
A colon (:) is used to represent a long vowel, e.g. sheet /ʃiːt/ and shit /ʃit/. The word bedsheet is used a lot in the TV series 'The Big Bang Theory.'

A syllable may be accented or stressed in pronunciation. The primary stress is the loudest syllable in the word. For example, fourteen /fɔːˈtiːn/. The apostrophe (') shows where the accent or stress is in the word. Secondary stresses are syllables which aren't completely unstressed, but aren’t as loud as the primary stress. /ˌfɔːˈtiːn/, if you want to polish it a bit. Some people call ˌ 'a lowered vertical line'. Unstressed syllables are syllables that have no stress at all. It's very important to stress the correct syllable, but in my humble opinion, the loudness or magnitude doesn't matter much, it's all relative. articulate /ɑ:'tikjuleit/ is a good one to practice. In British English, practice is a noun, and practise is a verb, but in American English, there's no difference, I suppose.

If you accentuate something, you make it more noticeable or emphasize it. The noun is accentuation. The meaning is similar to highligt, and don't mix it up with limelight and spotlight.

六级/考研单词: accent, pronounce, loud, polish, vertical, humble, magnitude, articulate, noun, verb, differentiate, accentuate, limelight, spotlight

形容口音浓重可以用broad, strong, thick等。thick的意思非常多:如厚薄的厚,粗细的粗,浓稠的浓,浓厚的浓。
更多搭配:have, speak in/with/without an slight/foreign/local/Indian/US/northern accent


gesture: 手势; gesticulate: 专八单词,[LDOCE] =gesture (可做动词). gesticulate, articulate, inarticulate, articulation: (1. making of speech sounds; 2. 关节)。这几个词都和关节有关,让我想起páo dīng jiě niú。


近/反义词: acknowledge | recognize (admit or accept that sth is true), admit (accept truth), assent, receive; decline, refuse, reject, repudiate

从词根看,accept=to take. LDOCE里take有33种不同的意思,这可咋整?只有多阅读。遇到work当动词用,整不明白时,就把它当do(整)来理解,关键看上下文。

有个笑话:有个miser掉进河里,give me your hand他不干,take my hand才把他救上来。

接受与接收有什么区别?A说:接收”是个更强调客体的表述,“接受”是个更强调主体的表述。B说:接受的对象是无形的东西,接收的对象是有形的。[汉典]现在还能当汉英词典用,查喇叭出来horn (automobile etc)​, loudspeaker, brass wind instrument, trumpet, suona, NICE!

仲尼适楚,出于林中,见痀偻(jū lóu)者承蜩(tiáo),犹掇(duō)之也。《庄子·达生》

康肃问曰:”汝亦知射乎?吾射不亦精乎?”翁曰:”我亦无他,但手熟尔。” 欧阳修《卖油翁》


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