
[WARN] [WallTime: 1555659671.447721] Could not process inbound connection: Client [/rostopic_18439_1555659423249] wants topic [/bp_update_feedback] to have datatype/md5sum 
[bp_hdw_driver/bp_update_feedback/0d0edf749cdde9f3dc5639668f40e90b], but our version has [bp_hdw_driver/bp_update_feedback/b795ea8e2679e6d909cee60dd8872404] Dropping conne
ction.{'message_definition': 'string board_name\nuint8 update_state', 'callerid': '/rostopic_18439_1555659423249', 'tcp_nodelay': '', 'md5sum': '0d0edf749cdde9f3dc5639668
f40e90b', 'topic': '/bp_update_feedback', 'type': 'bp_hdw_driver/bp_update_feedback'}

原因: 手动启动的脚本文件引用的topic类型文件,和系统引用的不是同一个,导致MD5值不匹配





Could not process inbound connection: Client [/rostopic_18439_1555659423249] wants topic , ROS md5sums do not match的更多相关文章

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