October 15th 2017 Week 42nd Sunday
Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident.
It is said that ten thousands of trainings can make your skills excellent.
But note that requires continuous efforts and improvements, not just repeating simple tasks.
Just like programming, if you just write the 'Hello world' pogram, you can't become excellent even you've coded that prgram for thousands of times.
Exercise, summarize, refine and make that process develop into a good closed-loop.
Never trouble another for what you can do for yourself.
From Thomas Jefferson.
That might be not a good advice for those who are the leaders in their teams.
After all, the strength of an individual is very limited, but the team is a tremendous and boundless source of force.
A leader must know how to allocate the assignments reasonably, and how to create a favorable conditions and environments for his team-members to grow and get personal promotion.
Now I am at a relatively higher rank than my team-mates, it is really not a good way to envy their achievements, that is not the way a leader or a vanguard should behave in.
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