



/usr/local/bin/etcd --name=test123 --data-dir=/home/wyt/bin/etcd-v3.0.15-linux-amd64/data

--listen-client-urls= --listen-peer-urls=

--advertise-client-urls= --initial-advertise-peer-urls=


--listen-client-urls                 list of URLs to listen on for client traffic(用户客户端数据通信端口)

--listen-peer-urls                  list of URLs to listen on for peer traffic(各个etcd节点的数据通信端口,交互,选举,数据同步等)

--advertise-client-urls           list of this member's client URLs to advertise to the public(集群参数:etcd服务器之间通讯的端口)

--initial-advertise-peer-urls    list of this member's peer URLs to advertise to the rest of the cluster(集群参数)

    —data-dir 指定节点的数据存储目录,这些数据包括节点ID,集群ID,集群初始化配置,Snapshot文件,若未指定—wal-dir,还会存储WAL文件;
    —wal-dir 指定节点的was文件的存储目录,若指定了该参数,wal文件会和其他数据文件分开存储。
    —name 节点名称
    —initial-advertise-peer-urls 告知集群其他节点url.
    — listen-peer-urls 监听URL,用于与其他节点通讯
    — advertise-client-urls 告知客户端url, 也就是服务的url
    — initial-cluster-token 集群的ID
    — initial-cluster 集群中所有节点


iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING  -p tcp --dport 65079 -j REDIRECT --to-port 2379

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING  -p tcp --dport 65080 -j REDIRECT --to-port 2380


etcdctl set mykey "abcdefg"

etcdctl get mykey

etcdctl rm  mykey

curl -L

curl -L


  1. #设置一个键的值
  2. etcdctl set /foo/bar "hello world"
  3. hello world
  4. #设置一个带time to live的键
  5. etcdctl set /foo/bar "hello world" --ttl 60
  6. hello world
  7. #当值为"hello world"时,替换为"Goodbye world"。
  8. etcdctl set /foo/bar "Goodbye world" --swap-with-value "hello world"
  9. etcdctl set /foo/bar "Goodbye world" --swap-with-value "hello world"
  10. Goodbye world
  11. etcdctl set /foo/bar "Goodbye world" --swap-with-value "hello world"
  12. Error: 101: Compare failed ([hello world != Goodbye world]) [7]
  13. #仅当不存在时创建
  14. etcdctl mk /foo/new_bar "Hello world"
  15. Hello world
  16. etcdctl mk /foo/new_bar "Hello world"
  17. Error: 105: Key already exists (/foo/new_bar) [8]
  18. #仅当存在时更新建
  19. etcdctl update /foo/bar "hello etcd"
  20. hello etcd
  21. #创建一个directory node
  22. etcdctl mkdir /foo/dir
  23. #创建一个directory node,或者将一个file node设置成directory node
  24. etcdctl setDir /foo/dir
  25. #删除file node
  26. etcdctl rm /foo/bar
  27. #删除directory node
  28. etcdctl rmdir /foo/dir
  29. etcdctl rm /foo/dir --dir
  30. #递归删除
  31. etcdctl rm /foo/dir --recursive
  32. #当值为"Hello world"时删除
  33. etcdctl rm /foo/bar --with-value "Hello world"
  34. #获得某个键的值
  35. etcdctl get /foo/bar
  36. hello, etcd
  37. #获得某个键在集群内的一致性值
  38. etcdctl get /foo/bar --consistent
  39. hello, etcd
  40. #获得一些扩展的元信息
  41. etcdctl -o extended get /foo/bar
  42. Key: /foo/bar
  43. Created-Index: 14
  44. Modified-Index: 14
  45. TTL: 0
  46. Etcd-Index: 14
  47. Raft-Index: 5013
  48. Raft-Term: 0
  50. hello, etcd
  51. #其中,索引是一个对于etcd上任何改变中唯一、单调递增的整数。这个特殊的索引反映了etcd在某个key被创建后的时间点的etcd状态机。比如此时新建一个/foo/bar1,那么该节点的created-index和modified-index为15,代表了当前etcd的最新改变。
  52. #列出目录的内容,-p则对directory node以/结尾
  53. etcdctl ls
  54. /foo
  55. etcdctl ls /foo
  56. /foo/bar
  57. /foo/new_bar
  58. /foo/dir
  59. etcdctl ls / --recursive
  60. /foo
  61. /foo/bar
  62. /foo/new_bar
  63. /foo/dir
  65. #设置监视(watch),此时该命令会一直等待并输出下一次变化。
  66. etcdctl watch /foo/bar
  67. hello, etcd!
  68. #while another terminal
  69. etcdctl update /foo/bar "hello, etcd!"
  70. hello, etcd!
  71. #持续监视更新
  72. etcdctl watch /foo/bar --forever
  73. ......
  74. #使用Ctrl+c结束
  75. #当反生变化时执行一个应用
  76. etcdctl exec-watch /foo/bar -- sh -c "echo hi"
  77. hi
  78. hi
  79. ......
  80. #监视目录下所有节点的改变
  81. etcdctl exec-watch --recursive /foo -- sh -c "echo hi"




var etcdHost = process.env.ETCD_HOST || '';
var etcdPort = process.env.ETCD_PORT || 2379;
var serverPort = process.env.SERVER_PORT || 8000;



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