

require(tokenOwner[tokenId] == 0x0,'this is not the first create');

在上面的断言中,只有当你满足了tokenOwner[tokenId] == 0x0这个 条件,你才能继续往下执行,否则就会报错“this is not the first create”。

然后当我们使用remix这个编译器的时候,是能够在出错的时候得到reason string这个错误信息的,如下:

Transact to  token.create errored:VM error:revert.
revert The transaction has been reverted to the initial state.
Reason provided by the contract: “this is not the first create”. Debug the transaction to get more information.



就是查找如何能够在使用geth搭建的私有链及web3js来实现revert/require的reason string的获得。



然后在GitHub中的EIP758(https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-758.md)可以看见这的确是一个没有实现的功能,就是在remix中能够返回require和revert中的信息,但是geth是会把这个信息直接扔掉的。除此之外,从EIP758也知道,如果你智能合约中的函数有返回值(return data),那么也是会被抛弃的。

⚠️但是EIP758一直讲的都是return data的问题,但是很多地方谈reason string的时候又把他们合在一起,可能两者的实现是一起的吧!!!!!
这个好像就是大家也都发现的问题,就是geth是会把内部得到的返回值(或者require和revert中的信息reason string)信息直接扔掉的,但是后面EIP758提出了解决了这个问题的方案:
This EIP proposes that callers should be able to subscribe to (or poll for) completed transactions. The Ethereum node sends the return data to the caller when the transactions are sealed.
目前如果当你的函数是通过eth_sendTransaction or eth_sendRawTransaction RPC request来执行的,那么外部访问者是没有方法获得return data的。

解决方法是在web3js中的函数eth_subscribe中添加查看交易的return data的功能,详细情况自己看。

Directly - not yet, pending ethereum/solidity#1686.
You should be able to step it through a debugger, like the one in Remix.



This functions in two different ways,:
via the JSON-RPC command eth_subscribe. If the client has a full-duplex
connection (ipc or ws), it can issue an eth_subscribe command with
params= [“returnData”].For any transactions submitted by the same client
after that, the tx hash is saved internally while the transaction is
pending, and the appropriate client is notified when it completes.
就是如果你的连接方式是ipc or ws,那你就可以使用命令eth_subscribe,参数指定是“returnData”,即返回信息。然后当交易pending的时候,tx hash并不会给你,而是会保存在内部,直到成功写上区块的时候才会通知你信息
client has only a half-duplex connection (http), then eth_subscribe is
not allowed since there are no callbacks. Instead,
eth_newReturnDataFilter is sent, the return data of subsequent
transactions are stored up in a queue internally, and returned to the
client when eth_getFilterChanges is called with the same subscription

proposal is to add a from field in the params of
eth_newReturnDataFilter, so that they only listen to transactions sent
from a specific address, or a list of addresses--not everyone's
transactions. (I've also mentioned an alternative of adding a subID
param to eth_sendTransaction and eth_sendRawTransaction, which would
also solve the problem.)

improvement I plan to add soon is an optional bool param noEmpty, which
can suppress notifications for transactions where there is no return
data. For noEmpty=false, the client will still be notified when the
requested transactions complete, but the return data field will be []


EIP Status Terms

Draft - an EIP that is undergoing rapid iteration and changes
Last Call - an EIP that is done with its initial iteration and ready for review by a wide audience
Accepted - a core EIP that has been in Last Call for at least weeks and any technical changes that were requested have been addressed by the author
Final (non-Core) - an EIP that has been in Last Call for at least weeks and any technical changes that were requested have been addressed by the author.
Final (Core) - an EIP that the Core Devs have decide to implement and release in a future hard fork or has already been released in a hard fork
Deferred - an EIP that is not being considered for immediate adoption. May be reconsidered in the future for a subsequent hard fork.

这个建议的依据是EIP 658


EIP 658是建议将return data写到 transaction receipts,但是这样会导致 return data is not charged for (as it is not stored on the blockchain), so adding it to transaction receipts could result in DoS and spam opportunities.
所以最后的解决方案是在transaction receipts加上一个状态status,通过eth.getTransactionReceipt()查看,status为0x0,则交易失败;status为0x1,则交易成功。该建议的status是final,说明已经实现。


在这里我们能够发现现在ganache-core和truffle的新版本v5.0(beta)已经实现了能够查看reason string的功能,但是我还没试过,大家可以自己去看看(但是我就是想使用geth的)

  • Remix gets the reason string because it runs ethereumjs-vm in the browser and can just grab the return data directly out of the vm. The clients' default behavior is to throw that data away rather than include it in the response, so we need changes at that layer to be able to do the same thing.

  • Ganache just merged a PR last week that attaches return data to the error message on eth_call. That change is queued for the next release. As soon as it becomes available we'll begin work on integrating this into the next version of truffle-contract.






web3.js is not the culprit. There is actually no way to retrieve the revert reason from a node. 

EIP 758 is a proposal to solve that, and there's Geth (ethereum/go-ethereum#16424) and Ganache (trufflesuite/ganache-core#116) issues to implement it.



I guess we'll have to wait and see how that plays out.

looks like truffle 5.0 will allow for this to be possible: see the relevant beta release notes.


truffle v5.0.0-beta.0 是如何解决这个问题的呢:

Revert with reason strings!!

Find out the reason. At the moment this feature is only supported by the ganache-cli client (>= 6.1.3). Parity and Geth are still working out their implementations.


require(msg.sender == owner, 'not authorized');


try {
await example.transferToSelf({from: nonOwner})
} catch (err) {
assert(err.reason === 'not authorized');
assert(err.message.includes('not authorized');


Alpha版: 此版本表示该软件在此阶段主要是以实现软件功能为主,通常只在软件开发者内部交流,一般而言,该版本软件的Bug较多,需要继续修改。
Beta版: 该版本相对于α版已有了很大的改进,消除了严重的错误,但还是存在着一些缺陷,需要经过多次测试来进一步消除,此版本主要的修改对像是软件的UI。
RC版: 该版本已经相当成熟了,基本上不存在导致错误的BUG,与即将发行的正式版相差无几。
Release版: 该版本意味“最终版本”,在前面版本的一系列测试版之后,终归会有一个正式版本,是最终交付用户使用的一个版本。该版本有时也称为标准版。一般情况下,Release不会以单词形式出现在软件封面上,取而代之的是符号(R)。





新生成一个文件remix-revert,将之前运行智能合约的文件夹中的package.json复制粘贴过去,然后将里面的web3版本改为1.0.0,而不是还使用0.20.1,然后使用npm init来把package.json中的模块都安装下来。但是后面发现这样不能成功,老是报错,所以打算还是直接一个个安装吧。

npm init :生成package.json
npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near ‘...xpress/-/express-2.1.
npm cache clean —-force


再后面我看见一个问题就是有人问他发现就是如果使用了reason string,它所使用的gas会变得很高,就是使用reason string是一件十分奢侈的事情:

It will not be part of storage, but more likely be stored as a combination of push and mstore
原因可能就是在编译的过程中,需要将这些reason string压到内存当中,这个过程当然是会花费gas的。所以我的交易总是频繁地出现out of gas的原因很有可能就是使用了require的reason string的原因了,所以我的tx的gas才会这么高


Currently all strings are broken up into 32 byte items, PUSHd and MSTOREd.
The helper function CompilerUtils::storeStringData is doing this, however it has a fixed rule for only doing it for >128 characters.
It should be exposed to the optimiser (or user) to decide based on cost.

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