SharePoint 错误集 2
1 Run command “New-SPConfigurationDatabase"
Feature Description: error message popup after run function “New-SPConfigurationDatabase".
1.1 Category
Code error
1.2 Exception and Phenomena
pipeline issue:The pipeline has been stopped
New-SPConfigurationDatabase : This SharePoint farm currently has pending upgrad
es. The cmdlet New-SPConfigurationDatabase cannot be executed until the upgrad
1.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
This SharePoint farm currently has pending upgrades
1.4 Work Around and Solution
1.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
"psconfig -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -wait -force" |
Run this command in powershell |
If this is not work, modify the right of regedit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components, Then run script “secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltb ” |
If not work, maybe it is because the web app name or port in config fie is not currect. |
1.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
Pipeline upgrade stopped successfully |
After stopped upgrade, rerun the function, it will be ok. |
1 can’t install Microsoft Office Web Applications
Feature Description: can't accept the license
1.1 Category
1.2 Exception and Phenomena
License error popup
1.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
Selected wrong license/key
1.4 Work Around and Solution
1.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
Go to file \\\software\sharepoint2010 Open Key.txt, the license should be: "393DK-F2X9J-TB87H-WBRF8-66RFR" |
1.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
2 Can’t run the command correctly
Feature Description: when we create the first farm, we need run command:
New-SPConfigurationDatabase –DatabaseName <Config DB Name> –DatabaseServer <Db cluster name> –AdministrationContentDatabaseName <Central Administration content DB name> –Passphrase (ConvertTo-SecureString <Passphase> –AsPlaintext –Force) –FarmCredentials (Get-Credential)
But we got an error.
2.1 Category
2.2 Exception and Phenomena
When run the SharePoint 2010 Products Configuration Wizard, I got an error message: “SharePoint 2010 – SQL Server has an unsupported version 10.0.2531.0”
if using the powershell to run command, it will show the below error:
2.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
It because we haven’t add right aliases in Sql Server Configuration Manager, we need add a content DB alias and a config DB alias both in 32bit and 64bit
2.4 Work Around and Solution
2.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
Go to the server, run Sql Server Configuration Manager as administrator, then add content DB alias and a config DB alias both in 32bit and 64bit. |
3 Run function “ConfigureUsageDataCollectionn”
Feature Description: run function “ConfigureUsageDataCollectionn” in sp2010FarmConfig.xml at Farm15
3.1 Category
3.2 Exception and Phenomena
PS C:\Windows\system32> F:\temp\script\sp2010FarmConfig.ps1
============= Configure Usage Data Collectionn ==========
Set-SPUsageDefinition : The usage definition with the given identity does not exist.
At F:\temp\script\sp2010FarmConfig.ps1:1270 char:30
+ Set-SPUsageDefinition <<<< -identity "Definition of usage fields for workflow telemetry" -daysretained $RetainedDays -enable:$true
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Microsoft.Share...initionPipeBind:SPUsageDefinitionPipeBind) [Set-SPUsageDefinition], PSArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletSetUsageDefinition
Function ConfigureUsageDataCollectionn has been done.
But the value in the section is correctly as document.
3.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
It is because the list in “sp2010FarmConfig.xml” is different as the Centre administrator.
3.4 Work Around and Solution
3.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
workflow |
Use “workflow” to instead of “Definition of usage fields for workflow telemetry” |
delete “Clickthrough Usage” |
there are two “Site Inventory Usage”, delete one |
3.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
4 Run function “ConfigureUsageDataCollectionn”
Feature Description: run function “ConfigureUsageDataCollectionn” in sp2010FarmConfig.xml at Farm13
4.1 Category
4.2 Exception and Phenomena
New-SPUsageApplication : A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or
was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provi
der, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
At F:\temp\Script\sp2010FarmConfig.ps1:1187 char:31
+ New-SPUsageApplication <<<< -Name $UsageAppName -DatabaseServer $DBServer -DatabaseName $DBName
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share...sageApplication:SPCmdletNewUsageApplication) [New-SPUsageApplication], SqlException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletNewUsageApplication
Unable to create Usage Application named as: ent13-UsageSerApp1
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
Set-SPUsageDefinition : The usage definition with the given identity does not exist.
At F:\temp\Script\sp2010FarmConfig.ps1:1275 char:30
+ Set-SPUsageDefinition <<<< -identity "Definition of usage fields for workflow telemetry" -daysretained $RetainedDays -enable:$true
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Microsoft.Share...initionPipeBind:SPUsageDefinitionPipeBind) [Set-SPUsageDefinition], PSArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletSetUsageDefinition
4.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
It is because that content DB of Farm 13 can’t connect.
4.4 Work Around and Solution
4.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
Connect GDBA to configuration, after configuration, run this function again. |
5 Run function “ConfigureUsageDataCollectionn”
Feature Description: run function “ConfigureUsageDataCollectionn” in sp2010FarmConfig.xml at Farm12
5.1 Category
5.2 Exception and Phenomena
New-SPUsageApplication : Login failed for user 'ASIAPACIFIC\longhu'.
At F:\temp\Script\sp2010FarmConfig.ps1:1187 char:31
+ New-SPUsageApplication <<<< -Name $UsageAppName -DatabaseServer $DBServer -DatabaseName $DBName
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share...sageApplication:SPCmdletNewUsageApplication
) [New-SPUsageApplication], SqlException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletNewUsageApplication
Unable to create Usage Application named as: ent12-UsageSerApp1
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
5.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
It because you can’t connect to related DB.
5.4 Work Around and Solution
5.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
push Beh, Andrew (GDBA) and Pui, Woon Yong (GDBA) to help. |
5.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
6 Connect to an exist farm error
Feature Description: after created first farm, we need connect to this farm in other server. After we input the DB server’s name to get connect, sometimes this error message will popup.
6.1 Category
6.2 Exception and Phenomena
6.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
It is because the two binaries were not detected.
6.4 Work Around and Solution
6.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
If it occurred on other server as above, you need login the specific server, reinstall the required binaries, then click Refresh button to perform the status check again. |
If it occurred on locally, you must quit this program and install the required binaries and patches on this server before restarting this wizard. |
if this problem displayed in G1W3833G, we should uninstall the Microsoft Office Web Apps, then reinstall it, besides, we need install the Hotfix in “2011 OCT CU” file. |
6.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
7 ConfigAAM function error in WebApp.xml
Feature Description: unable to add Default for http://xxxxxxxx:8888
7.1 Category
7.2 Exception and Phenomena
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At F:\temp\script1\sp2010WebApps.ps1:1038 char:36
+ $webApp.AlternateUrls.Clear <<<< ();
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Clear:String) [], RuntimeExc
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
Unable to add Default for http://g4w4709g:8888
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
Unable to add Extranet for http://g4w4709g:8888
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
Unable to add Custom for http://g4w4709g:8888
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
Unable to add Intranet for http://g4w4709g:8888
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
Unable to add Internet for http://g4w4709g:8888
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
7.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
It is because the address in sp2010WebApps.ps1is not correct.
7.4 Work Around and Solution
7.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
open the EntFarm$.xml ( $ is the number of the farm) use notepad, find the <AAMs>…</AAMs>, change the server name to the full name, eg: <WebApp url = https://g2w2803g:8888 to <WebApp url = Then rerun the script. |
8 Run IIS_Authentication function
Feature Description: IIS_Authentication function error in IISRemote.xml
8.1 Category
8.2 Exception and Phenomena
Set-WebConfigurationProperty : There is no configuration defined for object at path IIS:\SslBindings.
At F:\temp\script1\sp2010IISRemote.ps1:419 char:41
+ Set-WebConfigurationProperty <<<< -filter /system.WebServer/security/authentication/AnonymousAuthenticat
ion -name enabled -value true -ErrorVariable err
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Set-WebConfigurationProperty], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : invalidOperation,Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Provider.SetConfigurationPropertyCommand Unable to update IIS Authentication in local server. There is no configuration defined for object at path IIS:\SslBindings.
8.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
If run the component on other Farm, no this issue "Unable to update IIS Authentication in local server" . Not sure if "Has set log file perssion …" is error, if not, should change the message color
8.4 Work Around and Solution
8.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
8.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
9 Run Logfile_permission function
Feature Description: Run Logfile_permission function error in IISRemote.xml
9.1 Category
9.2 Exception and Phenomena
Cannot find directory:u:\spdata\excel in Has set Logfile permission for E:\Logfiles\SharePoint for NetworkService in Has set Logfile permission for E:\Logfiles\SharePoint for LocalService in Cannot find directory:u:\spdata\excel in
9.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
It is because the folder u:\spdata\excel is missing.
9.4 Work Around and Solution
9.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Go to Central administrator |
2. Click Create site collections, type title, Url and User name. Click Ok button. |
3. Go to Central Administrationà Manage we applications, click “” |
4. Click “Service Connections” of Manage, select Custom from dropdown and checked all checkbox and click Ok. |
5. Go to |
6. Click “Add document”, upload an excel file. 7. Go to 2 query servers, check if the folder is created : U:\spdata\excel |
9.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
10 Run ProvisionSearchServiceApplication function
Feature Description: run ProvisionSearchServiceApplication function in SP2010-ServiceApplication.ps1
10.1 Category
10.2 Exception and Phenomena
============= Provision Search Service Application ==========
Create New Service Application Pool successfully: ent12_SearchApp1_Pool
Create New Service Application Pool successfully: ent12_SearchApp1_QueryPool
ent12_SearchApp1 :Create New Search Service Application
ent12_SearchApp1Proxy :Create New Search Service Application proxy
Set-SPEnterpriseSearchAdministrationComponent : The search service instance on this server is not online
At F:\temp\Script\SP2010-ServiceApplication.ps1:1624 char:58
+ Set-SPEnterpriseSearchAdministrationComponent <<<< -SearchApplication $SSApp -SearchServiceInstanc
e $searchSvc
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Offic...rationComponentetSearchAdministrationComponent)
[Set-SPEnterpris...rationComponent], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Cmdlet.SetSearchAdministrationComponent
10.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
It is because the search service is disabled.
10.4 Work Around and Solution
10.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
You have to make sure the search service is started on the local, index and App Servers first. |
You can start the Search service on the Central Administration. |
Or you can run this command: Start-SpEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance –identity G4W4193G (local, index and App names) |
11 Run ProvisionSearchServiceApplication function
Feature Description: run ProvisionSearchServiceApplication function in SP2010-ServiceApplication.ps1
11.1 Category
11.2 Exception and Phenomena
============= Provision Search Service Application ==========
ent15_SearchApp1 Removing for re-create
Cannot remove search service application
Cannot remove search service application:ent15_SearchApp1 Cannot open database "ent15_Search1_Admin" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'ASIAPACIFIC\XXXXX'.
11.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
It is a problem of account in DB. Some dbs in this farm are newly created by share point service, where the execution was previously done by other, not XXXXX, so XXXXX can’t access the DB.
11.4 Work Around and Solution
11.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
Need contact GDBA(Pui, Woon Yong (GDBA)) to grant the right to you. |
11.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
12 Some notice when run SP2010-ServiceApplication.ps1
Feature Description: maybe you will get some errors when run this script, ensure you did below things.
12.1 Category
12.2 Exception and Phenomena
12.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
12.4 Work Around and Solution
12.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. You need skip below functions: #MMServiceAppPool #ProvisionManagedMetadata #MetadataServiceConnection #ProvisionMetadataServiceApplication #ProvisionUserProfileServiceApplication #StartUserProfileService #IISResetForUPA #AssociateUPAProxy #SetUPAProperties #ConfigureSynchronizationTimerJob #SetSocialRatingSynchronizationJob #DisableMySiteSuggestionsEmailJob #IncreaseTimeoutforUPA |
2. You’d better run the function about “word” together: #ProvisionWordviewing #WordviewingServiceSetting |
3. you’d better run function “#ProvisionSearchServiceApplication” and function”#BuildSearchTopology” together and only once. |
12.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
4. After run these two functions, you need connect GDBA to reconfigure the four DBs which created by SharePoint. You need add the link of the DB list: |
5. run the functions after “#BuildSearchTopology” |
6. Delete the default search DBs, such as ent15_Search1_Admin_CrawlStore ent15_Search1_Admin_PropertyStore you can follow below steps to delete the DBs: 1. Go to SP Central administrator --> Application Management --> Manage service applications 2. Click ent15_SearchApp1 ---> Click Modify ---> delete those two DBs 3. Open Sharepoint 2010 Managed Shell --> run below 3 command (type Y if need type): $searchApp = "ent15_SearchApp1" $PropertyStoreDB = "ent15_Search1_Admin_PropertyStore" $QT = $searchApp | Get-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryTopology | Where-Object {$_.State -eq 'Inactive'} $QT $QT | Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryTopology Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchPropertyDatabase -Identity $PropertyStoreDB -SearchApplication $searchApp |
7. After finish component 4 (SP2010-ServiceApplication.ps1), we need delete two default search DBs: ent15_Search1_Admin_CrawlStore ent15_Search1_Admin_PropertyStore delete step: 1. Go to SP Central administrator --> Application Management --> Manage service applications 2. Click ent15_SearchApp1 ---> Click Modify ---> delete those two DBs 3. Open Sharepoint 2010 Managed Shell --> run below 3 command (type Y if need type) $searchApp = "ent15_SearchApp1" $PropertyStoreDB = "ent15_Search1_Admin_PropertyStore" $QT = $searchApp | Get-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryTopology | Where-Object {$_.State -eq 'Inactive'} $QT $QT | Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryTopology Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchPropertyDatabase -Identity $PropertyStoreDB -SearchApplication $searchApp |
13 Can’t delete DB ent15_Search1_Admin_CrawlStore
Feature Description: After finish component 4 (SP2010-ServiceApplication.ps1), we need delete two default search DBs:
The delete step is showed in last question. But we only deleted one DB: ent15_Search1_Admin_PropertyStore
13.1 Category
13.2 Exception and Phenomena
DB ent15_Search1_Admin_CrawlStore is still there.
13.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
It because the command:
$searchApp = "ent15_SearchApp1"
$PropertyStoreDB = "ent15_Search1_Admin_PropertyStore"
$QT = $searchApp | Get-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryTopology | Where-Object {$_.State -eq 'Inactive'}
$QT | Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryTopology
Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchPropertyDatabase -Identity $PropertyStoreDB -SearchApplication $searchApp
Only deleted DB ent15_Search1_Admin_PropertyStore.
13.4 Work Around and Solution
13.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
$searchApp = "ent12_SearchApp1" $CrawlStoreDB = "ent12_Search1_Admin_CrawlStore" $QT = $searchApp | Get-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryTopology | Where-Object {$_.State -eq 'Inactive'} $QT $QT | Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryTopology Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlDatabase -Identity $CrawlStoreDB -SearchApplication $searchApp |
We need run this command to delete ent15_Search1_Admin_PropertyStore. |
13.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
14 Can’t find /teams/Office_Viewing_Service_Cache when manual configuration
Feature Description: can’t find /teams/Office_Viewing_Service_Cache which need to be deleted when we need do manual configuration.
14.1 Category
14.2 Exception and Phenomena
We need delete /teams/Office_Viewing_Service_Cache when manual configuration, but we follow the step, we can’t find it in Application Management --> Delete a Site Collections -->change Site Collectionà Delete the current cache site (‘/teams/Office_Viewing_Service_Cache).
14.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
Not clear
14.4 Work Around and Solution
14.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
Skip this step, check if it appear after run timer job “Office web apps Cache Creation” |
If yes, it will be ok, else, ask Rijal for help. |
14.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
15 Step of Office Cache Site in manual configuration
Feature Description: detail about Office Cache Site.
15.1 Category
15.2 Exception and Phenomena
15.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
15.4 Work Around and Solution
15.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Central AdministrationàApplication ManagementàManage content database (check the Web Application, eg: )àAdd a Content databaseàcheck the Database Server name is the config db server name, in farm 15, it is GVV40902àchange the Database Name to ent151_OWACacheàok. |
2. Stop all content_XX except OWA db. (the cache site will be create on OWA db) |
3. Application Management --> Delete a Site Collections -->change Site Collectionà Delete the current cache site(‘/teams/Office_Viewing_Service_Cache), |
4. Central AdministrationàMonitoringàtimer job statusà in the ‘view’, select ‘job definition’, in the ‘job definition’ click and select ‘change job definition’. |
5. Repeat step 1~4 to ent152. (Create owa cache for 152 first, then Stop all content, Delete the current cache site, and run timer job. ) |
6. Application Management --> Site Collections -->View all site collectionsàcheck if the OWA cache already created, |
7. Start all content dbs for ent151 & ent152, and stop OWA dbs. |
8. Run commd in Sharepoint management shell: $100gbInBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 100 Get-SPWebApplication | Set-SPOfficeWebAppsCache -ExpirationPeriodInDays 30 -MaxSizeInBytes $100gbInBytes |
15.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
16 How to Request ACR CHG TECHPLAN Role
Feature Description: Before you can create IM ticket, you need Request ACR CHG TECHPLAN Role first.
16.1 Category
16.2 Exception and Phenomena
16.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
16.4 Work Around and Solution
16.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
Click HPSM Administration Servicesà HPSM OperatorsàHPSM Admin-Add OperatoràProceed to Order |
Select “ES IT” in Owner’s Organization àselect “ACR CHG TECHPLAN” in Role Name |
Click Add Item to Cart à submit |
16.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
Create ticket in |
17 Can’t attach content database “entxxx_OWACache” to web application “”
Feature Description: Can’t attach content database “entxxx_OWACache” to web application
17.1 Category
17.2 Exception and Phenomena
Have added DB ent132_OWACache to web application before, but it disappeared later, when we try to recreate it, we got error as below:
17.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
17.4 Work Around and Solution
17.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
Consider the database ID conflict, we tried to attach the content database by stsadm command, we use “assignnewdatabaseid” parameter to assign new id to avoid any conflict: stsadm.exe -o addcontentdb -url <URL name> -databasename <database name> -assignnewdatabaseid |
18 Can’t create a collection site in a web application
Feature Description: Cannot create SharePoint site under certain web application, we get below error message:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
18.1 Category
18.2 Exception and Phenomena
18.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
the cause is content database corruptted in our config database
18.4 Work Around and Solution
18.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Collected SharePoint logs and analyzed the logs |
2. Checked if the problematic web application has orphan data in the SharePoint configuration database: $web=get-spwebapplication http://webapplication SELECT [Id],[Name],cast(Properties as XML) FROM [SPS2010_SharePoint_Config].[dbo].[Objects] (nolock) |
3. Found there exists some orphan data in the content database: <fld type="null” /> 4. Verified the content data is the faulty one: SELECT * FROM [SPS2010_SharePoint_Config].[dbo].[Objects] (nolock) No row is returned by this SQL command, it indicates the content database is the faulty one. |
5. Deleted the orphan content database with powershell: $web.ContentDatabases.Delete('fe854b89-0be1-4fb7-98ed-94b52d241d96') |
6. Tried the create the site collection again, the site collection could be created successfully. |
18.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
19 Can’t run the command successfully when form the farm.
Feature Description: we need use farm account to run below command to do farming:
New-SPConfigurationDatabase –DatabaseName "ent17_SharePoint_Config7" –DatabaseServer "GVV10932" –AdministrationContentDatabaseName "ent17_SharePoint_AdminContent7" –Passphrase (ConvertTo-SecureString "CommEnt17SP2010Luck!" –AsPlaintext –Force) –FarmCredentials (Get-Credential) , will got an access is denied error and a config db will display.
19.1 Category
19.2 Exception and Phenomena
But I got an access is denied error when I run the command first time, and there will create a config db: ent17_SharePoint_Config7,
When I run the command second time, I got an error that the db is not empty.
Anyway, I can run this command successfully use my own account, I have checked the dbo right of farm account, it is the same as my account, it’s so strange.
19.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
Check the account in sql server management studio, expand SecurityàLogins, select the farm account and right clickàpropertiesàcheck the default databaseàUser Mappingàcheck if the default database is selected in the list, if not, select it.
19.4 Work Around and Solution
19.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
20 Requested registry access is not allowed
Feature Description: when forming the farm, you may got Requested registry access is not allowed error.
20.1 Category
20.2 Exception and Phenomena
Requested registry access is not allowed error
+ New-SPConfigurationDatabase <<<< -DatabaseName "ent17_SharePoint_Config2" -D
atabaseServer "GVV10932" -AdministrationContentDatabaseName "ent17_SharePoint_A
dminContent2" -Passphrase (ConvertTo-SecureString "CommEnt17SP2010!" -AsPlainte
xt -Force) -FarmCredentials (Get-Credential)
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share...urationDatabase:
SPCmdletNewSPConfigurationDatabase) [New-SPConfigurationDatabase], Securit
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletNewSPCon
20.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
This is because you didn’t run the powershell under administrator, or the account you used is not in administrator group.
20.4 Work Around and Solution
20.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Run powershell under administrator |
Else 2. Check if the account you used in administrator group |
If 1&2 are yes, you can change the UAC of this server: startàrunà”msconfig”àToolsàselect “Change UAC Settings”àlangchàselect Never NotifyàOKà OKàrestarts server. |
20.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
21 Can’t delete a site collection
Feature Description: when delete a site collection in CA, can’t select the site. Will got <nativehr>0x80070003</nativehr><nativestack></nativestack> error.
21.1 Category
21.2 Exception and Phenomena
when delete a site collection in CA, can’t select the site. Will got <nativehr>0x80070003</nativehr><nativestack></nativestack> error.
21.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
Something wrong when connect db.
21.4 Work Around and Solution
21.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Open Config DB serveràOpen entxx_SharePoint_Config DB |
2. Right click SiteMap tableàselect Top 1000 Rows |
3. Record the Database ID of deleting site |
4. Open entxx_SharePoint_AdminContent DBàright click DatabaseInformation table àselect Top 1000 Rows, find the db name with the database ID. 5. Find the DB in CA, remove it, the site will be removed 6. Recreate the db with the same configuration. |
21.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
22 Can't access CA
Feature Description: Failed to access CA in a farm.
22.1 Category
22.2 Exception and Phenomena
Got below error when run CA as administrator.
22.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
Central Administrator IIS stopped, or the url should be “https://”
22.4 Work Around and Solution
22.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Open IIS, check if “SharePoint Central Administration v4”stopped. If it is stopped, start it. |
2. Else check the url, change it from “http://” to “https://” |
22.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
23 Got error when run function “Create Root Sites” in sp2010WebApps.ps1
Feature Description: got an issue when run the “Creating Root Sites” function in web apps:
23.1 Category
23.2 Exception and Phenomena
============= Creating Root Sites ==========
the root site already exists in farm.
Unable to add NT AUTHORITY\authenticated users into Contribute for
Exception calling "Add" with "1" argument(s): "Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation."
When check the $web, found there are some exceptions:
Exception getting "SystemAccount": "Unable to cast COM object of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass' to interface type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.ISPRequest'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{BDEADF28-C265-11D0-BCED-00A0C90AB50F}' failed due to the following error: Bad variable type. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020008 (DISP_E_BADVARTYPE))."
23.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
PowerGUI from enumerating all the properties inside certain objects and causing the error
23.4 Work Around and Solution
23.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Check EntFarmXX.xml document, in <Rootsite>, check if AuthenUser="Read" at the <rootsite>, if not, add it. |
2. If error still occur, close the Variables panel on the right |
24 404 error when access a site URL
Feature Description: get 404 error when access a site URL, for example:
24.1 Category
24.2 Exception and Phenomena
24.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
Can’t access DB server
24.4 Work Around and Solution
24.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Make sure you can access the DB server and DB. |
2. Check IP address binding in IIS. Step:startàrunàcmdàipconfig, there are three IP v4, should be the three site’s ip. |
3. If after above two step, still can’t access the site, you can try to check the changeowner, step: login IIS, expand sitesà entxxx.sharepoint.hp.comà_layoutsàhpàcheck the changeowner is a folder or an application, if it is a folder, right lick this folderàconvert to Application… |
24.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
25 Can’t search something in a site
Feature Description: 1. when search something in a site home page use “Search this site…”, you will got an error message “The search request was unable to connect to the Search Service.” 2. You will got error when access CAàApplication ManagementàService ApplicationàManage service Applicationàentxx_SearchApp1. 3. Can’t create “Office_Viewing_Service_Cache“ site auto.
25.1 Category
25.2 Exception and Phenomena
Got message “The search request was unable to connect to the Search Service.” When search some thin in one site.
25.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
This is because you didn’t setup all the search services of this site.
25.4 Work Around and Solution
25.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Login CAàApplication Managementà Service ApplicationàConfigure service application associations. |
2. Click all the item in column Application Proxy Group, “Configure Service Application Associations” popup |
3. Check all the items, then click OK button. |
26 Event ID:2137
Feature Description:
The SharePoint Health Analyzer detected an error. Drives used for SQL databases are running out of free space.
The following databases have one or more files that may exceed the available free drive space. If this happens, operations will start to fail. ent121_GVV10822_content1 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content1 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content1 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content1 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content10 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content10 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content10 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content10 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content11 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content11 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content11 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content11 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content12 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content12 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content12 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content12 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content13 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content13 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content13 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content13 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content14 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content14 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content14 on GVV10822, ent121_GVV10822_content14 on GVV10822, 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ent12_SharePoint_Config2 on GVV10835, ent12_Search1_Crawl1 on GVV10835, ent12_Search1_Crawl1 on GVV10835, ent12_Search1_Crawl1 on GVV10835, ent12_Search1_Crawl1 on GVV10835, ent12_Search1_Crawl1 on GVV10835, ent12_Search1_Crawl1 on GVV10835, ent12_Search1_Crawl1 on GVV10835, ent12_Search1_Property1 on GVV10835, ent12_Search1_Property1 on GVV10835, ent12_Search1_Property1 on GVV10835, ent12_SharePoint_AdminContent2 on GVV10835, ent121_OWACache on GVV10835, ent121_OWACache on GVV10835, ent121_OWACache on GVV10835, ent122_OWACache on GVV10835, ent122_OWACache on GVV10835, ent122_OWACache on GVV10835
Examine the drives containing the specified databases' log and data files. Free space on these drives or move the database files to another drive. A drive should have enough free space for the largest database file on it to autogrow twice. For more information about this rule, see "".
26.1 Category
26.2 Exception and Phenomena
26.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
26.4 Work Around and Solution
26.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Go to CA ->Monitoring ->Review rule definitions. |
2. Click the “Drives used for SQL databases are running out of free space.” |
3. |
26.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
27 Event ID:8031
Feature Description:
An exception occurred while updating addresses for connected app {844d112b-982e-44c0-a6a4-70a1c67b9655_4bd9b16a-4826-45f2-9768-df5e8eaeb237}. The uri endpoint information may be stale. System.InvalidOperationException: The requested application could not be found.
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPTopologyWebServiceApplicationProxy.ProcessCommonExceptions(Uri endpointAddress, String operationName, Exception ex, SPServiceLoadBalancerContext context)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPTopologyWebServiceApplicationProxy.ExecuteOnChannel(String operationName, CodeBlock codeBlock)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPTopologyWebServiceApplicationProxy.GetEndPoints(Guid serviceId)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPConnectedServiceApplicationAddressesRefreshJob.Execute(Guid targetInstanceId)
27.1 Category
27.2 Exception and Phenomena
27.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
some useless GUID in config db.
27.4 Work Around and Solution
27.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Use below Sql to search the guid . SELECT ID, NAME, * FROM Objects WHERE Name like '%d4906517-67a9-4e26-9767-9c9452db71ae_9dd8eeba-583d-4413-a0ab-bb8f9d59fe36%' (this is guid in event properties ) |
2. Copy the search result id and use this command to delete it . To directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\BIN Run STSADM -o deleteconfigurationobject -id GUID |
Note : |
before you delete the guid , you need to tell GDBA backup ent*_SharePoint_Config2 , ent*_SharePoint_AdminContent2 . |
28 Event ID:7043
Feature Description:
Load control template file /_controltemplates/TaxonomyPicker.ascx failed: Could not load type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.TaxonomyPicker' from assembly 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c'.
28.1 Category
28.2 Exception and Phenomena
28.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
28.4 Work Around and Solution
28.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
ORIGINAL SOLUTION: It appeared at first that the problem was with a HTML encoded ',' in the assembly reference of the file which I changed by editing the TaxonomyPicker.ascx(C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\CONTROLTEMPLATES \) file ,find the character string , and replace with a comma ‘,’ (without quotes). |
UPDATED SOLUTION: The above updates stopped working and the next time an IISRESET happened the error came back. After doing some research it appears that the TaxonomyPicker is never actually used. To finally remove the error I just renamed the file to TaxonomyPicker.ascx_bak and the errors went away. |
28.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
29 Event ID: 8311
Feature Description:
An operation failed because the following certificate has validation errors:\n\nSubject Name:, OU=EliteSSL, O=PreEmptive Solutions, STREET=767 Beta Drive, L=Mayfield Village, S=Ohio, PostalCode=44143, C=US\nIssuer Name: CN=COMODO High-Assurance Secure Server CA, O=COMODO CA Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester, C=GB\nThumbprint: 7934A9D5577BD0A1D01960436202B710EE330F49\n\nErrors:\n\n The root of the certificate chain is not a trusted root authority..
29.1 Category
29.2 Exception and Phenomena
29.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
The certificate is missing or damaged.
This problem occurs when an administrator deletes the "local" trust relationship of the farm from the "Security" section of the Central Administration web site (Central Administration > Security > Manage Trust)
Maybe it is because of your server have installed PowerGUI, this error throwed out by PowerGUI, if this error don’t display after uninstall PowerGUI, that this error may not have something about sharepoint.
29.4 Work Around and Solution
29.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
Method 1 |
PowerShell $rootCert = (Get-SPCertificateAuthority).RootCertificate New-SPTrustedRootAuthority -Name "localNew" -Certificate $rootCert After running the above commands, perform an IISReset on all servers in the farm. Alternate Method (Central Administration site) 1. Export the certificate from the Computer’s certificate store a. Log on to the SharePoint server where you are seeing the certificate errors b. Open Start à Run, type in “mmc” and hit “Ok” c. From the file menu, choose “Add/Remove Snap-in” d. Double click “Certificates” a. Select “Computer account” and walk through the rest of the wizard. Make sure you select “Local Computer” a. Hit Finish and then “OK” a. Go to “Certificates” à SharePoint à Certificates a. Double click on each of the three certificates and look at their thumbprint (details tab). If the thumb print of the certificate matches the thumb print from the event log, this is the certificate you want to export b. Export the certificate (right click, All Tasks à Export). Leave all default options selected and save it to the desktop. 2. Add the certificate to the SharePoint certificate store a. Go to Central Admin à Security à Manage Trust. a. Click on “New”. a. Specify any appropriate name, and select the certificate you exported earlier. b. Click OK. After running the above commands, perform an IISReset on all servers in the farm. |
Method 2 |
If you can’t find the same Thumbprint on your server, please check if your server installed PowerGUI, uninstall it, you will not got this 8311 error again |
29.4.2 Solution
30 Event ID:5586 & 6398
Feature Description:
· The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Monitoring.TraceDiagnosticsProvider (ID 7ab992f9-a689-4085-b3d7-3fdb98d10f5d) threw an exception. More information is included below.
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)
· Unknown SQL Exception 10061 occurred. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below.
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)
30.1 Category
30.2 Exception and Phenomena
This error will not affect user to use sharepoint.
30.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
They are all related to database connectivity issues. Also, the timer job should belong to “Configuration Cache Refreshing (job-config-refresh)” or “Health Checking (job-diagnostics-performance)”. Since those two jobs will monitor configuration cache modification of your farm and also the status of servers, they will connect to database server very frequently, like job-config-refresh job, it will check configuration & objects every 15 seconds.
· If we have some incorrect database configuration or settings on SharePoint, we could got those errors. Just like today, we found there are two SharePoint content database (number 3 and 4) with incorrect configuration settings on SharePoint farm. We fixed it, and so far, no more errors observed.
· Then, also, sometimes, there will be some connectivity issue that just happens incidentally, and, it tried again and then successfully. If the connectivity issue doesn’t last for a long period (like cannot connect to database for several minutes), it’s very hard to do troubleshooting. And as you told me that you also have encountered some database connectivity issue via SQL Server Management Studio recently. So, if those errors are caused by that, and no impact for end users, but just messages for those SharePoint background timer job processes, we can consider them as false alarm and just ignore them.
30.4 Work Around and Solution
30.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Go to one SharePoint server, open one CMD window (run as Administrator). 2. Go to SharePoint root folder: “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\BIN” 3. Run the following stsadm command: stsadm -o getproperty -pn database-connection-timeout 4. The returned value should be “15”, which is the default value. 5. Then, we change it to 45 seconds. stsadm -o setproperty -pn database-connection-timeout -pv 45 6. Get the value to confirm it’s “45” by getting it again, stsadm -o getproperty -pn database-connection-timeout |
If the error still happen, check if you can connect to database of this farm, database disconnected will cause this error. |
If you can connect to database, and set above setting, you can try to: Turn off the Usage and Data Collection by navigating to your Central Administration > Monitoring > Configure usage and health data collection. Uncheck both Enable usage data collection and Enable health data colletion, assuming they are checked, and click OK. Once this is done restart the SharePoint 2010 Timer service. Then re-enable Usage and Data Collection by checking those same items again. The error should stop appearing in the logs now. |
If error still happen, 1. Go to Central Administration -> Monitoring -> Review job definitions 2. Look for the job: Search Health Monitoring – Trace Events and see when it was last run. Chances are the job is set to ‘Disabled’ and never ran. 3. Enable the job and click on ‘Run now’. 4. The errors should stop appearing in the event log. |
31 Event ID: 6398
Feature Description:
Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.
31.1 Category
31.2 Exception and Phenomena
31.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
31.4 Work Around and Solution
31.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1.) Launch an elevated SharePoint 2010 Management Shell |
31.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
32 Event ID: 6398 Office_Viewing_Service_Cache Error
Feature Description:
The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.Office.Web.Environment.Sharepoint.CacheExpirationJob (ID c051e9e7-2c33-4aac-bac4-7673c5586f63) threw an exception. More information is included below.
List 'cache' does not exist at site with URL ''.
32.1 Category
32.2 Exception and Phenomena
32.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
That is because the ‘teams/Office_Viewing_Service_Cache' in your webapplication is created by your self. Many things will miss by this way to create ‘teams/Office_Viewing_Service_Cache' site.
32.4 Work Around and Solution
32.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Check if the ‘teams/Office_Viewing_Service_Cache' site created manually. 2. If so, delete it, disable other Content DBs except “entXX_OWACache”. 3. After ‘teams/Office_Viewing_Service_Cache' site created, enable other DBs and disable “entXX_OWACache”. |
32.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
33 Event ID: 6398 Search Service error
Feature Description:
The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.CrawlReportJobDefinition (ID c24197c7-82ab-45ef-884e-872f6eca820e) threw an exception. More information is included below.
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {0FF1CE14-0005-0000-0000-000000000000} failed due to the following error: 800703fa.
33.1 Category
33.2 Exception and Phenomena
33.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
Search Service got error.
33.4 Work Around and Solution
33.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Clear configuration cache in all SharePoint servers of this farm using below steps: 1) Stop the OWSTIMER service on the SharePoint server in the farm. 2) On the SharePoint server, navigate to: Note: Backup this GUID folder first before doing changes 3) Delete all the XML file in the directory. NOTE: ONLY THE XML FILES, NOT THE .INI FILE. 4) Open the cache.ini with Notepad and reset the number to 1. Save and close the file. 5) Start the OWSTIMER service on the server and wait for XML files to begin to reappear in the directory. 2. Restart the “SharePoint Server Search 14” service in the SharePoint server using below command: net stop "SharePoint Server Search 14" net start “SharePoint Server Search 14” 3. Check whether there is still error with Search Service Application or not 4. If there is still error after doing above actions, we can try to reboot all SharePoint servers and check again. |
33.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
34 Event ID: 8306
Feature Description: Claims window server 2008 bug, need make changes in IIS server, one time fix.
34.1 Category
34.2 Exception and Phenomena
34.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
34.4 Work Around and Solution
34.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
IIS server->app Pool-> security taken application pool –advanced setting->loaduserprofile: set to ‘True’ Only applied on problematic servers |
If error still happens after setting, we can ignore it. |
34.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
35 Some solution of component function
Feature Description: you may get some error when you run component in the farm created by yourself; this is some solution about it.
35.1.1 Solution
function name |
description |
How to solve |
AddServiceAccount |
Unable to add account moss2010\$SharePointAdminException calling "AddUser" with "4" argument(s): "1387 |
Modify the “moss2010\$SharePointAdmin” to “moss2010\SharePointAdmin”. |
IISAuthentication |
hspmaam1[Error_IIS_Authentication] There is no configuration defined for object at path IIS:\SslBindings |
Reconfig IIS. |
ConfigAAM |
Unable to add to Custom for https://hspmaam1:8888Exception calling "Add" with "1" argument(s): "The IncomingUrl is already present in the collection |
The CA’s Default/Intranet/Internet/Custom/Extranet url value must different from each other. |
CreateRootSites |
Unable to create https://hspmaam1. Cannot find an SPWebApplication object that contains the following Name, Id, or Url: https://hspmaam1 |
Modify https://hspmaam1 to http://hspmaam1 .This is the content website url. |
AssociateWebservices |
Cannot get web application hspmaam1.Error:Cannot find an SPWebApplication object with Name, Id, or Url: hspmaam1 |
Caused by wrong web application name. |
IIS_Logging |
hspmaam1 Site Logging Updated: SharePoint - 80. Site Logging Updated: SharePoint - 8080. Site Logging Updated: SharePoint Central Administration v4. Site Logging Updated: WS. |
Caused by wrong domain account. |
UserPolicy |
[Error] Exception calling "Add" with "2" argument(s): "The specified user or domain group was not found |
Modify the account to “moss2010\SharePointAdmin”. |
LBLayerCheck |
Cannot get content from \\hspmaam2\sp-software\health_check\v1.0\healthcheck.aspx |
Corrected the share fold path which contains health check pages. |
CreateSearchCenter |
[Error] Cannot create site http://hspmaam1/search.A site collection could not be created as the provided managed path does not exist. Change the URL to use an existing managed path or create the missing managed path prior to calling this command |
Permission problem. |
DeleteApplicationRegistry |
[Error Application Registry Service : ] Method invocation failed because [Microsoft.Office.Server.ApplicationRegistry.SharedService.ApplicationRegistryServiceApplication] doesn't contain a method named 'op_Addition' |
I didn’t know the real reason,I remembered that I have run SharePoint 2010 Products Configuration Wizard and re-config IIS.BTW,I alse run the follow command to give registry access: secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose |
ProvisionState |
[Error_StateService] Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Name' because it is null |
Wrong config file used,I should use EntFarm11.xml as configuration file,but I make a mistake when I copy content from another file to this file and I saved it at end. |
ProvisionWordviewing |
="[Error] Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Name'. The argument is null, empty, or an element of the argument collection contains a null value. Supply a collection that does not contain any null values and then try the command again |
ProvisionVisio |
[Error] Cannot validate argument on parameter 'ApplicationPool'. The argument is null or empty. Supply an argument that is not null or empty and then try the command again |
NewExcelTrustFileLocation |
[Error] Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Address' because it is null |
StartServicesOnServers |
[Error] You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression |
ProvisionExcel |
[Error] Cannot bind argument to parameter 'ApplicationPool' because it is null |
36 Event ID: 3760
Feature Description:
1. SQL Database 'WSS_Search_G4W4719G' on SQL Server instance 'GVV40919' not found. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below.
Cannot open database "WSS_Search_G4W4719G" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'AMERICAS\$spent16pro'.
2.SQL Database 'ent17_WSS_Usage' on SQL Server instance 'GVV10899' not found. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below.
Cannot open database "ent17_WSS_Usage" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'ASIAPACIFIC\xuti'.
36.1 Category
36.2 Exception and Phenomena
1.if your DB likes 'WSS_Search_G4W4719G', please check SharePoint Foundation Search from CA à Application Management àManage services on server, is the status is error starting/ error stopping.
2.If your error DB likes“ent17_WSS_Usage'”, please check if you can access this db.
36.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
4. start Sharepoint Foundation Search will create a ‘WSS_Search_servername’ DB, if you delete it from SQL, you will got this error.
5. If you need this error DB, it may cause by you can’t access this DB.
36.4 Work Around and Solution
36.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
Case1 |
1. for first type error, you need go to CA à Application Management àManage services on server, check if the status of SharePoint Foundation Search is error starting/ error stopping. 2. Open your Services, check the Startup Type of SharePoint Foundation Search V4 Properties services, make sure it is Disabled. 3. Go to CA à Application Management àManage services on server, if SharePoint Foundation Search status is error starting, start it, you will got a DB like ‘WSS_Search_servername’, in the DB server. Then stop it, the DB will gone. And the status should be Stopped. |
Case 2 |
1.for second type error, just ask GDBA to reconfig your permission of this DB, after you can access this DB, 3760 error will gone. |
36.4.2 Solution
Action Taken
1. Check SharePoint Farm information.
2. Check event viewer, and found there are some errors 3760 on several servers:
3. Go to SQL Server, found there is not such database named “WSS_Search_G1W4229G”.
4. Had a discussion that confirmed that you have deleted this database from SQL Server directly.
5. Since this database should belong to SharePoint Foundation Search. We go to Central Administration, found this service is in Stopping status.
6. Try to stop it via powershell command, but failed:
7. Go to services page on the other server, found the SharePoint Foundation Search is in Error Starting status.
8. We re-start it by the other database name, it started successfully.
9. Then, we stop it again.
10. After checked on all servers, all status are correct, in Stopped status.
11. Issue has been fixed. And told customer that we cannot delete any SharePoint databases on SQL Server directly.
37 Event ID: 5555
Feature Description:
Failure trying to synch web application 903f1c22-094d-4b2f-8454-d4d9b11d7dea, ContentDB 6b3b1b22-10e4-42ee-aac3-ae2e4312ca4a Exception message was System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection(DbConnection owningObject)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()
37.1 Category
37.2 Exception and Phenomena
37.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
37.4 Work Around and Solution
Action Taken
12. Check SharePoint Farm information.
13. Collected SharePoint logs and analyzed the logs, and found there are the same errors.
Failure trying to synch web application 903f1c22-094d-4b2f-8454-d4d9b11d7dea, ContentDB 6b3b1b22-10e4-42ee-aac3-ae2e4312ca4a Exception message was System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.
14. Checked that UPA synch is up and running.
15. No timer job is stuck.
16. Synch connection is configured correctly.
17. On ALL of the SharePoint servers in the farm, Run à services.msc à stop “SharePoint 2010 Timer” service.
18. Go to one SharePoint server, navigate to: Server 2008 location: “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config\<GUID>”
(You can see lots of XML file in that folder and also one *.ini file named “cache.ini”)
20. Delete all the XML files in that directory, but keep the “cache.ini”.
21. Open the cache.ini with Notepad and change the number to “1”. Then, save and close the file.
22. Repeat step b~d on all SharePoint server in your farm.
23. Go to one SharePoint server, start “SharePoint 2010 Timer” service. Then, wait for all XML files generating. (should be finished in several minutes.)
24. Repeat step f on all SharePoint server in your farm.
25. It’s done after all XML files have been generated again on all SharePoint server.
26. Issue has been fixed.
38 Optimization System
Feature Description: event viewer always popup some strange error, you can use this way to optimization your system.
38.1 Category
38.2 Exception and Phenomena
38.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
38.4 Work Around and Solution
38.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Open a SharePoint power shell, run command : |
2. Run below two lines to disable chimney and rss: netsh int tcp set global chimney=disabled netsh int tcp set global rss=disabled |
3. Run below command to check the status: |
4. Use Startàrunàregedit to enter registry Editor, open: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters, right click Parameters, create a new DWORD(32-bit value) parameter, name: EnableTCPA, double click EnableTCPA, make sure it’s value data is 0. |
38.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
39 Can’t uninstall Microsoft Office Web App
Feature Description: when uninstall Microsoft Office Web Apps, System is no response.
39.1 Category
39.2 Exception and Phenomena
39.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
39.4 Work Around and Solution
Notice: you need uninstall Web App before SharePoint, if you uninstall SharePoint first, there will have some errors.
39.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description | there are some solution |
39.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
40 get-help about_signing
Feature Description:
File D:\software\SP2010\AutoSPInstaller3\2Installation\script\2Sp2010_Binary_Installation.ps1 cannot be loaded because the execution of script
s is disabled on this system. Please see "get-help about_signing" for more details.
At line:1 char:2
40.1 Category
40.2 Exception and Phenomena
40.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
40.4 Work Around and Solution
40.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
40.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
You can use below command to solve: Execution Policy Change The execution policy helps protect you from scripts that you do not trust. Changing the execution policy might expose you to the security risks described in the about_Execution_Policies help topic. Do you want to change the execution policy? [Y] Yes [N] No [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"):<按Y> |
41 Error in component
Feature Description: Run script 3Sp2010_Forming_Automation.ps1 failed, error message: Cannot access the local farm. Verify that the local farm is properly configured, currently available, and that you have the appropriate permissions to access the database before trying again.
Got report:
Action |
Status |
Message |
ConfigureFarmAdmin |
Already installed |
CreateOrJoinFarm |
Failure |
- Error creating new farm configuration database |
CheckFarmTopology |
Failure |
Cannot access the local farm. Verify that the local farm is properly configured, currently available, and that you have the appropriate permissions to access the database before trying again. |
ConfigureFarm |
Failure |
Cannot access the local farm. Verify that the local farm is properly configured, currently available, and that you have the appropriate permissions to access the database before trying again. |
ConfigureOfficeWebApps |
Failure |
Cannot access the local farm. Verify that the local farm is properly configured, currently available, and that you have the appropriate permissions to access the database before trying again. |
End TimeStamp |
2012-10-24 22:59:02 |
41.1 Category
41.2 Exception and Phenomena
41.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
41.4 Work Around and Solution
41.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
Check the .net framework on your server, it should be 3.5, can’t be .net framework 4 or other version. |
42 Popup error dialog when run component.
Feature Description:
Unable to cast COM object of type 'Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.CTaskScheduler' to interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.ITaskScheduler'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{148BD527-A2AB-11CE-B11F-00AA00530503}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).
42.1 Category
42.2 Exception and Phenomena
42.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
42.4 Work Around and Solution
42.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
Run this script in powershell instead of powerGUI |
42.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
43 Should Remove Inactive Crawl Topology: 1ee03ec9-9184-4732-b9cd-18add01a51f8.
Feature Description: function Search Topology: Crawl Components got error message:” Should Remove Inactive Crawl Topology: 1ee03ec9-9184-4732-b9cd-18add01a51f8” in farm validation report:
43.1 Category
43.1.1 Solution
1. Execute “Get-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlTopology –SearchApplication $applicationName” , tip: $applicationName is a dynamic variable you need to change to probably value to meet your require.
Then you will get the ID: 1ee03ec9-9184-4732-b9cd-18add01a51f8 and which State is Inactive
2. To execute the following command with sequence:
$searchapp = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication "farmTwo_SearchApp1"
$topo = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlTopology -SearchApplication $searchapp –Identity 1ee03ec9-9184-4732-b9cd-18add01a51f8
$topo | Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlTopology
3. After the step 2, run the “Get-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlTopology –SearchApplication $applicationName” command again, you’ll see the inactive crawl component disappear like below:
44 Alternate Access Mappings
Feature Description: Alternate Access Mappings error in farm validate report
44.1 Category
44.2 Exception and Phenomena
44.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
The AAM config is not success.
44.4 Work Around and Solution
44.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Go to CAàApplication managementàConfigure alternate access mappings to check is all the AAM configured in each web app. |
2. Add all the AAM, and run farm validate again. |
44.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
45 SQL Server Setting
Feature Description: SQL Server Setting error in farm validates report:
45.1 Category
45.1.1 Solution
The fill-factor option is provided for fine-tuning index data storage and performance, you just right click the database instance then hit the Properties and click the Database Settings tab, and you’ll see the following figure, for more information about the fill-factor please refer to
Or to execute the following T-SQL:
46 The number of days items are kept in the recycle bin
Feature Description: got error of The number of days items are kept in the recycle bin in farm validate report.
46.1 Category
46.2 Exception and Phenomena
46.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
46.4 Work Around and Solution
46.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
46.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
Use SharePoint management shell to run command: $200gbInBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 200 Get-SPWebApplication | Set-SPOfficeWebAppsCache -ExpirationPeriodInDays 30 -MaxSizeInBytes $200gbInBytes |
47 Database Recovery Setting
Feature Description: Database Recovery Setting error in farm validates report:
47.1 Category
47.2 Exception and Phenomena
47.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
47.4 Work Around and Solution
47.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
47.4.2 Solution
There are two approaches to do that and to avoid such kind of issue happening again:
1. One is programming, Awen to active the content db’s Recovery model to “FULL” before to run the “VerifyDatabaseSetting” in 6Sp2010_Farm_validation.ps1, (ALTER DATABASE farmTwo1_MHSMOYM3_content1 SET Recovery FULL )
2. The other one is: to set the specify value manually, refer to the following figures:
Lookup the content db from Farm Sql server Explore, then right click the content db and hit the properties, after that you’ll see the following screen,
48 op_Addition error
Feature Description: Method invocation failed because [System.Management.Automation.FunctionInfo] doesn't contain a method named 'op_Additio
At C:\AutoSPInstaller3\SP2010\2Installation\script\2Sp2010_Binary_Installation.ps1:1465 char:58
+ if($pipeEnable -eq "true"){$client.WriteString($action + <<<< ": " + $msg)}
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (op_Addition:String) [], RuntimeException
48.1 Problem Root Cause Analysis
if($pipeEnable -eq "true"){$client.WriteString($action + ": " + $msg)}
这种情况下powershell 会把$action 识别为一个function,所以会报错
If you invoke the “if($pipeEnable -eq "true"){ $client.WriteString($action + ": " + $Message)}”
If capture the send string is like CreateOrJoinFarm + : + : - Error creating new farm configuration database , which will be send to the toolset, but the format is incorrect it should be:
“CreateOrJoinFarm :Error creating new farm configuration database” so I change the sentence to:
if($pipeEnable -eq "true"){ $client.WriteString(“$action:$Message”)} to let powershell cast it force
While you using $MyInvocation.MyCommand to obtain current function name you should cast it to string $MyInvocation.MyCommand.tostring() first then to invoke and pass it to processvalue methodlike below
$report += processvalue -status "1" -msg "" -action $MyInvocation.MyCommand.tostring()
if($pipeEnable -eq "true"){ $client.WriteString(“$action:$Message”)} to let powershell to cast the $MyInvocation.MyCommand to string force.
48.2 Work Around and Solution
48.2.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
把这行改为 if($pipeEnable -eq "true"){$client.WriteString(“$action : $msg”)} |
49 Can’t enable ASP.NET v4.0
Feature Description: got error when install sharepoint 2013.
49.1 Category
Error in powershell:
WARNING: 2012-11-09 01:46:20 - Error when enabling ASP.NET v4.0.30319
WARNING: 2012-11-09 01:46:20 - Error: The tool was unable to install Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role.
WARNING: 2012-11-09 01:46:20 - Last return code (-2146646015)
- A known issue occurred configuring .NET 4 / IIS.
Error in sharepoint server 2013 Preview:
49.2 Exception and Phenomena
49.3 Problem Root Cause Analysis
49.4 Work Around and Solution
49.4.1 Work Around
input |
Description |
1. Open Server Manager. 4. reinstall Web Server (IIS), select all the items when install. 6. run command aspnet_regiis –enable –i, if this command failed, you can try aspnet_regiis –r, the message should be like below: |
49.4.2 Solution
output |
Description |
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