Official range 所有的接口都直接定义在了 namespace boost中。类似于 iterator,range 分为四类:single pass range,forward range,bidirectional range,random access range。 鉴于 std::pair<iterator,iterator> 并不是合适的 range 的候选,boost::range 提供了 iterator_range 和 sub_range 两个类。类 iterator_range 建立在 forward traversal iterator,而类 sub_range 从 iterator_range 继承下来也是 forward range ,且其 template 参数更容易被指定因此更加容易使用。这两个类最大的差别是 sub_range 很容易在 const 中传递,因为很容易确认相应的 const_iterator。 最小的 range 接口要求实现 begin(),end(),size() 成员函数函数,value_type,iterator,const_iterator,difference_type,size_type 的成员 type。 class iterator_range 实现了创建 forward range 最小的 interface。还实现了 empty() 成员函数,类似于 stream 重载了 operator() 用于测试 iterator_range 是否 validation,实现 equal() 测试两个 iterator_range 是否相等,front() 和 end() 用以返回 iterator_range 的第一个和最后一个值。如果是随机访问的还实现了 operator[]。为了方便用户的使用还重载了 <<,==(比较两个 range 是相同的序列),!=,<,还重载实现了类似 make_pair 的 make_iterator_range 函数(或从 range,或者从两个 iterator,或从一个 range 和两个 range_difference<range>::type 构造 iterator_range),copy_range 函数用于复制元素。 类 sub_range 继承了从 iterator_range 的所有的成员,但其只提供了多个构造函数,但是它可以识别 const 和非 const 的对 begin(),end(),front(),end(),operator[] 成员函数的调用。而且 sub_range 是直接调用数据类型,可以自己推导 iterator 的类型。 注意以下的不同的调用方法就可以发现 sub_range 比 iterator_range 更好用。
std::string str("hello");
iterator_range<std::string::iterator> ir = find_first( str, "ll" );
sub_range<std::string> sub = find_first( str, "ll" ); #include <boost/range.hpp>
为了使用的方便,boost 提供了如下的全局函数 begin(),empty(),end(),size(),rbegin(),rend()直接操纵容器。 // Single Pass Range metafunctions
template< class T > struct range_value;
template< class T > struct range_iterator;
template< class T > struct range_const_iterator;
// Forward Range metafunctions
template< class T > struct range_difference;
template< class T > struct range_size;
// Bidirectional Range metafunctions
template< class T > struct range_reverse_iterator;
template< class T > struct range_const_reverse_iterator;
// Special metafunctions
template< class T > struct range_result_iterator;
template< class T > struct range_reverse_result_iterator; // Single Pass Range functions
template< class T > typename range_iterator<T>::type begin( T& c );
template< class T > typename range_const_iterator<T>::type begin( const T& c );
template< class T > typename range_iterator<T>::type end( T& c );
template< class T > typename range_const_iterator<T>::type end( const T& c );
template< class T > bool empty( const T& c );
// Forward Range functions
template< class T > typename range_size<T>::type size( const T& c );
// Bidirectional Range functions
template< class T > typename range_reverse_iterator<T>::type rbegin( T& c );
template< class T > typename range_const_reverse_iterator<T>::type rbegin( const T& c );
template< class T > typename range_reverse_iterator<T>::type rend( T& c );
template< class T > typename range_const_reverse_iterator<T>::type rend( const T& c );
// Special const Range functions
template< class T > typename range_const_iterator<T>::type const_begin( const T& r );
template< class T > typename range_const_iterator<T>::type const_end( const T& r );
template< class T > typename range_const_reverse_iterator<T>::type const_rbegin

分类: [C++]--[Boost] -- : 1561人阅读 评论() 收藏 举报
. 概念
1.1 目的
1.2 用于的类型
. 示例
[cpp] view plaincopyprint?
void test_range_construct_string()
typedef std::string::iterator iterator;
typedef std::string::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef boost::iterator_range<iterator> irange;
typedef boost::iterator_range<const_iterator> cirange;
std::string str = "hello world";
const std::string cstr = "const world"; // 1. 基本构建方法
boost::iterator_range<std::string::iterator> ir(str);
boost::iterator_range<std::string::const_iterator> cir(str); // 2. 利用make_iterator_range(几种重载函数)
irange r = boost::make_iterator_range(str);
r = boost::make_iterator_range(str.begin(), str.end());
cirange r2 = boost::make_iterator_range(cstr);
r2 = boost::make_iterator_range(cstr.begin(), cstr.end());
r2 = boost::make_iterator_range(str);
assert(r == str);
assert(r.size() == ); irange r3 = boost::make_iterator_range(str, , -);
assert(boost::as_literal("ello worl") == r3);
irange r4 = boost::make_iterator_range(r3, -, ); // 这个也可以理解成复制构造
assert(str == r4);
std::cout << r4 << std::endl; irange r5 = boost::make_iterator_range(str.begin(), str.begin() + );
assert(r5 == boost::as_literal("hello"));
[cpp] view plaincopyprint?
void test_range_type()
using namespace boost; // 数组
const int SIZE = ;
typedef int array_t[SIZE];
const array_t ca = {, , , , , , , , }; assert((is_same<range_iterator<array_t>::type, int* >::value));
assert((is_same<range_value<array_t>::type, int >::value));
assert((is_same<range_difference<array_t>::type, std::ptrdiff_t>::value));
assert((is_same<range_size<array_t>::type, std::size_t >::value));
assert((is_same<range_const_iterator<array_t>::type, const int* >::value)); assert(begin(ca) == ca);
assert(end(ca) == ca + size(ca));
assert(empty(ca) == false);

Is there a function in BOOST, given a starting point and a desired size, that returns iterators for a (sub) range? 

For example, given:
a boost::circular_buffer which contains:
a starting point which is an iterator pointing to
and finally a desired size which is an int s = The result of which would be iterators producing: A possible implementation might be this (but I was hoping there was a BOOST version since I can't find an STD algorithm) template <typename Itr>
std::pair<Itr, Itr> getWindowDown(Itr begin, Itr end, Itr start, const int windowSize)
// Down first, then up if need be
const Itr bottom = (end - start > windowSize) ? (start + windowSize) : (end);
const Itr top = (bottom - begin > windowSize) ? (bottom - windowSize) : (begin);
return make_pair(top, bottom);
} Thanks, Remove Ads
Neil Groves- Reply | Threaded | More
Oct , ; :33pm Re: Iterator Range, sub range of a desired size
Neil Groves-
posts On Mon, Oct , at : AM, David Kimmel <[hidden email]> wrote:
Is there a function in BOOST, given a starting point and a desired size, that
returns iterators for a (sub) range? There are two classes in Boost.Range that achieve this purpose. The first, boost::iterator_range<Iterator> can be used to hold sub-ranges. It is not directly constructible from the form firstIterator, count since this would either require that the Iterator is a model of the RandomAccessConcept or would provide sloppy performance guarantees. This behaviour is easily achieved by constructing the iterator_range with boost::make_iterator_range(boost::next(buffer.begin(), ), buffer.end()). Additionally there is the boost::sub_range<Range> which is very similar to iterator_range except that it preserves const-ness of the parent range. Thanks, Regards,
Neil Groves

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