
List some android malware datasets in academic research.Some of them are still up to date.

  1. 我这里有Drebin的数据集,以及VirusTotal(2018.3)的android恶意样本,约15GB。VirusTotal的数据集在Google云盘上,Drebin数据集我上传了 2560/5560 个到OneDrive(由于空间受限)。需要的可联系我本人,并告知机构和身份(分享Google云盘需要提供你的gmail)。
  2. 历史的数据集例如Drebin、Genome 等可以联系导师,然后发邮件联系他们获取,一些不再共享的也可以联系一些已经拥有数据集的大学和机构,基本上国内知名的大学都会有这些数据集。
  3. VirusTotal的样本可以自己去申请。分为API和恶意文件夹。前者可以等到详细的样本检测报告,后者的话主要是大量的恶意样本。但是VirusTotal样本申请需要填写大量的信息,例如身份、研究的内容、学校和导师的资料等。
  4. Contagio样本的密码,直接联系博主本人即可。
  5. 所有样本仅可用于学术研究,并且请指出样本来源。

VirusTotal Mobile Apps Samples

VirusTotal: Analyze suspicious files and URLs to detect types of malware including viruses, worms, and trojans.

Description: VirusTotal can also be used through a smartphone app. VirusTotal is about empowering the Community in order to build tools that will make the Internet a safer place, as such, we like to credit and feature Community-developed goodies that help the antivirus industry in receiving more files in order to have more visibility into threats. Below you can find links to apps that will allow you to interact with VirusTotal making use of your smartphone, note that these are not developed by VirusTotal itself and so we are not responsible for them.

Sample Volume: N/A

Collected Time: up to date

HomePage: https://www.virustotal.com

Way to get:

  1. If you need a small volume of sample, login to VirusTotal and download manually.
  2. If you need a large volume of sample, email to virusTotal for academic requests. You can choose "access to the Academic API" or "access to a folder of malware"

Contagio Mobile Malware Mini Dump

Description: aka "take a sample, leave a sample"Contagio mobile mini-dump is a part of contagiodump.blogspot.com. Contagio mobile mini-dump offers an upload dropbox for you to share your mobile malware samples. You can also download any samples individually or in one zip.

Sample Volume: N/A

Collected Time: up to date

HomePage: http://contagiominidump.blogspot.hk/

Way to get: free for download in Contagio blogs.And you can also download the sample from this link: http://contagiomobile.deependresearch.org/index.html However, the package need password to decompress, you need to email bloger to get password.


Description: Koodous is a collaborative platform that combines the power of online analysis tools with social interactions between the analysts over a vast APKs repository.

Sample Volume: N/A

Collected Time: up to date

HomePage: https://koodous.com/

Way to get: register and download manually or use the api.

The Drebin Dataset

Description: The dataset contains 5,560 applications from 179 different malware families. The samples have been collected in the period of August 2010 to October 2012 and were made available to us by the MobileSandbox project.

Sample Volume: 5,560 applications from 179 different malware families

Collected Time: 2010.8 - 2012.10


  1. Daniel Arp, Michael Spreitzenbarth, Malte Huebner, Hugo Gascon, and Konrad Rieck "Drebin: Efficient and Explainable Detection of Android Malware in Your Pocket", 21th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), February 2014
  2. Michael Spreitzenbarth, Florian Echtler, Thomas Schreck, Felix C. Freling, Johannes Hoffmann, "MobileSandbox: Looking Deeper into Android Applications", 28th International ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), March 2013

HomePage: https://www.sec.cs.tu-bs.de/~danarp/drebin/index.html

Way to get: send email

Android Malware Genome Project

(2015/12/21) Due to limited resources and the situation that students involving in this project have graduated, we decide to stop the efforts of malware dataset sharing.

Description: In this project, we focus on the Android platform and aim to systematize or characterize existing Android malware. Particularly, with more than one year effort, we have managed to collect more than 1,200 malware samples that cover the majority of existing Android malware families, ranging from their debut in August 2010 to recent ones in October 2011.

Sample Volume: more than 1,200

Collected Time: 2010.8 - 2011.10


Yajin Zhou, Xuxian Jiang, Dissecting Android Malware: Characterization and Evolution. Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland 2012). San Francisco, CA, May 2012

HomePage: http://www.malgenomeproject.org/

Way to get: ask someone who had already get this dataset. following universities, research labs and companies

Kharon Malware Dataset

Description: The Kharon dataset is a collection of malware totally reversed and documented. This dataset has been constructed to help us to evaluate our research experiments. Its construction has required a huge amount of work to understand the malicous code, trigger it and then construct the documentation. This dataset is now available for research purpose, we hope it will help you to lead your own experiments.

Papers: CIDRE, EPI. Kharon dataset: Android malware under a microscope. Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment Results (2016): 1.

Homepage: http://kharon.gforge.inria.fr/dataset/

AMD Project

Description: AMD contains 24,553 samples, categorized in 135 varieties among 71 malware families ranging from 2010 to 2016. The dataset provides an up-to-date picture of the current landscape of Android malware, and is publicly shared with the community.

Sample Volume: 24,553 samples

Collected Time: 2010 to 2016

Li Y, Jang J, Hu X, et al. Android malware clustering through malicious payload mining[C]//International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses. Springer, Cham, 2017: 192-214.

Wei F, Li Y, Roy S, et al. Deep Ground Truth Analysis of Current Android Malware[C]//International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment. Springer, Cham, 2017: 252-276.

Homepage: http://amd.arguslab.org




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