

当前序列 ch1 中字符为 a,序列 ch2 中字符为 b

则有 3 种配对方式:

1. a 与 b

2. a 与 -

3. - 与 b


dp[i][j] = max(dp[i - 1][j - 1] + g(ch1[i],ch2[j]) , dp[i - 1][j] + g(ch1[i],‘-') , dp[i][j-1] + g('-',ch2[j]))


using namespace std;
int dp[][];
int g(char a,char b)
if( a == b ) return ;
if(a == 'A' && b == 'C' || b == 'A' && a == 'C') return -;
if(a == 'A' && b == 'G' || b == 'A' && a == 'G') return -;
if(a == 'A' && b == 'T' || b == 'A' && a == 'T') return -;
if(a == 'C' && b == 'G' || b == 'C' && a == 'G') return -;
if(a == 'C' && b == 'T' || b == 'C' && a == 'T') return -;
if(a == 'G' && b == 'T' || b == 'G' && a == 'T') return -;
if(a == 'A' && b == '-' || b == 'A' && a == '-') return -;
if(a == 'C' && b == '-' || b == 'C' && a == '-') return -;
if(a == 'G' && b == '-' || b == 'G' && a == '-') return -;
if(a == 'T' && b == '-' || b == 'T' && a == '-') return -;
int main()
char ch1[],ch2[];
int t,s1,s2;
scanf("%d %s",&s1,ch1 + );
scanf("%d %s",&s2,ch2 + );
for(int i = ; i <= s1 ; i ++)
dp[i][] = dp[i - ][] + g('-',ch1[i]);
for(int i = ; i <= s2 ; i ++)
dp[][i] = dp[][i - ] + g(ch2[i],'-');
for(int i = ; i <= s1 ; i ++)
for(int j = ; j <=s2 ; j ++)
dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-][j-] + g(ch1[i],ch2[j]),
max(dp[i-][j] + g(ch1[i],'-'),dp[i][j - ] + g('-',ch2[j])));
return ;

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