c56f749687.mp3 Yes. undefined6b48a780-cd15-4448-a814-ed16c90b48bf.mp3 I'm looking for chicken.

0是的。 0我在找鸡肉。

undefinede5dd0bae-3bf8-406d-ba88-f901df92ce60.mp3 Chicken. undefined7a70ea80-2810-440f-be56-a05fd02469d7.mp3 Oh right here. undefinede4374c46-5ef4-49bc-88be-6ee5c1ac20ac.mp3 Here it is, chicken.

0鸡肉。 0哦,就在这儿。 0在这儿,鸡肉。

undefined5832043b-768b-4907-bd5a-e4dc40b451bc.mp3 Thank you Roger. undefined9b4bfd6b-70ca-40ad-b3f0-f39f8f7b2597.mp3 Oh yeah, we'll go for a tin of peas. undefineda38ed463-b69e-4274-a993-ed23e4773e23.mp3 Long rice, short rice, brown rice, white rice, ah. and this'll do rice. undefinedded19a36-eabd-40e6-bf4b-e87097a6fee1.mp3 Oranges! undefined73cfc515-10ad-4997-9c42-412964292e03.mp3 What else was there?

0Roger谢谢你。 0哦,是的,我们要去找一罐豌豆。 0长米,短米,棕色米,白米,啊..这个做饭。 0橙子! 0还有什么?

undefinedb6ec7722-8e33-410b-8005-c9ec69610ccd.mp3 Bottle of wine!


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