[software development] 需求分析checklist

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[software development] 需求分析checklist

1 Specific Functional Requirements, 功能上的需求

  1. Are all the inputs to the system specified, including their source, accuracy, range of values, and frequency?

    是不是所有系统的输入都已经详细说明了, 包括输入源, 精度, 输入的范围, 以及不同输入的频率?

  2. Are all the outputs from the system specified, including their destination, accuracy, range of values, frequency, and format?

    是不是所有系统的输出都已经详细说明了, 包括输出的地点, 精度, 数值的范围, 频率以及格式?

  3. Are all output formats specified for web pages, reports, and so on?

    是不是所有的输出格式(用于网页, 报告等)都被详细说明了?

  4. Are all the external hardware and software interfaces specified?


  5. Are all the external communication interfaces specified, including handshaking, error-checking, and communication protocols?

    是不是所有的外部通信接口都被详细说明了, 包括握手协议, 错误检测, 以及通信协议

  6. Are all the tasks the user wants to perform specified?


  7. Is the data used in the each task and the data resulting from each task specified?


2 Specific Non-Functional (Quality) Requirements, 非功能需求

  1. Is the expected response time, from the user's point of view, specified for all necessary operations?

    从用户的角度看, 所有的必要操作的响应时间是否被详细说明了?

  2. Are other timing considerations specified, such as processing time, data-transfer rate, and system throughput?

    其他的运行时间有没有被详细说明, 如处理时间, 数据传输率, 系统的吞吐量

  3. Is the level of security specified?


  4. Is the reliability specified, including the consequences of software failure, the vital information that needs to be protected from failure, and the strategy for error detection and recovery?

    可靠性有没有被详细说明, 包括软件错误的后果, 错误发生时关键信息的保护, 错误检测以及自我修复的策略?

  5. Is maximum memory specified?


  6. Is the maximum storage specified?


  7. Is the maintainability of the system specified, including its ability to adapt to changes in specific functionality, changes in the operating environment, and changes in its interfaces with other software?

    系统的可维护性有没有被详细说明, 包括个别功能的改变, 操作环境的改变, 与其他软件之间的接口的改变等?

  8. Is the definition of success included? Of failure?

    有没有说到什么程度算是成功, 怎样又叫做失败?

3 Requirements Quality, 需求的质量

  1. Are the requirements written in the user's language? Do the users think so?

    需求是不是以用户能够理解的方式写的? 用户是这么认为的吗?

  2. Does each requirement avoid conflicts with other requriements?


  3. Are acceptable trade-offs between competing attributes specified – for example, between robustness and correctness?

    互相矛盾的特性之间有没有达到一个可以接受的平衡关系, 如稳健性和准确性之间?

  4. Do the requirements avoid specifying the design?


  5. Are the requirements at a fairly consistent level of detail? Should any requirement be specified in more detail? Should any requirement be specified in less detail?

    是否有些需求过于细化, 或是不够细化?

  6. Are the requirements clear enough to be turned over to an independent group for construction and still be understood?

    需求是否足够清晰, 清晰到能够让一个独立的小组充分理解需求, 并进行下一步的构件?

  7. Is each Item relevant to the problem and its solution? Can each item be traced to its origin in the problem environment?

    每一项都与问题和结果相关吗? 能够将每一项追溯到原始问题?

  8. Is each requirement testable? Will it be possible for independent testing to determine whether each requirement bas been satisfied?

    每个需求都能够被测试吗? 能否通过独立的测试确定各个需求的满足情况?

  9. Are all possible changes to the requriements specified, including the likelihood of each change?

    所有可能引起需求改变的因素都详细说明了吗, 包括不同改变的可能性?

4 Requirements Completeness, 需求完成

  1. Where information isn't available before development begins, are the areas of incompleteness specified?


  2. Are the requirements complete in the sense that if the product satisfied every requirement, it will be acceptable?

    当需求结束后, 确认产品是否能够满足所有的需求?

  3. Are you comfortable with all the requirements? Have you eliminated requirements that are impossible to implement and included just to appease your customer or your boss?

    你对于所有的需求满足吗? 你是否要消除那些无法实现的或是为了迎合顾客或老板的需求呢?

5 出自

Code complete second edition

Date: 2014-04-23 Wed

Author: Zhong Xiewei

Org version 7.8.11 with Emacs version 24

Validate XHTML 1.0

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