


  • 内核部分:Systrace利用了Linux Kernel中的ftrace功能。所以,如果要使用Systrace的话,必须开启kernel中和ftrace相关的模块。
  • 数据采集部分:Android定义了一个Trace类。应用程序可利用该类把统计信息输出给ftrace。同时,Android还有一个atrace程序,它可以从ftrace中读取统计信息然后交给数据分析工具来处理。
  • 数据分析工具:Android提供一个systrace.py(python脚本文件,位于Android SDK目录/tools/systrace中,其内部将调用atrace程序)用来配置数据采集的方式(如采集数据的标签、输出文件名等)和收集ftrace统计数据并生成一个结果网页文件供用户查看。 从本质上说,Systrace是对Linux Kernel中ftrace的封装。应用进程需要利用Android提供的Trace类来使用Systrace.



使用Systrace前,要先了解一下Systrace在各个平台上的使用方法,鉴于大家使用Eclipse和Android Studio的居多,所以直接摘抄官网关于这个的使用方法,不过不管是什么工具,流程是一样的:

  • 手机准备好你要进行抓取的界面
  • 点击开始抓取(命令行的话就是开始执行命令)
  • 手机上开始操作
  • 设定好的时间到了之后,会将生成Trace文件,使用Chrome将这个文件打开进行分析

Using Eclipse

  1. In Eclipse, open an Android application project.
    1. Switch to the DDMS perspective, by selecting Window > Perspectives > DDMS.
    2. In the Devices tab, select the device on which to run a trace. If no devices are listed, make sure your device is connected via USB cable and that debugging is enabled on the device.
    3. Click the Systrace icon at the top of the Devices panel to configure tracing.
    4. Set the tracing options and click OK to start the trace.

Using  Android Studio

  1. In Android Studio, open an Android application project.
    1. Open the Device Monitor by selecting Tools > Android > Monitor.
    2. In the Devices tab, select the device on which to run a trace. If no devices are listed, make sure your device is connected via USB cable and that debugging is enabled on the device.
    3. Click the Systrace icon at the top of the Devices panel to configure tracing.
    4. Set the tracing options and click OK to start the trace.

Using Device Monitor

  1. Navigate to your SDK tools/ directory.
    1. Run the monitor program.
    2. In the Devices tab, select the device on which to run a trace. If no devices are listed, make sure your device is connected via USB cable and that debugging is enabled on the device.
    3. Click the Systrace icon at the top of the Devices panel to configure tracing.
    4. Set the tracing options and click OK to start the trace.







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