安装 pip install retry
retry(exceptions=Exception, tries=-1, delay=0, max_delay=None, backoff=1, jitter=0, logger=logging_logger):
"""Return a retry decorator.
:param exceptions: an exception or a tuple of exceptions to catch. default: Exception.
:param tries: the maximum number of attempts. default: -1 (infinite).
:param delay: initial delay between attempts. default: 0.
:param max_delay: the maximum value of delay. default: None (no limit).
:param backoff: multiplier applied to delay between attempts. default: 1 (no backoff).
:param jitter: extra seconds added to delay between attempts. default: 0.
fixed if a number, random if a range tuple (min, max)
:param logger: logger.warning(fmt, error, delay) will be called on failed attempts.
default: retry.logging_logger. if None, logging is disabled.
@retry(ZeroDivisionError, tries=3, delay=2)
def make_trouble():
def retry_call(f, fargs=None, fkwargs=None, exceptions=Exception, tries=-1, delay=0, max_delay=None, backoff=1,
Calls a function and re-executes it if it failed.
:param f: the function to execute.
:param fargs: the positional arguments of the function to execute.
:param fkwargs: the named arguments of the function to execute.
:param exceptions: an exception or a tuple of exceptions to catch. default: Exception.
:param tries: the maximum number of attempts. default: -1 (infinite).
:param delay: initial delay between attempts. default: 0.
:param max_delay: the maximum value of delay. default: None (no limit).
:param backoff: multiplier applied to delay between attempts. default: 1 (no backoff).
:param jitter: extra seconds added to delay between attempts. default: 0.
fixed if a number, random if a range tuple (min, max)
:param logger: logger.warning(fmt, error, delay) will be called on failed attempts.
default: retry.logging_logger. if None, logging is disabled.
:returns: the result of the f function.
import requests
from retry.api import retry_call
def make_trouble(service, info=None):
if not info:
info = ''
r = requests.get(service + info)
return r.text
def what_is_my_ip(approach=None):
if approach == "optimistic":
tries = 1
elif approach == "conservative":
tries = 3
# skeptical
tries = -1
result = retry_call(make_trouble, fargs=[""], fkwargs={"info": "ip"}, tries=tries)
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