
Das S, Suganthan P N. Differential Evolution: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art[J]. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2011, 15(1): 4-31.


title={Differential Evolution: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art},

author={Das, Swagatam and Suganthan, P N},

journal={IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation},





这是一篇关于Differential Evolution (DE) 的综述, 由于对这类方法并不熟悉, 只能简单地做个记录.



\[\min \: f(X),


我所知的, 如梯度下降方法, 贝叶斯优化可以用来处理这类问题, 但是还有诸如 evolutionary algorithm (EA), evolutionary programming (EP), evolution strategies(ESs), genetic algorithm (GA), 以及本文介绍的 DE (后面的基本都不了解).


先给出最初的形式, 称之为DE/rand/1/bin:

Input: scale factor \(F\), crossover rate \(Cr\), population size \(NP\).

1: 令\(G=0\), 并随机初始化\(P_G=\{ X_{1,G},\ldots, X_{NP,G}\}\).

2: While the stopping criterion is not satisfied Do:

  • For \(i=1,\ldots, NP\) do:
  1. Mutation step:
\[V_{i,G} = X_{r_1^i,G} + F \cdot (X_{r_2^i,G} - X_{r_3^i,G}).
  1. Crossover step: 按照如下方式生成\(U_{i,G}=(u_{1,i,G},\ldots, u_{D,i,G})\)
\[u_{j,i,G} =
\left \{ \begin{array}{ll}
v_{j,i,G} & if \: \mathrm{rand}[0,1] \le Cr \: or \: j=j_{rand} \\
x_{j,i,G} & otherwise.
\end{array} \right.
  1. Selection step:
\[X_{i,G} =
\left \{ \begin{array}{ll}
U_{i,G} & if \: f(U_{i,G}) \le f(X_{i,G}) \\
X_{i,G} & otherwise.
\end{array} \right.
  • End For.
  • \(G=G+1\).

    End While.

其中\(X_{i,G}=(x_{j,i,G}, \ldots, x_{D,i,G})\), \(j_{rand}\)是预先随机生成的一个属于\([1,D]\)的整数, 以保证\(U\)相对于\(X\)至少有些许变化产生, \(X_{r_1^i,G}, X_{r_2^i,G},X_{r_3^i,G}\)是从\(P_G\)中随机抽取且互异的.

在接下来我们可以发现很多变种, 而这些变种往往是Mutation step 和 Crossover step的变体.



这是crossover step步的的一个变种:

随机从\([1, D]\)中抽取整数\(n\)和\(L\), 然后

\[u_{j,i,G} =
\left \{ \begin{array}{ll}
v_{j,i,G} & if \: n \le j \le n+L-1\\
x_{j,i,G} & otherwise.
\end{array} \right.


  • \(L=0\)
  • while \(\mathrm{rand}[0,1] \le Cr\) and \(L\le D\):


\[V_{i,G}=X_{best,G} + F\cdot (X_{r_1^i,G} - X_{r_2^i,G}),



\[V_{i,G}=X_{best,G} + F\cdot (X_{r_1^i,G} - X_{r_2^i,G}) + F\cdot (X_{r_3^i,G} - X_{r_4^i,G}).


\[V_{i,G}=X_{r_1^i,G} + F\cdot (X_{r_2^i,G} - X_{r_3^i,G}) + F\cdot (X_{r_4^i,G} - X_{r_5^i,G}),


真的没有细看, 文中粗略地介绍了几处, 还有很多需要查原文.


有的推荐\([0.4, 1]\)(最佳0.5), 有的推荐\(0.6\), 有的推荐\([0.4, 0.95]\)(最佳0.9).

还有一些自适应的选择, 如

\[F =
\left \{ \begin{array}{ll}
\max \{l_{\min}, 1- |\frac{f_{\max}}{f_{\min}}|\} & if : |\frac{f_{\max}}{f_{\min}}|<1 \\
\max \{l_{\min}, 1- |\frac{f_{\max}}{f_{\min}}|\} & otherwise,
\end{array} \right.


\[F_{i,G+1} =
\left \{ \begin{array}{ll}
\mathrm{rand}[F_l, F_{u}] & with \: probability \:\tau \\
F_{i,G} & else,
\end{array} \right.

其中\(F_l\), \(F_u\)分别为\(F\)取值的下界和上界.


有的推荐\([5D,10D]\), 有的推荐\([3D, 8D]\).


有的推荐\([0.3, 0.9]\).


\[Cr_{i,G+1} =
\left \{ \begin{array}{ll}
\mathrm{rand}[0, 1] & with \: probability \:\tau \\
Cr_{i,G} & else,
\end{array} \right.



\[p=f(X_{r_1})+f(X_{r_2}) + f(X_{r_3}) \\
p_1 = f(X_{r_1})/p \\
p_2 = f(X_{r_2}) / p \\
p_3 = f(X_{r_1}) / p.

如果\(\mathrm{rand}[0,1] < \Gamma\)(\(\Gamma\)是给定的):

V_{i,G+1} = & (X_{r_1}+X_{r_2}+X_{r_3})/3 +(p_2-p_1)(X_{r_1}-X_{r_2}) \\
&+ (p_3-p_2)(X_{r_2} - X_{r_3}) + (p_1-p_3) (X_{r_3}- X_{r_1}),


\[V_{i,G+1} = X_{r_1} + F \cdot (X_{r_2}-X_{r_3}).


\[U_{i,G}=X_{i, G}+k_i \cdot (X_{r_1,G}-X_{i,G})+F' \cdot (X_{r_2,G}-X_{r_3, G}),

其中\(k_i\)给定, \(F'=k_i \cdot F\).



即在考虑\(x\)的时候, 还需要考虑其反\(a+b-x\), 假定\(x \in [a, b]\), \([a,b]\)为我们给定范围, \(X\)的反类似的构造.


其中\(X_{n_{best},G}\)表示在\(X_{i,G}\)的\(n\)的近邻中的最优点, \(p, q\in [i-k,i+k]\).


\[V_{i,G}= w \cdot g_{i, G} + (1-w) \cdot L_{i, G}.




  1. 高维问题不易处理;
  2. 容易被一些问题欺骗, 而现如局部最优解;
  3. 对不能分解的函数效果不是很好;
  4. 路径往往不会太大(即探索不充分);
  5. 缺少收敛性的理论的保证.



"dim": 2,
"F": 0.5,
"NP": 5,
"Cr": 0.35

""" import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import random class Parameter: def __init__(self, dim, xmin, xmax):
self.dim = dim
self.xmin = xmin
self.xmax = xmax
self.initial() def initial(self):
self.para = stats.uniform.rvs(
self.xmin, self.xmax - self.xmin
) @property
def data(self):
return self.para def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.para[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.para[key] = value def __len__(self):
return len(self.para) def __add__(self, other):
return self.para + other def __mul__(self, other):
return self.para * other def __pow__(self, power):
return self.para ** power def __neg__(self):
return -self.para def __sub__(self, other):
return self.para - other def __truediv__(self, other):
return self.para / other class DE: def __init__(self, func, dim ,F=0.5, NP=50,
Cr=0.35, xmin=-10, xmax=10,
self.func = func
self.dim = dim
self.F = F
self.NP = NP
self.Cr = Cr
self.xmin = np.array(xmin)
self.xmax = np.array(xmax)
assert all(self.xmin <= self.xmax), "Invalid xmin or xmax"
self.require_history = require_history
if self.require_history:
self.build_history() def init_x(self):
self.paras = [Parameter(self.dim, self.xmin, self.xmax)
for i in range(self.NP)] @property
def data(self):
return [para.data for para in self.paras] def build_history(self):
self.paras_history = [self.data] def add_history(self):
self.paras_history.append(self.data) def choose(self, size=3):
return random.sample(self.paras, k=size) def mutation(self):
x1, x2, x3 = self.choose(3)
return x1 + self.F * (x2 - x3) def crossover(self, v, x):
u = np.zeros_like(v)
for i, _ in enumerate(v):
jrand = random.randint(0, self.dim)
if np.random.rand() < self.Cr or i is jrand:
u[i] = v[i]
u[i] = x[i]
u[i] = v[i] if np.random.rand() < self.Cr else x[i]
return u def selection(self, u, x):
if self.func(u) < self.func(x):
x.para = u
pass def step(self):
donors = [self.mutation()
for i in range(self.NP)] for i, donor in enumerate(donors):
x = self.paras[i]
u = self.crossover(donor, x)
self.selection(u, x)
if self.require_history:
self.add_history() def multi_steps(self, times):
for i in range(times):
self.step() class DEbest1(DE): def bestone(self):
y = np.array([self.func(para)
for para in self.paras])
return self.paras[np.argmax(y)] def mutation(self, bestone):
x1, x2 = self.choose(2)
return bestone + self.F * (x1 - x2) def step(self):
bestone = self.bestone()
donors = [self.mutation(bestone)
for i in range(self.NP)] for i, donor in enumerate(donors):
x = self.paras[i]
u = self.crossover(donor, x)
self.selection(u, x)
if self.require_history:
self.add_history() class DEbest2(DEbest1): def mutation(self, bestone):
x1, x2, x3, x4 = self.choose(4)
return bestone + self.F * (x1 - x2) \
+ self.F * (x3 - x4) class DErand2(DE): def mutation(self):
x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 = self.choose(5)
return x1 + self.F * (x2 - x3) \
+ self.F * (x4 - x5) class DErandTM(DE): def mutation(self):
x = self.choose(3)
y = np.array(list(map(self.func, x)))
p = y / y.sum()
part1 = (x[0] + x[1] + x[2]) / 3
part2 = (p[1] - p[0]) * (x[0] - x[1])
part3 = (p[2] - p[1]) * (x[2] - x[1])
part4 = (p[0] - p[2]) * (x[2] - x[0])
return part1 + part2 + part3 + part4

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