LeetCode---Binary Search
**475. Heaters
public int findRadius(int[] houses, int[] heaters) {
int j = 0;
int res = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < houses.length; i++){
while(j < heaters.length - 1 && heaters[j] + heaters[j + 1] <= 2 * houses[i]){
res = Math.max(res,Math.abs(heaters[j] - houses[i]));
return res;
**410. Split Array Largest Sum
public int splitArray(int[] nums, int m) {
int max = 0;
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){
max = Math.max(max,nums[i]);
sum += nums[i];
int i = max;
int j = sum;
while(i <= j){
int d = i + (j - i) / 2;
if(isValid(nums,m,d)) j = d - 1;
else i = d + 1;
return i;
public boolean isValid(int[] nums,int m,int d){
int count = 1;
int total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){
total += nums[i];
if(total > d){
total = nums[i];
if(count > m) return false;
return true;
**354. Russian Doll Envelopes
public int maxEnvelopes(int[][] envelopes) {
if(envelopes.length == 0 || envelopes[0].length == 0) return 0;
Arrays.sort(envelopes,new Comparator<int[]>(){
public int compare(int[] a,int[] b){
if(a[0] == b[0]){
return b[1] - a[1];
return a[0] - b[0];
int[] dp = new int[envelopes.length];
for(int i = 0; i < dp.length; i++) dp[i] = 1;
for(int i = 1; i < envelopes.length; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++){
if(envelopes[i][1] > envelopes[j][1]) dp[i] = Math.max(dp[i],dp[j] + 1);
int res = 0;
for(int k : dp){
res = Math.max(k,res);
return res;
278. First Bad Version:经典二分查找,属于查找临界点,注意最终终止索引
374. Guess Number Higher or Lower:经典二分查找,属于查找某个数
441. Arranging Coins:二分查找,属于查找临界点,注意最终终止索引
367. Valid Perfect Square:二分查找,属于查找某个数
240. Search a 2D Matrix II:从右上角开始查找,小则往下,大则往左
378. Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix:将matrix放在PriorityQueue中实现排序
392. Is Subsequence:按照s的顺序在t中查找,用计数器计数,等于s.length()则返回true
69. Sqrt(x):二分查找,两个临界点m和m + 1,考虑所有区间的情况即可
300. Longest Increasing Subsequence:dp中的元素表示当前索引值为序列最后一个数时的长度
275. H-Index II:属于查找临界点,注意最终终止索引
**436. Find Right Interval:用TreeMap,注意ceilingEntry()的使用
50. Pow(x, n):递归但是要考虑减少栈帧,还有边界问题
174. Dungeon Game:构造二维数组存每个格子所需最小体力,从终点开始一次往前计算所需最小体力,先计算边界
1.直接查找某个数直接二分查找i <= j,并且最终一定能找到
2.若是找某个临界点,也直接i <= j,只不过要想清楚最终终止索引的位置,相邻数中点一定是较小数,并且一定在临界点左边或就是临界点减小了范围
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