
Label Purpose of this partition
Modem Partition for modem
Fsc Cookie partition to store Modem File System’s cookies.
Ssd Partition for ssd diag module. stores the encrypted RSA keys
Sbl1 Partition for secondary boot loader
Sbl1bak Back up Partition for secondary boot loader
Rpm Partition for rpm image
Rpmbak Back up Partition for rpm image
Tz Partition for tz image
Tzbak Back up Partition for tz image
Hyp Partition for hypervisor image
Hypbak Back up Partition for hypervisor image
Dsp Partition for adsp dymanic loaders image
Modemst1 Copy of Modem File System (Encrypted)
Modemst2 Copy of Modem File System (Encrypted)
DDR Partition for DDR.
Fsg Golden copy or backup of Modem File System (Encrypted). Also used to pre-populate the file system.
Sec Sec.dat contains fuse settings, mainly for secure boot and oem setting
Splash The splash screen is displayed during the apps bootloader (also called the LK). The display driver in LK will read the splash image data from a separate eMMC partition named as ’splash’
Aboot Partition for apps boot loader
Abootbak Back up Partition for apps boot loader
Boot This is the boot partition of your android device,It includes the android kernel and the ramdisk.
Recovery This is specially designed for backup. The recovery partition can be considered as an alternative boot partition
Devinfo Device information including:iis_unlocked, is_tampered, is_verified, charger_screen_enabled, display_panel, bootloader_version, radio_version All these attirbutes are set based on some specific conditions and written on devinfo partition,.
System This partition contains the entire Android OS, other than the kernel and the ramdisk. This includes the Android GUI and all the system applications that come pre-installed on the device
Cache This is the partition where Android stores frequently accessed data and app components
Persist Partition entry for persist image. which contains data which shouldn’t be changed after the device shipped, for example: calibration data of chips(wifi, bt, camera, etc.), certificates and other security related files.
Misc This partition contains miscellaneous system settings in form of on/off switches. These settings may include CID (Carrier or Region ID), USB configuration and certain hardware settings etc
Keystore Partition for keystore service.
Config Partition needed during display panel initialization. More info at Display_panel_configuration_in_Device_Tree
Oem "It is meant for storing OEM specific info. Customer in this case can decide whether he wants to keep this partition or not typically reserved partitions are kept for future use
Limits Partition to store LMh params on 8976 target. LMh (Limits management) driver in SBL writes the LMh HW trimmed data into separate partition and uses the same data for later reboots
Mota Backup partition for M ota upgrade
Devcfg Partition needed by TZ for M upgrades.
Dip Partition needed for SafeSwitch, feature (FR26255) designed to allow OEMs and carriers to address new smartphone theft bill issues.
Mdtp Partition needed for SafeSwitch, feature (FR26255) designed to allow OEMs and carriers to address new smartphone theft bill issues.
Userdata Partition for userdata image
Cmnlib Verified boot feature introduced in M needLK to load cmnlib corresponding partitions
Keymaster Verified boot feature introduced in M needs LK to load keymaster from corresponding partitions
Syscfg Syscfg is internal testing for Vmin and CPR characterization
Mcfg All MBNs place holder in flash. Specific MBN would be loaded by mcfg image based on the SIM/Carrier.
Msadp Used for modem debug policy
Apdp Used for persisting the debug policy. "Debug policy" is used to better support development and debug on secure/fuse-blown devices One instance of the debug policy will be signed for the AP
Dpo This partition will store a policy override


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