



  1. program vijos_p1040;
  2. const maxn=;
  3. var a,b,aa,bb:array[..maxn] of integer;
  4. c:array[..*maxn] of integer;
  5. ma,mb,i,j,t,ca,cb:integer;
  6. ch:char;
  7. begin
  8. //assign(input,'himul.in4');reset(input);
  9. //assign(output,'himul.ou4');rewrite(output);
  10. i:=;
  11. //input num a
  12. while not eoln do
  13. begin
  14. read(ch);
  15. inc(i);
  16. a[i]:=ord(ch)-ord('');
  17. end;
  18. ma:=i;
  19. readln;
  20. //reverse num a
  21. for i:= to ma div do
  22. begin
  23. t:=a[i];a[i]:=a[ma-i+];a[ma-i+]:=t;
  24. end;
  25. //compress num a
  26. for i:= to (ma div )+ do
  27. aa[i]:=a[*i-]+a[*i]*;
  28. //input num b
  29. i:=;
  30. while not eoln do
  31. begin
  32. read(ch);
  33. inc(i);
  34. b[i]:=ord(ch)-ord('');
  35. end;
  36. mb:=i;
  37. //reverse num b
  38. for i:= to mb div do
  39. begin
  40. t:=b[i];b[i]:=b[mb-i+];b[mb-i+]:=t;
  41. end;
  42. for i:= to (mb div )+ do
  43. bb[i]:=b[*i-]+b[*i]*;
  44. //multi
  45. ca:=ma div +;
  46. cb:=mb div +;
  47. for i:= to cb do
  48. begin
  49. for j:= to ca do
  50. begin
  51. c[i+j-]:=c[i+j-]+aa[j]*bb[i];
  52. if c[i+j-]>= then
  53. begin
  54. c[i+j]:=c[i+j]+c[i+j-] div ;
  55. c[i+j-]:=c[i+j-] mod ;
  56. end;
  57. end;
  58. end;
  59. j:=ca+cb+;
  60. while c[j]= do dec(j);
  61. write(c[j]);
  62. for i:=j- downto do
  63. begin
  64. if c[i]>= then write(c[i]) else write('',c[i]);
  65. end;
  66. writeln;
  67. //close(input);close(output);
  68. end.


测试数据 #0: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 732 KiB, score = 25

测试数据 #1: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 732 KiB, score = 25

测试数据 #2: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 736 KiB, score = 25

测试数据 #3: Accepted, time = 608 ms, mem = 732 KiB, score = 25

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