Large-file-chunk-size: Stsadm property (Office SharePoint Server)

SharePoint 2007
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Updated: August 20, 2009

Applies To: Office SharePoint Server 2007

Updated: 2009-08-20


Specifies the amount of data that can be read from the server running Microsoft SQL Server at one time.


This property is available only from the command line.


stsadm -o setproperty

   -propertyname large-file-chunk-size

   -propertyvalue <Value in bytes>

   [-url <http://server_name> ]

The syntax for the getproperty operation is:

stsadm -o getproperty

   propertyname large-file-chunk-size

   [-url <http://server_name> ]


You can substitute -pn for -propertyname and -pv for -propertyvalue.

Property values

The following table shows possible values.





Gets or sets the name of the property.


The upload size in bytes.

Content consisting of a single file or groups of files cannot be greater than this setting. The default value is 5,242,880 bytes (5 MB). In certain circumstances, this value can be changed to any value up to 2 GB (2048 MB or 2,147,483,648 bytes).


Typically, a path to the URL of the Web application, in the form http://server_name.


To determine the chunk size that is read, you divide the file size by the current chunk size setting. The chunk size is not related to the maximum upload file size. The chunk size simply specifies the amount of data that can be read from a file at one time. For example, if you have a file that is 73,400,320 bytes in size and your current chunk size is set to 5,242,880 bytes, the file would be read in 14 chunks (73,400,320/5,242,880).


If the chunk size is raised too high, the files might use up too much front-end memory and you may need to lower this setting. If the chunk size is set too low, too many requests might be sent to the SQL Server database and performance could be affected. Balancing between the default of 5 MB and 2 GB is recommended.

After making a change to this property, you must restart IIS. You can restart IIS by typing iisreset at a command-line prompt.


To set the large file chunk size to 1,073,741,824 bytes (1024 MB), use the following syntax:

stsadm -o setproperty -pn large-file-chunk-size -pv 1073741824

To view the current setting of the large file chunk size property, use the following syntax:

stsadm -o getproperty -pn large-file-chunk-size –url http://server_name

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