
  • IList接口,包括一维数组。
  • IListSource接口,比如DataTable,DataSet类。
  • IBindingList接口,比如BindingList<T>类。
  • IBindingListView接口,比如BindingSource类。


DataTable dtEmployees = new DataTable();
dataGridView1.DataSource = dtEmployees;


DataTable gridTable = (DataTable) dataGrid1.DataSource;

// Set the RowFilter to display a company names that
// begin with A through I..
gridTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = "Age < 30";

但是,有的时候我们会用DataTable.Select方法提取出给定条件的DataRow集合数组,如果想直接把这个List<DataRow>作为数据源,最终会呈现几列没有意义的数据(RowError, RowState, Table, and HasErrors)。

实际上,我们也无法将一个IEnumerable<T>对象(比如,一个LINQ查询)作为数据源。 LINQ查询, 必须调用.ToList(). 或.ToArray()方法将其转换成非泛型的对象。


Databinding is controlled by the ListBindingHelper and TypeDescriptor classes.  When you bind to a list, the ListBindingHelper.GetListItemProperties method is called to get the columns in the list.  If the list implements the ITypedList interface, its GetItemProperties  method is called.  Otherwise, it will use TypeDescriptor to get the properties of the first item in the list.  (this uses reflection)

The DataView class (which DataTable also binds through, using IListSource) implements ITypedList and returns DataColumnPropertyDescriptors that expose the columns in the table.  This is why you can bind to a DataView or DataTable and see columns.  However, when you bind to a List<DataRow>, there is no ITypedList that can return the columns as properties.  It therefore falls back on reflection and shows the physical properties of the DataRow class.



To solve this issue, you need to wrap the list in a DataView so that you can take advantage of its ITypedList implementation.  You can do that using the AsDataView() method.  This method is only available on the DataTable  and EnumerableRowCollection<T> classes; it cannot be called on an arbitrary LINQ query.  You can only get an EnumerableRowCollection<T> by calling special versions of the Cast, OrderBy, Where, and Select methods from a DataTable.


DataTable dtEmployee = buildMockTable();
DataRow[] drEmployees = dtEmployee.Select("emp_age <= 50"); List<DataRow> list = drEmployees.ToList<DataRow>();
dgvEmployees.DataSource = dtEmployee.AsEnumerable().Where(list.Contains).AsDataView();
// dgvEmployees.DataSource = dtEmployee.AsEnumerable().CopyToDataTable();

当然也可以调用CopyToDataTable方法,但这样会深拷贝所有的DataRow, 所以如果想更新数据或向让用户看到原始数据上的变化时就比较麻烦。


DataTable dtEmployee = buildMockTable();
DataRow[] drEmployees = dtEmployee.Select("emp_age > 50"); DataTable filteredTable = new DataTable("Employee");
filteredTable = dtEmployee.Copy();
filteredTable.Rows.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in drEmployees)
dgvEmployees.DataSource = filteredTable.DefaultView;


Source Code: DataSourceWithDataRow



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