1. BUG

1.1 BUG触发情况


1.2 BUG解析


2. 解决方案




* Calculate the forces the nodes apply on eachother based on a repulsion field.
* This field is linearly approximated.
* @private
_calculateNodeForces: function () {
var dx, dy, angle, distance, fx, fy, combinedClusterSize,
repulsingForce, node1, node2, i, j; var nodes = this.calculationNodes;
var nodeIndices = this.calculationNodeIndices; // approximation constants
var a_base = -2 / 3;
var b = 4 / 3; // repulsing forces between nodes
var nodeDistance = this.constants.physics.repulsion.nodeDistance;
var minimumDistance = nodeDistance; // we loop from i over all but the last entree in the array
// j loops from i+1 to the last. This way we do not double count any of the indices, nor i == j
for (i = 0; i < nodeIndices.length - 1; i++) {
node1 = nodes[nodeIndices[i]];
for (j = i + 1; j < nodeIndices.length; j++) {
node2 = nodes[nodeIndices[j]];
combinedClusterSize = node1.clusterSize + node2.clusterSize - 2; dx = node2.x - node1.x;
dy = node2.y - node1.y;
distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); minimumDistance = (combinedClusterSize == 0) ? nodeDistance : (nodeDistance * (1 + combinedClusterSize * this.constants.clustering.distanceAmplification));
var a = a_base / minimumDistance;
if (distance < 2 * minimumDistance) {
if (distance < 0.5 * minimumDistance) {
repulsingForce = 1.0;
else {
repulsingForce = a * distance + b; // linear approx of 1 / (1 + Math.exp((distance / minimumDistance - 1) * steepness))
} // amplify the repulsion for clusters.
repulsingForce *= (combinedClusterSize == 0) ? 1 : 1 + combinedClusterSize * this.constants.clustering.forceAmplification;
repulsingForce = repulsingForce / distance; fx = dx * repulsingForce;
fy = dy * repulsingForce; node1.fx -= fx;
node1.fy -= fy;
node2.fx += fx;
node2.fy += fy;




* Calculate the forces the nodes apply on eachother based on a repulsion field.
* This field is linearly approximated.
* @private
_calculateNodeForces: function () {
var dx, dy, angle, distance, fx, fy, combinedClusterSize,
repulsingForce, node1, node2, i, j; var nodes = this.calculationNodes;
var nodeIndices = this.calculationNodeIndices; // approximation constants
var a_base = -2 / 3;
var b = 4 / 3; // repulsing forces between nodes
var nodeDistance = this.constants.physics.repulsion.nodeDistance;
var minimumDistance = nodeDistance; // we loop from i over all but the last entree in the array
// j loops from i+1 to the last. This way we do not double count any of the indices, nor i == j
for (i = 0; i < nodeIndices.length - 1; i++) {
node1 = nodes[nodeIndices[i]];
for (j = i + 1; j < nodeIndices.length; j++) {
node2 = nodes[nodeIndices[j]];
combinedClusterSize = node1.clusterSize + node2.clusterSize - 2; dx = node2.x - node1.x;
dy = node2.y - node1.y;
distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if(distance == 0){
distance = 0.001;
} minimumDistance = (combinedClusterSize == 0) ? nodeDistance : (nodeDistance * (1 + combinedClusterSize * this.constants.clustering.distanceAmplification));
var a = a_base / minimumDistance;
if (distance < 2 * minimumDistance) {
if (distance < 0.5 * minimumDistance) {
repulsingForce = 1.0;
else {
repulsingForce = a * distance + b; // linear approx of 1 / (1 + Math.exp((distance / minimumDistance - 1) * steepness))
} // amplify the repulsion for clusters.
repulsingForce *= (combinedClusterSize == 0) ? 1 : 1 + combinedClusterSize * this.constants.clustering.forceAmplification;
repulsingForce = repulsingForce / distance; fx = dx * repulsingForce;
fy = dy * repulsingForce; node1.fx -= fx;
node1.fy -= fy;
node2.fx += fx;
node2.fy += fy;



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