
1、State Machine Behaviours

  A State Machine Behaviour is a special class of script. In a similar way to attaching regular Unity scripts (MonoBehaviours) to individual GameObjects, you can attach a StateMachineBehaviour script to an individual state within a state machine.

  StateMachineBehaviour 类似 MonoBehaviour。


2、when you make a transition to a sub-state machine, you have to choose which of its states you want to connect to.


  In sub-state-machine, You will notice an extra state in the sub-state machine whose name begins with Up.If you add a transition from a state in sub-state machine to the Up state, you will be prompted to choose one of the states of the enclosing machine to connect to.


3、Animation Layer.


  Mask是指一个Avatar Mask的资源。用于指定有效部分。

  An ‘M’ symbol is visible in the Layers sidebar to indicate the layer has a mask applied.


  Blending type. Override means information from other layers will be ignored, while Additive means that the animation will be added on top of previous layers.

  Sync. The state machine structure will then be the same, but the actual animation clips used by the states will be distinct.

  An ‘S’ is symbol is visible in the Layers sidebar to indicate the layer is a synced layer.

4、Blend Tree

  Blend Tree is used to blend between two or more similar motions.  Best known example is the blending of walking and running animations according to the character’s speed.


  BlendTree 和 Transition 之间的关系。

  • Transitions are used for transitioning smoothly from one Animation State to another over a given amount of time. Transitions are specified as part of an Animation State Machine. A transition from one motion to a completely different motion is usually fine if the transition is quick.

  • Blend Trees are used for allowing multiple animations to be blended smoothly by incorporating parts of them all to varying degrees. The amount that each of the motions contributes to the final effect is controlled using a blending parameter, which is just one of the numeric animation parameters associated with the Animator Controller. In order for the blended motion to make sense, the motions that are blended must be of similar nature and timing. Blend Trees are a special type of state in an Animation State Machine.







5、Animator Override Controller



6、Any State

  Any State is a special state which is always present. It exists for the situation where you want to go to a specific state regardless of which state you are currently in. This is a shorthand way of adding the same outward transition to all states in your machine. Note that the special meaning of Any State implies that it cannot be the end point of a transition (ie, jumping to “any state” cannot be used as a way to pick a random state to enter next).





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