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declare接口是dojo定义类系统的关键函数, 类系统就是抽象,封装,继承.dojo用javascript的prototype实现继承, 用mixin实现派生, javascript一切都是函数, 这本身就是高度抽象.巧妙的地方在于: 对于一个类, 有构造函数和类名字, 实际上构造函数是用户自定义的函数, 类名字也是用户自定的, 怎么实现用户使用new操作符的时候, 构造整个对象呢?

1. 对象从哪来

比如, Dialog.js里声明了一个dijit.Dialog, 这是一个var,还是一个函数?实际上, 在declare接口里:

817         // add name if specified
 818         if(className){
 819             proto.declaredClass = className;                                                                                               
 820             lang.setObject(className, ctor);
 821         }
红 字部分, 把dijit.Dialog声明成了一个对象, 并且赋值为ctor, 实际上ctor是一个函数, 马上就说会说到. 当new操作的时候, 实际上调用的是ctor这个函数, 这个函数并不是dijit.Dialog里constructor(继承_Widget.js).

2. 关联类名字的函数ctor


768                 // chain in new constructor                                                                                                
 769                 ctor = new Function;
 770                 ctor.superclass = superclass;
 771                 ctor.prototype = proto;
 772                 superclass = proto.constructor = ctor;
ctor首先是一个匿名函数, 接下来的

799         bases[0] = ctor = (chains && chains.constructor === "manual") ? simpleConstructor(bases) :
 800             (bases.length == 1 ? singleConstructor(props.constructor, t) : chainedConstructor(bases, t));
实际上给ctor赋值了simpleConstructor或者chainedConstructor的返回值, 而比如


441     // plain vanilla constructor (can use inherited() to call its base constructor)
 442     function simpleConstructor(bases){
 443         return function(){
 444             var a = arguments, i = 0, f, m;
 446             if(!(this instanceof a.callee)){
 447                 // not called via new, so force it
 448                 return applyNew(a);
 449             }
 451             //this._inherited = {};
 452             // perform the shaman's rituals of the original declare()
 453             // 1) do not call the preamble
 454             // 2) call the top constructor (it can use this.inherited())
 455             for(; f = bases[i]; ++i){ // intentional assignment
 456                 m = f._meta;
 457                 f = m ? m.ctor : f;
 458                 if(f){
 459                     f.apply(this, a);
 460                     break;
 461                 }
 462             }
 463             // 3) call the postscript
 464             f = this.postscript;
 465             if(f){
 466                 f.apply(this, a);
 467             }
 468         };
 469     }
也就是ctor =  441     // plain vanilla constructor (can use inherited() to call its base constructor)
 442     function simpleConstructor(bases){
 443         return function(){
 444             var a = arguments, i = 0, f, m;
 446             if(!(this instanceof a.callee)){
 447                 // not called via new, so force it
 448                 return applyNew(a);
 449             }
 451             //this._inherited = {};
 452             // perform the shaman's rituals of the original declare()
 453             // 1) do not call the preamble
 454             // 2) call the top constructor (it can use this.inherited())
 455             for(; f = bases[i]; ++i){ // intentional assignment
 456                 m = f._meta;
 457                 f = m ? m.ctor : f;
 458                 if(f){
 459                     f.apply(this, a);
 460                     break;
 461                 }
 462             }
 463             // 3) call the postscript
 464             f = this.postscript;
 465             if(f){
 466                 f.apply(this, a);
 467             }
 468         };
 469     }
也就是ctor是一个函数, 函数体里 :

455             for(; f = bases[i]; ++i){ // intentional assignment
 456                 m = f._meta;
 457                 f = m ? m.ctor : f;
 458                 if(f){
 459                     f.apply(this, a);
 460                     break;

也就是当new调用这个对应dijit.Dialog的ctor的时候, 会执行_meta.ctor, 实际就是声明里边的constructor, 之后又调用:

463             // 3) call the postscript
 464             f = this.postscript;
 465             if(f){
 466                 f.apply(this, a);
 467             }

3. 总结

declare接口, 声明一个类, 实际上就是定一个了一个xxxx.xxxx.xxx这样的名字的一个函数, 名字就是类名, 函数就是调用constructor和postscript两个回调的ctor.

当, new的时候, xxx.xxx.xxx被调用, 近而调用了constructor和postscript函数.

需要理解具体的构造过程的话, 需要关注 : simpleConstructor和chainedConstructor.


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