
sstable中Block 头文件如下:

class Block {
// Initialize the block with the specified contents.
// Takes ownership of data[] and will delete[] it when done.
Block(const char* data, size_t size); ~Block(); size_t size() const { return size_; }
Iterator* NewIterator(const Comparator* comparator); private:
uint32_t NumRestarts() const; const char* data_;
size_t size_;
uint32_t restart_offset_; // Offset in data_ of restart array // No copying allowed
Block(const Block&);
void operator=(const Block&); class Iter;


"“重启点”是干什么的呢?简单来说就是进行数据压缩,减少存储空间。我们一再强调,Block内容里的KV记录是按照Key大小有序的,这样的话,相邻的两条记录很可能Key部分存在重叠,比如key i=“the car”,Key i+1=“the color”,那么两者存在重叠部分“the c”,为了减少Key的存储量,Key i+1可以只存储和上一条Key不同的部分“olor”,两者的共同部分从Key i中可以获得。记录的Key在Block内容部分就是这么存储的,主要目的是减少存储开销。“重启点”的意思是:在这条记录开始,不再采取只记载不同的Key部分,而是重新记录所有的Key值,假设Key i+1是一个重启点,那么Key里面会完整存储“the color”,而不是采用简略的“olor”方式。但是如果记录条数比较多,随机访问一条记录,需要从头开始一直解析才行,这样也产生很大的开销,所以设置了多个重启点,Block尾部就是指出哪些记录是这些重启点的。 "

inline uint32_t Block::NumRestarts() const {
assert(size_ >= *sizeof(uint32_t));
return DecodeFixed32(data_ + size_ - sizeof(uint32_t));  //重启点在block最后8字节(uint32_t)中


Block::Block(const char* data, size_t size)
: data_(data),
size_(size) {
if (size_ < sizeof(uint32_t)) {
size_ = ; // Error marker
} else {
restart_offset_ = size_ - ( + NumRestarts()) * sizeof(uint32_t);  //重启点数目1个uint32 每个重启点的偏移记录 uint32 合记共(1+NumRestarts())* sizeof(uint32_t)
if (restart_offset_ > size_ - sizeof(uint32_t)) {
// The size is too small for NumRestarts() and therefore
// restart_offset_ wrapped around.
size_ = ;
} Block::~Block() {
delete[] data_;


entry结构如上图的 KeyValuePair

static inline const char* DecodeEntry(const char* p, const char* limit,
uint32_t* shared,
uint32_t* non_shared,
uint32_t* value_length) {
if (limit - p < ) return NULL; //至少包含3个 共享字节
*shared = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(p)[];
*non_shared = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(p)[];
*value_length = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(p)[];
if ((*shared | *non_shared | *value_length) < ) {
// Fast path: all three values are encoded in one byte each
   //三个记录的值或操作后 均没有超过128 即最高位为0
p += ;
} else {
if ((p = GetVarint32Ptr(p, limit, shared)) == NULL) return NULL;
if ((p = GetVarint32Ptr(p, limit, non_shared)) == NULL) return NULL;
if ((p = GetVarint32Ptr(p, limit, value_length)) == NULL) return NULL;
} if (static_cast<uint32_t>(limit - p) < (*non_shared + *value_length)) {
return NULL;
return p;


class Block::Iter : public Iterator


class Block::Iter : public Iterator {
const Comparator* const comparator_;
const char* const data_; // underlying block contents
uint32_t const restarts_; // Offset of restart array (list of fixed32)
uint32_t const num_restarts_; // Number of uint32_t entries in restart array // current_ is offset in data_ of current entry. >= restarts_ if !Valid
uint32_t current_;
uint32_t restart_index_; // Index of restart block in which current_ falls
std::string key_;
Slice value_;
Status status_; inline int Compare(const Slice& a, const Slice& b) const {
return comparator_->Compare(a, b);
// Return the offset in data_ just past the end of the current entry.
//当前记录加上记录的长度 和 BLOCK的起点的差 就是偏移
inline uint32_t NextEntryOffset() const {
return ( + value_.size()) - data_;
} uint32_t GetRestartPoint(uint32_t index) {
//data_ + restarts_就是记录各个重启点偏移的数组
//根据重启点index 计算偏移data_ + restarts_ ,里面就是第index个重启点的偏移
assert(index < num_restarts_);
return DecodeFixed32(data_ + restarts_ + index * sizeof(uint32_t));
} void SeekToRestartPoint(uint32_t index) {
restart_index_ = index;
// current_ will be fixed by ParseNextKey(); //value结束就是KEY的开始 所以使用value_记录
uint32_t offset = GetRestartPoint(index);
value_ = Slice(data_ + offset, );
  bool ParseNextKey() {
current_ = NextEntryOffset(); //获取下一个entry的偏移
const char* p = data_ + current_;
const char* limit = data_ + restarts_; // 所有BLOCK内数据不可能超过restart
if (p >= limit) {
// No more entries to return. Mark as invalid.
current_ = restarts_;
restart_index_ = num_restarts_;
return false;
} // Decode next entry
uint32_t shared, non_shared, value_length;
//解析获取 key的共享字段长度 非共享字段长度和value的长度
p = DecodeEntry(p, limit, &shared, &non_shared, &value_length);
if (p == NULL || key_.size() < shared) {
return false;
} else {
key_.resize(shared); //key保存了其他entry的key 但是可以保留共享长度的字符串
key_.append(p, non_shared); //再添加非共享长度的字符串 就是当前KEY内容
value_ = Slice(p + non_shared, value_length); //value 就是略过key的偏移
//编译restart点 确认restart点的偏移是离自己最近的 restart_index_< current_ < (restart_index_ + 1)
while (restart_index_ + < num_restarts_ &&
GetRestartPoint(restart_index_ + ) < current_) {
return true;


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