- 1 # 整数部分十进制转二进制
- 2
- 3 num = int(raw_input(">>>"))
- 4
- 5 if num < 0:
- 6 isNeg = True
- 7 num = abs(num)
- 8 else:
- 9 isNeg = False
- 10 result = ''
- 11 if num == 0:
- 12 result = ''
- 13 while num > 0:
- 14 result = str(num%2) + result
- 15 num = num/2
- 16 if isNeg:
- 17 result = '-' + result
- 18 # 小数部分十进制转二进制
- 19
- 20 x = float(raw_input('Enter a decimal number between 0 and 1: '))
- 21
- 22 p = 0
- 23 while ((2**p)*x)%1 != 0:
- 24 print('Remainder = ' + str((2**p)*x - int((2**p)*x)))
- 25 p += 1
- 26
- 27 num = int(x*(2**p))
- 28
- 29 result = ''
- 30 if num == 0:
- 31 result = ''
- 32 while num > 0:
- 33 result = str(num%2) + result
- 34 num = num/2
- 35
- 36 for i in range(p - len(result)):
- 37 result = '' + result
- 38
- 39 result = result[0:-p] + '.' + result[-p:]
- 40 print('The binary representation of the decimal ' + str(x) + ' is ' + str(result))
- # 穷举法猜测检验平方根
- x = 25
- epsilon = 0.01
- step = epsilon**2
- numGuesses = 0
- ans = 0.0
- while (abs(ans**2 - x)) >= epsilon and ans <= x:
- ans += step
- numGuesses += 1
- print('numGuesses = ' + str(numGuesses))
- if abs(ans**2-x) >= epsilon:
- print('Failed on square root of ' + str(x))
- else:
- print(str(ans) + ' is close to the square root of ' + str(x))
- # 二分法猜测检验平方根
- # bisection search for square root
- x = 12345
- epsilon = 0.01
- numGuesses = 0
- low = 0.0
- high = x
- ans = (high + low)/2.0
- while abs(ans**2 - x) >= epsilon:
- print('low = ' + str(low) + ' high = ' + str(high) + ' ans = ' + str(ans))
- numGuesses += 1
- if ans**2 < x:
- low = ans
- else:
- high = ans
- ans = (high + low)/2.0
- print('numGuesses = ' + str(numGuesses))
- print(str(ans) + ' is close to square root of ' + str(x))
- # Lecture 3.7, slide 3
- # 牛顿-罗斐逊 算法搜寻平方根(g-(g**2-k)/2g)
- epsilon = 0.01
- y = 24.0
- guess = y/2.0
- while abs(guess*guess - y) >= epsilon:
- guess = guess - (((guess**2) - y)/(2*guess))
- print(guess)
- print('Square root of ' + str(y) + ' is about ' + str(guess))
- #第一个python程序
- import pickle as p
- linkmanfile = ''
- #the name of the file where we will store the object
- linkman = { 'zhangyunpeng' : '',
- 'xuleisen' : '',
- 'yinrui' : '',
- 'yancangkuo' : '',
- 'lijizhou' : '',
- 'liuyulong' : ''
- }
- #set up linkman data base
- print '%d lineman:' % len(linkman)
- for name, qq in linkman.items():
- print '%s : %s' % (name, qq)
- #list original listing
- print'(1-search 2-delete 3-add 0-revise)'
- #prompting of operation
- k = int(raw_input('please input:'))
- if k == 1:
- s = raw_input('Search the linkman name:')
- print '%s' % linkman[s]
- elif k == 2:
- d = raw_input('delete the linkman name:')
- del linkman[d]
- elif k == 3:
- a = raw_input('add the linkman name:')
- A = raw_input('add the linkman number:')
- linkman[a] = A
- elif k == 0:
- r = raw_input('which revise:')
- linkman[r] = raw_input('revised number:')
- #code of process
- for name, qq in linkman.items():
- print '%s : %s' % (name, qq)
- #print new listing
- f = file(linkmanfile, 'w')
- p.dump(linkman, f)
- #put data into a file for using next
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- $(QTDIR);$(QTDIR)\include\QtCore;$(QTDIR)\include;
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